Sunday, June 2nd 2024

We are Hiring a Product Marketing Consultant

By sapu

UPDATE: This role has been filled so we are no longer accepting applicants. Thanks for your interest!

The TradeSkillMaster team is a small group of gamers who love to learn new skills and constantly push the boundaries of what TradeSkillMaster can do for our users. What started as a small addon has grown into a comprehensive gold making addon, desktop application, and set of web-based tools and resources. We are driven by self-improvement and creating a great set of products and services for our users, while working in an efficient, but low-stress environment.

We are always exploring new ways to improve the experience we offer to our users. To that end, we are looking for help in improving the various ways in which we communicate the value of our suite of tools to our users and potential users in the form of written content on our website and distribution platforms (Curseforge, Wago, etc), transactional emails, and more.

The Role

As a part of this role, you will be expected to work closely with other members of the team to create marketing content including copy and assets, ideate and manage marketing campaigns, and measure performance.

This position is short-term (3-6 months), part-time and paid. The work will be purely remote with NA/EU time zones strongly preferred.

About You


  • At least 3 years in roles with a significant focus on written digital marketing
  • Strong written communication skills
  • Experience with TradeSkillMaster and a passion for improving it

Ready to join us? Send me (Sapu) a message on Discord ( Come prepared with your resume, some examples of your past work, and any questions about the role you may have.

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