Tuesday, September 17th 2019

Classic Pricing Data is now available through the TSM Application!

We’ve been hard at work setting up the infrastructure to process and distribute pricing data through the TSM Desktop Application and are happy to confirm that this is now available for Classic.

This functionality relies on your diligent Auction House scanning, so this does not mean that you no longer need to manually scan on your Realm and Faction. The more players that continue to scan, the more robust and accurate the AuctionDB data will be.

With the introduction of addon version 4.8.8, the application will now update AuctionDB values assuming you have set up your Classic realm on the TSM website settings. A free account is required to set up your realms and access the app.

Other changes in version 4.8.8 include more accurate Disenchant data in your tooltips, and various fixed to profession windows not loading correctly. More details can be found in the changelog

If you encounter any issues in Classic WoW, be sure to join the Discord server for assistance.

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