Friday, April 24th 2020

Sniping with TSM in 8.3

Since the new Auction House changes went live in patch 8.3, we wanted to clarify some of the changes in fuctionality to the Sniper feature in TradeSkillMaster.

One of the biggest underlying changes, which was referenced in the blog post earlier this year, is that the AH no longer has ‘pages’.

Before 8.3 you could only see 50 auctions at a time, and you could only get information for another set of 50 auctions if you loaded the next or previous page. This also meant that there was a ‘first’ page and a ‘last’ page, and based on the way Auctions were sorted you could reliably identify those which had just been posted if they were on the ‘last’ page.

After 8.3 with pages being removed and no means to sort auctions by ‘most recent’, the only way to replicate the Sniper functionality is to repeatedly run a search for the items on the Auction House in general – just like you would search for something in the Default Blizzard UI.

This may feel sluggish and slower compared to how Sniper functioned before 8.3, so we would recommend using a smaller, focused group of items for a targeted approach to Sniping which requires searching for fewer things on the Auction House. We would also recommend removing the #Default Sniper Operation from the Base Group, as that will waste time running searches for all items that are not otherwise explicitly grouped.

When you search for an item in TSM or in the Default Blizzard UI, all items listed will be returned since there are no pages as described earlier. This behaviour will also occur behind the scenes when Sniping which slows down the process a little further – so when an auction is found to match your Sniper Operation, all auctions listed for that item will be loaded but those that do not match your Sniper Operation will be discarded by TSM.

We hope you are still finding deals while using TSM Sniper in 8.3. We will continue to explore options to improve the feature and adapt it to the new Auction House.

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