"Sootible" Hat | | n/a | n/a |
4UT0-41M3R | | 656g97s78c | 0.064 |
Aboriginal Loincloth | | 15,853g48s95c | 0.011 |
Abyssal Cloth Pants | | 9,999,999g99s | n/a |
Acolyte's Abandoned Footwraps | | 12,470g94s66c | 0.031 |
Acolyte's Robe | | 3,536g52s32c | 0.029 |
Acolyte's Shirt | | 5,134g28s10c | 0.051 |
Admiral's Hat | | 350g3s29c | 0.016 |
Adorned Lynxborne Pauldrons | | 61,834g83s24c | 0.172 |
Aegis of Stormwind | | 2,187g63s1c | 0.020 |
Aegis of Tyrhold | | 27,769g17s18c | 0.040 |
Alcor's Sunrazor | | 7,143g79s42c | 0.005 |
Aldor Guardian Rifle | | 1,804g90s73c | 0.008 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Chainmail | | 4,656g29s89c | 0.073 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Cuffs | | 3,824g3s38c | 0.058 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Epaulets | | 4,584g47s67c | 0.063 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Gauntlets | | 4,805g19s8c | 0.067 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Girdle | | 5,447g33s96c | 0.052 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Leggings | | 5,004g88s83c | 0.053 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Treads | | 5,003g22s5c | 0.081 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bands | | 2,449g5s57c | 0.072 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bracers | | 7,794g3s83c | 0.036 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Cloak | | 2,351g87s50c | 0.220 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Gloves | | 2,500g | 0.072 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Goggles | | 8,650g39s41c | 0.023 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Hood | | 2,221g73s77c | 0.071 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Leggings | | 3,093g90s7c | 0.080 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Sash | | 3,604g99s98c | 0.059 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Treads | | 2,474g10s31c | 0.075 |
Algari Competitor's Dagger | | 8,078g59s87c | 0.029 |
Algari Competitor's Greatsword | | 8,471g29s65c | 0.066 |
Algari Competitor's Lamp | | 9,014g92s36c | 0.023 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Belt | | 3,993g39s72c | 0.061 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Boots | | 4,396g65s35c | 0.107 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Bracers | | 6,892g24s76c | 0.056 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Chestpiece | | 3,999g4s4c | 0.094 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Gloves | | 3,859g3s68c | 0.059 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Goggles | | 9,205g99s24c | 0.029 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Mask | | 4,707g91s92c | 0.067 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Shoulderpads | | 3,821g55s45c | 0.074 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Trousers | | 4,453g67s51c | 0.070 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Wristwraps | | 4,197g48s89c | 0.072 |
Algari Competitor's Mail Bracers | | 5,924g19s | 0.043 |
Algari Competitor's Mail Goggles | | 7,457g94s | 0.027 |
Algari Competitor's Pickaxe | | 6,251g40s83c | 0.022 |
Algari Competitor's Pillar | | 7,449g7s85c | 0.031 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Armguards | | 5,293g99s25c | 0.059 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Bracers | | 7,412g8s6c | 0.067 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Breastplate | | 6,659g98s98c | 0.069 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Gauntlets | | 5,177g66s77c | 0.074 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Goggles | | 7,496g12s57c | 0.040 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Pauldrons | | 5,824g25s70c | 0.063 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Sabatons | | 5,427g51s56c | 0.093 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Waistguard | | 5,891g65s88c | 0.079 |
Algari Competitor's Rifle | | 8,029g98s34c | 0.061 |
Algari Competitor's Scepter | | 11,887g86s67c | 0.032 |
Algari Competitor's Shield | | 7,552g34s34c | 0.044 |
Algari Competitor's Skewer | | 9,777g59c | 0.010 |
Algari Competitor's Staff | | 6,754g51s40c | 0.075 |
Algari Competitor's Sword | | 5,915g2s35c | 0.015 |
Amani Sacrificial Dagger | | 112,499g84s60c | n/a |
Ancestral Woollies | | 20,449g94s82c | 0.009 |
Antecedent Drape | | 4,605g1s25c | 0.003 |
Anthemic Links | | 7,588g49s70c | 0.004 |
Antique Silver Cufflinks | | 3,667g15s20c | 0.013 |
Antiseptic-Soaked Dressing | | 1,540g47s41c | 0.054 |
Antiseptic-Soaked Dressing | | 499g11s62c | 0.081 |
Apexis Cleaver | | 60,937g14s3c | n/a |
Apexis Crystal Mace | | 435,040g24s50c | 0.001 |
Apprentice's Robe | | 1,880g29s46c | 0.011 |
Arachnaflame Treads | | 2,156g46s96c | 0.036 |
Arachnid's Web-Sown Guise | | n/a | n/a |
Arachnidian Armor | | 42,499g48s61c | 0.003 |
Arachnidian Robes | | 37,372g83s33c | 0.005 |
Arakkoan Ritual Staff | | n/a | n/a |
Arcane Prisoner's Puncher | | n/a | n/a |
Arcane Sharpshooter's Crossbow | | n/a | n/a |
Arcanite Champion | | 39,499g99s68c | 0.009 |
Arcanite Reaper | | 39,499g99s69c | 0.003 |
Archaic Defender | | 92,476g71s91c | 0.019 |
Ariya's Auspicious Robe | | 1,892,733g88s86c | 0.002 |
Ashelia's Adorned Waistguard | | 493,225g90s24c | 0.005 |
Assassin's Blade | | 589,574g19s79c | 0.008 |
Assassination Blade | | 1,865g12s24c | 0.024 |
Astral Light Bow | | 639,006g92s56c | n/a |
Auchenai Gun | | 12,301g49s94c | 0.003 |
Aurora Robe | | 3,825g29s37c | 0.016 |
Authentic Jr. Engineer Goggles | | 9,067g39s44c | 0.022 |
Autumn Defender's Saber | | 92,588g16c | 0.019 |
Autumn Druid Belt | | 31,167g60s99c | 0.013 |
Autumn Druid Hood | | 26,040g85s34c | 0.011 |
Autumn Druid Shoulderpads | | 25,000g | 0.019 |
Autumn Druid Treads | | 20,238g95s54c | 0.013 |
Autumn Druid Trousers | | 31,906g20s64c | 0.031 |
Autumn Druid Vest | | 26,165g34s24c | 0.010 |
Axe of the Legion | | 9,983g81s56c | 0.012 |
Azurewing Defender's Drape | | 1,153g2s25c | 0.006 |
Bandit Boots | | 2,132g67s70c | 0.081 |
Bandit Jerkin | | 1,679g20s38c | 0.031 |
Bands of Purified Purpose | | 39,651g28s15c | 0.006 |
Barbaric Iron Breastplate | | 22,214g85s70c | 0.016 |
Barbaric Loincloth | | 25,595g72s17c | 0.019 |
Bard's Boots | | 170g60s20c | 0.075 |
Battered Jungle Hat | | 85,669g99s7c | 0.007 |
Battered Leather Harness | | 3,155g63s94c | 0.062 |
Battlebound Girdle | | 1,598g16s50c | 0.028 |
Battlebound Warhelm | | 1,227g71s33c | 0.014 |
Battleforge Legguards | | 2,816g12s | 0.039 |
Beaded Robe | | 41,103g47s58c | 0.003 |
Beguiler Robes | | 99,687g7s71c | n/a |
Belt of the Black Eagle | | 99,999g | 0.010 |
Black Amnesty | | 33,066g93s53c | n/a |
Black Dragonscale Breastplate | | 9,979g89s73c | 0.018 |
Black Embersilk Gown | | 2,957g92s61c | 0.032 |
Black Mageweave Boots | | 827g75s72c | 0.060 |
Black Mageweave Leggings | | 284g4s34c | 0.144 |
Black Mageweave Vest | | 243g32s16c | 0.112 |
Black Swashbuckler's Shirt | | 807g87s82c | 0.152 |
Black Tuxedo Pants | | 19,766g83s87c | 0.116 |
Black Velvet Robes | | 38,508g51s64c | 0.018 |
Blackguard | | 89,998g97s13c | 0.005 |
Blackmetal Cape | | 3,999g97s12c | 0.010 |
Blackrock Bulwark | | 1,000,000g68s | 0.014 |
Blackskull Shield | | 19,477g73s32c | 0.012 |
Blackthorn Harvester | | 170,448g43s97c | 0.005 |
Blackwater Cutlass | | 68g1s69c | 0.111 |
Blade of Hanna | | 545,163g56s31c | 0.009 |
Blade of Misfortune | | 48,999g99s87c | 0.013 |
Blade of the Fallen Seraph | | 68,999g99s45c | 0.005 |
Blade of the Titans | | 8,495g13s94c | 0.016 |
Blade of Unholy Might | | 278,979g42s6c | 0.002 |
Blade of Wizardry | | 200,718g98s52c | 0.018 |
Blazefury, Reborn | | 159,015g76s38c | 0.006 |
Blazing Rapier | | 8,760g95s65c | 0.010 |
Blight | | 5,206g54s46c | 0.006 |
Blinkstrike | | 55,962g42s43c | 0.011 |
Blockade's Lost Shield | | 5,354g86s25c | 0.027 |
Blood Elf Bandit Mask | | 38,673g35s58c | 0.039 |
Blood Knight Greaves | | 5,530g17s49c | 0.019 |
Bloodforged Legplates | | 4,316g39s16c | 0.008 |
Bloodlord's Reaver | | 49,499g99s82c | 0.004 |
Bloodlust Boots | | 27,905g36s28c | 0.020 |
Bloodlust Breastplate | | 21,576g5s68c | 0.015 |
Bloodlust Epaulets | | 5,482g37s18c | 0.008 |
Bloodrazor | | 54,795g81s75c | 0.010 |
Bloodscale Breastplate | | 6,098g30s76c | 0.032 |
Bloodscale Helm | | 8,337g65s52c | 0.010 |
Bloodscale Legguards | | 24,956g72s76c | 0.026 |
Bloodscale Sabatons | | 10,364g42s28c | 0.023 |
Bloodthirsty Embersilk Cape | | n/a | n/a |
Bloodtusk Shoulderpads | | 48,999g98s77c | 0.004 |
Bloodwake Breastplate | | 172,305g32s30c | 0.020 |
Bloodwake Spaulders | | 215,521g61s50c | 0.010 |
Blue Dinner Suit | | 247,739g56s71c | 0.006 |
Blue Overalls | | 217g7s94c | 0.073 |
Bluegill Breeches | | 249,999g88s | 0.005 |
Bluegill Sandals | | 257,728g89s86c | n/a |
Bolt-Action Headgun | | 6,900g96s62c | 0.008 |
Boneshatter Greaves | | 5,774g44s17c | 0.022 |
Boneshatter Helm | | 5,593g19s19c | 0.021 |
Boneshatter Pauldrons | | 5,443g64s | 0.028 |
Boneslasher | | 149,000g | 0.005 |
Book of Origination | | 53,820g3s76c | 0.004 |
Boots of the Black Flame | | 89,801g69s12c | 0.005 |
Boots of the Dark Iron Raider | | 3,803g39s7c | 0.051 |
Boughs of Archdruid Van-Yali | | 98,402g24s69c | 0.005 |
Boulderfist Armor | | 2,620g83s | 0.015 |
Bouquet of White Roses | | 355g70s64c | 0.089 |
Bow of Searing Arrows | | 41,907g45s8c | 0.007 |
Brackenhide Gnoll Guard | | 243,943g65s55c | 0.012 |
Brain Hacker | | 59,999g | 0.006 |
Brainsplinter | | 89,998g99s93c | 0.002 |
Brawler's Earthen Cuirass | | 499,999g99s | 0.058 |
Brawler's Harness | | 1,211,977g30s15c | 0.013 |
Brawler's Vest | | 13,065g69s42c | 0.024 |
Breezekeeper's Staff | | 199,999g | 0.029 |
Brigade Leggings | | 986g98s85c | 0.015 |
Brittle Flamereaver Mask | | 32,900g9s75c | 0.005 |
Broken Wine Bottle | | 175,000g | 0.003 |
Buccaneer's Robes | | 10,979g13s54c | 0.003 |
Buccaneer's Vest | | 21,236g80s18c | 0.029 |
Buckled Harness | | 6,470g25s32c | 0.050 |
Burrowing Shovel | | 479,523g77s67c | 0.002 |
Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard | | 95,094g83s92c | 0.004 |
Calico Tunic | | 2,452g22s55c | 0.053 |
Captured Earthen's Ironhorns | | 115,389g11s16c | 0.193 |
Carnelian Spikes | | 2,395g99s39c | 0.006 |
Ced's Carver | | 504g73s8c | 0.038 |
Celumbra, the Night's Dichotomy | | 286,419g21s79c | 0.005 |
Ceremonial Leather Harness | | 6,095g78s9c | 0.017 |
Ceremonial Leather Loincloth | | 33,355g36s21c | 0.022 |
Chan's Imperial Robes | | 69,474g84s38c | 0.008 |
Chelley's Staff of Dark Mending | | 1,769g98s17c | 0.042 |
Chelley's Sterilized Scalpel | | 687g50s70c | 0.040 |
Chestguard of Illumination | | 4,965g12s85c | 0.012 |
Choral Wraps | | 4,922g96s58c | 0.001 |
Chromatic Sword | | 115,711g21s50c | 0.006 |
Cinder Pollen Cloak | | n/a | n/a |
Cindercloth Cloak | | 1,034g63s48c | 0.009 |
Cindercloth Pants | | 2,127g9s68c | 0.040 |
Cindercloth Vest | | 1,766g78s3c | 0.036 |
Claws of Agony | | 20,660g91s | 0.017 |
Clefthoof Wanderboots | | 1,039g16s86c | 0.014 |
Cloak of Blessed Depths | | 14,658g83s85c | 0.024 |
Cloak of Flames | | 300,000g | 0.001 |
Cloaked Hood | | 149,357g56s80c | 0.002 |
Cloudkeeper Legplates | | 134,460g81s2c | 0.015 |
Clutches of Evil | | 53,879g30s39c | n/a |
Coalwalker Sandals | | 507g7s36c | 0.016 |
Coarse Leather Treads | | 350g93s37c | 0.002 |
Coldstone Slippers | | 87,585g65s70c | 0.001 |
Common Gray Shirt | | 142g68s94c | 0.056 |
Common White Shirt | | 192g38s3c | 0.065 |
Conqueror's Helmet | | 182g78s62c | 0.033 |
Contaminating Cleaver | | n/a | n/a |
Cord of Pilfered Rosaries | | 8,991g2s50c | 0.032 |
Cord of Unhinged Malice | | 24,002g68s30c | 0.015 |
Cord of Zandalari Resolve | | 10,437g54s52c | 0.027 |
Coreway Engineer's Screwdriver | | 208g5c | 0.127 |
Coreway Sledgehammer | | 329g1s61c | 0.127 |
Corpseshroud | | 93,827g49s51c | 0.003 |
Corrupted Mantle of the Felseekers | | 37,271g27s97c | 0.018 |
Corruption Sifter's Treads | | n/a | n/a |
Cournith Waterstrider's Silken Finery | | 6,155g28s23c | 0.030 |
Cow King's Hide | | 278g71s39c | 0.021 |
Cowl of Necromancy | | 278,496g43s41c | 0.004 |
Crimson Beholder Eye | | 54,102g99s13c | 0.007 |
Crimson Combatant's Resilient Wristwraps | | 5,936g47s26c | 0.007 |
Crochet Hat | | 403g86s2c | 0.067 |
Crooked Staff | | n/a | n/a |
Crop Cutter's Gauntlets | | n/a | n/a |
Crown of Endless Knowledge | | 44,571g73s65c | 0.010 |
Crown of the Righteous | | 2,526g82s45c | 0.069 |
Crucible Curator's Wingspan | | 440,347g79s59c | 0.011 |
Crystal-Infused Shiv | | 445,072g68s3c | 0.002 |
Crystalfire Spellstaff | | 6,207g54s28c | 0.008 |
Crystalforged Sword | | 277,257g9s70c | 0.002 |
Crystalweave Cape | | 439,464g14s79c | 0.001 |
Cursed Pickaxe | | n/a | n/a |
Curve-Bladed Ripper | | 7,906g88s85c | 0.004 |
Dacian Falx | | 1,240g26s3c | 0.039 |
Dalaran Wizard's Robe | | 11,399g66s17c | 0.006 |
Dark Agent's Cloak | | n/a | n/a |
Dark Espadon | | 162g52s35c | 0.031 |
Dark Herring | | 284,957g60s14c | 0.004 |
Dark Iron Leather | | 3,565g45s22c | 0.007 |
Dark Silk Shirt | | 462g92s79c | 0.084 |
Darkcrest Legguards | | 1,520g19s17c | 0.026 |
Darkreach Mask | | 47,369g45s13c | 0.003 |
Darksteel Bastard Sword | | 166,523g54s97c | 0.003 |
Darkweave Breeches | | 4,241g24s51c | 0.014 |
Dawn of Demise | | 85,955g82s91c | 0.005 |
Dazzling Longsword | | 53,642g79s80c | 0.003 |
Dead Eye Zakk's Boomshooter | | 225,072g19s18c | 0.005 |
Deadly Blunderbuss | | 1,360g66s50c | 0.011 |
Death's Gamble | | 279,999g | 0.005 |
Deathblow X11 Goggles | | 83,194g9s | 0.011 |
Deathwing Brood Cloak | | 75,326g37s12c | 0.002 |
Decadent Nathrian Shawl | | 26,030g48s77c | 0.031 |
Decapitator of Alireza | | 201,821g61s76c | 0.012 |
Deckhand's Shirt | | 477,030g6s69c | 0.002 |
Deep Terror Carver | | n/a | n/a |
Deepdive Helmet | | 5,808g89s63c | 0.022 |
Deeptide Scroll | | 2,154g93s | 0.019 |
Defender Tunic | | 425g53s79c | 0.018 |
Defias Rapier | | 115g58c | 0.055 |
Demon Forged Breastplate | | 100,000g | n/a |
Demonslayer | | 48,040g99s71c | 0.012 |
Desiccated Soulrender Slippers | | 14,006g34s11c | 0.015 |
Destiny | | 136,121g43s61c | 0.011 |
Devoted Warden's Gaze | | 169,963g67s97c | 0.005 |
Devouring Pellicle Shoulderpads | | 479,923g51s17c | 0.013 |
Diadem of the Highborne | | 20,724g43s34c | 0.055 |
Diamond Hammer | | 2,013g76s40c | 0.006 |
Diamond-Tipped Cane | | 107,734g50s9c | 0.020 |
Digmaster 5000 | | 7,899,037g46s58c | n/a |
Direwing Legguards | | 883g65s53c | 0.047 |
Dirge | | 175,828g55s51c | n/a |
Displacement Boots | | 180,356g27s28c | 0.005 |
Distinguished Blade of Cartel Al | | 40,798g76s79c | 0.013 |
Don Santos' Famous Hunting Rifle | | 57,695g8s26c | 0.007 |
Don Tayo's Inferno Mittens | | 10,558g68s13c | 0.001 |
Doombringer | | 3,476g48s14c | 0.046 |
Doomforged Straightedge | | 63,479g59s89c | 0.008 |
Doomslag Greatboots | | 592,692g61s16c | 0.007 |
Dornogal Defender | | 316g74c | 0.197 |
Dornogal Spear | | 306g70s20c | 0.144 |
Double Link Tunic | | 33,048g35s1c | 0.017 |
Draconium Sword | | 1,051g46s17c | 0.122 |
Draenic Ribsmasher | | 280,622g62s40c | 0.005 |
Dragon Wing Blade | | 22,714g7s7c | 0.010 |
Dragonrider's Harness | | 134,589g56s78c | 0.028 |
Dragonrider's Spaulders | | 14,025g76s32c | 0.021 |
Drakescale Breastplate | | 68,960g87s18c | 0.005 |
Drape of the Forgotten Souls | | 4,725g95s85c | 0.021 |
Drape of Valiant Defense | | 1,569g9s42c | 0.076 |
Dreadblade | | 95g22s | 0.032 |
Dreadleather Belt | | 12,419g15s33c | 0.007 |
Dreadleather Jerkin | | 37,424g81s | 0.020 |
Dreadleather Mask | | 74,182g43s60c | 0.014 |
Dreamless Belt | | 19,999g98s91c | 0.018 |
Dreamscale Breastplate | | 64,675g42s | 0.003 |
Dredger's Developed Defender | | 737g48s97c | 0.092 |
Dredger's Developed Gauntlets | | 410g95s89c | 0.086 |
Dredger's Developed Greatbelt | | 454g11s21c | 0.079 |
Dredger's Developed Legplates | | 359g59s23c | 0.104 |
Dredger's Plate Sabatons | | 446g25s97c | 0.137 |
Dredger's Plate Vambraces | | 902g18s39c | 0.120 |
Dress Shoes | | 1,542g77s65c | 0.073 |
Drustwrought Scythe | | 196,005g30s30c | 0.017 |
Duskbringer | | 1,315,562g37s92c | 0.003 |
Duskhaven Top Hat | | 199,000g | 0.005 |
Dustbringer | | 9,999,999g99s | n/a |
Earth Golem's Wrap | | n/a | n/a |
Earthen Scale Sabatons | | 53,293g95s13c | 0.003 |
Ebonhold Leggings | | 3,531g46s1c | 0.045 |
Edgemaster's Handguards | | 22,792g97s22c | 0.005 |
Edict of the Redeemed Crusader | | 279,998g99s23c | 0.005 |
Elegant Dress | | 6,459g89s21c | 0.057 |
Elegant Leggings | | 12,710g46s81c | 0.021 |
Elegant Robes | | 2,054g53s74c | 0.014 |
Elemental Attuned Blade | | 2,499,999g99s | n/a |
Elemental Mage Staff | | 147,462g43s43c | 0.004 |
Elementium Poleaxe | | 70,741g92s7c | 0.011 |
Elementium Stormshield | | 89,753g37s96c | 0.006 |
Ember Court Ceremonial Dagger | | 87,210g85s44c | 0.007 |
Emberflame Bracers | | 47,775g19s47c | 0.001 |
Emberforged Elementium Boots | | 49,589g28s5c | 0.002 |
Embroidered Shirt | | 16,028g24s71c | 0.008 |
Emerald Beholder Eye | | 27,497g95s66c | 0.004 |
Empyrial Titan Crown | | 35,000g | 0.019 |
Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate | | 6,251g25s96c | 0.032 |
Enchanted Spearwood Wand | | 310g43s25c | 0.146 |
Enchanted Thorium Breastplate | | 118,129g93s65c | 0.026 |
Enchanted Thorium Leggings | | 53,889g18s50c | 0.083 |
Endless Dream Walkers | | 68,928g47s84c | 0.005 |
Engraved Breastplate | | 4,503g36s56c | 0.017 |
Eroded Mail Pants | | 113g87s48c | 0.005 |
Eternal Pathfinders | | 22,711g87s17c | 0.004 |
Ethereal Footfalls | | 45,522g77s33c | 0.002 |
Ethereum Nexus-Reaver | | 43,074g63s55c | 0.032 |
Ethereum Phase Blade | | 2,638g71s92c | 0.031 |
Exalted Epaulets | | 3,056g51s99c | 0.010 |
Exalted Harness | | 2,668g12s76c | 0.023 |
Exalted Sabatons | | 1,839g39s34c | 0.013 |
Excavator's Brand | | 19,751g41s78c | 0.006 |
Exodar Life-Staff | | 48,549g18s16c | 0.020 |
Explorer's Plate Boots | | 635g92s54c | 0.041 |
Explorer's Plate Bracers | | 327g21s21c | 0.035 |
Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher | | 96,642g89s61c | 0.002 |
Eye of Flame | | 47,031g54s77c | 0.004 |
Eyeripper Girdle | | 1,107,016g78s99c | 0.004 |
Faceguard of the Endless Watch | | 15,959g3s80c | 0.012 |
Fae Revel Masque | | 3,251g27s49c | 0.032 |
Faintly Smoldering Torch | | 40,622g77s80c | 0.024 |
Fallen Templar's Gauntlets | | 67,666g93s14c | 0.019 |
Farmer's Broom | | 938,185g45s23c | 0.002 |
Farmer's Broom | | 1,672g34s20c | 0.066 |
Farmer's Shovel | | 999g70s50c | 0.025 |
Fashionable Autumn Cloak | | 2,836g59s29c | 0.052 |
Faulds of Failed Experiments | | 47,413g92s94c | 0.006 |
Feathermane Feather Cloak | | 2,049g93s85c | 0.033 |
Feet of the Lynx | | 8,459g16c | 0.007 |
Fel Edged Battleaxe | | 189,999g | 0.005 |
Fel Iron Greatsword | | 9,565g40s56c | 0.028 |
Felflame Inferno Shoulderpads | | 63,722g27s49c | 0.033 |
Felsteel Longblade | | 60,888g85s62c | 0.025 |
Felsteel Reaper | | 189,999g | 0.002 |
Feral Harness | | 10,694g76c | 0.008 |
Festival Dress | | 114,122g18s57c | 0.003 |
Fierce Beast Staff | | n/a | n/a |
Fiery Beholder Eye | | 46,422g74s26c | 0.004 |
Fiery Plate Gauntlets | | 24,048g95s31c | 0.005 |
Fiery Vengeance | | 25,753g94s45c | 0.018 |
Fiery War Axe | | 73,789g78s2c | 0.005 |
Fire-Blessed Greatsword | | 9,999g4s32c | 0.028 |
Firekin Amice | | 280,304g36s79c | 0.015 |
Firekin Robes | | 99,192g99s54c | 0.006 |
Firemane Leggings | | 133,598g46s63c | 0.021 |
First Mate Hat | | 51,244g68s2c | 0.008 |
Flameheart Vest | | 79,980g84s34c | 0.014 |
Flamekeeper's Footpads | | n/a | n/a |
Flaming Gavel of Truth | | 235,644g99s10c | 0.013 |
Flaming Quartz Staff | | 592,449g3s86c | 0.003 |
Flayed Demonskin Belt | | 23,126g71s20c | 0.020 |
Flickering Shoulderpads | | 1,368g97s27c | 0.013 |
Fluid-Resistant Specimen Handlers | | 7,603g14s17c | 0.024 |
Flurry Axe | | 24,892g4s14c | 0.004 |
Footpad's Shirt | | 1,032,872g49s65c | 0.002 |
Footwraps of Quenched Fire | | 49,999g77s99c | 0.001 |
Force Reactive Disk | | 68,999g99s96c | 0.007 |
Forgewire Axe | | 9,743g65s93c | 0.004 |
Forgotten Peacekeeper Shoulders | | 24,492g73s | 0.002 |
Formal Dangui | | 699,316g77s1c | 0.001 |
Freehold Jerkin | | 506g17s19c | 0.048 |
Frost Tiger Blade | | 14,502g40s36c | 0.018 |
Frostbitten Bow | | 40,855g76s8c | 0.008 |
Frostbitten Gun | | 47,119g60s43c | 0.003 |
Frostguard | | 56,825g88s96c | 0.006 |
Frostweave Tunic | | 306g60s58c | 0.045 |
Frostwind Mantle | | 251,468g69s93c | 0.009 |
Frozen Claw Mantle | | 680,557g70s47c | 0.003 |
Fumblub's Seat Cushion | | 7,601g53s40c | 0.010 |
Funeral Pyre Vestment | | 5,389g43s94c | 0.008 |
Gaarn's Leggings of Infestation | | 2,657g82s81c | 0.045 |
Galvanic Gaiters | | 1,269,409g4s19c | 0.007 |
Garrett Family Crest | | 1,966g21s77c | 0.022 |
Gauntlets of the End | | 199,682g61s88c | n/a |
Gavel of Tyrhold | | 24,575g20s55c | 0.038 |
Ghost Iron Staff | | 18,391g94s63c | 0.021 |
Ghoulfang | | 154,719g19s74c | n/a |
Gilnean Acolyte's Robe | | 200,000g | 0.002 |
Gilnean Adventurer's Shirt | | 411,088g68s98c | 0.001 |
Ginn-Su Sword | | 282,225g89s59c | 0.008 |
Girdle of Demonic Wrath | | 15,827g57s61c | 0.017 |
Girdle of the Crumbling Sanctum | | 11,476g70s77c | 0.040 |
Girdle of Uther | | 605g34s50c | 0.017 |
Glacial Chapeau | | 38,648g58s43c | 0.008 |
Glacial Cloak | | 35,288g31s45c | 0.016 |
Glacial Robe | | 7,598g69s90c | 0.013 |
Gleaming Celestial Waistguard | | 1,909g60s48c | 0.043 |
Glimmering Mail Breastplate | | 5,821g35s25c | 0.007 |
Glorious Belt | | 26,144g21s14c | 0.007 |
Glorious Breastplate | | 35,986g94s87c | 0.019 |
Glorious Headdress | | 26,473g92s1c | 0.004 |
Glorious Legplates | | 282,118g60s68c | 0.015 |
Glorious Shoulder Pads | | 37,921g35s69c | 0.006 |
Gloves of Abhorrent Strategies | | 50,351g37s19c | 0.013 |
Gloves of the Fang | | 1,468g15s76c | 0.014 |
Glowing Brightwood Staff | | 56,471g5s52c | 0.002 |
Glowing Wing Bracers | | 453g19s62c | 0.027 |
Gnarled Staff | | 314g62s2c | 0.019 |
Goblet of Anger | | 696g50s32c | 0.031 |
Goblin Rocket Helmet | | 48,484g74s | 0.006 |
Goblin Screwdriver | | 92g32s60c | 0.069 |
Gorrog's Serene Gaze | | 118,244g16s61c | 0.002 |
Greathelm of Horned Fury | | 581,880g67s3c | 0.009 |
Greatmaul of the Ancient Sentinels | | 13,494g39s81c | 0.028 |
Green Carapace Shield | | 130,527g13s55c | 0.004 |
Green Tinted Goggles | | 2,633g12s50c | 0.012 |
Green Wedding Hanbok | | 51,512g8s18c | 0.013 |
Grim Sabatons | | 258,866g12s69c | 0.001 |
Grim Scythe | | 441g90s37c | 0.037 |
Grim-Veiled Cape | | 3,500g | 0.019 |
Grim-Veiled Mittens | | 3,248g50s7c | 0.018 |
Grim-Veiled Robe | | 5,478g57s49c | 0.024 |
Grips of Altered Reality | | 6,551g35s57c | 0.001 |
Grizzly Jerkin | | 23,174g94s45c | 0.014 |
Gurubashi Poker | | 35,554g14s75c | 0.041 |
Gut Ripper | | 22,392g1s67c | 0.003 |
Haliscan Jacket | | 1,744g75s | 0.078 |
Haliscan Pantaloons | | 1,929g14s60c | 0.094 |
Hallowfall Harvester's Pitchfork | | 347g87s93c | 0.177 |
Hammer | | 369g49s78c | 0.008 |
Hammer of the Northern Wind | | 61,944g25s83c | 0.002 |
Hand of Edward the Odd | | 38,214g64s90c | 0.006 |
Hanzo Sword | | 24,653g30s55c | 0.033 |
Harmonium Girdle | | 6,520g31s83c | 0.003 |
Harmonium Helm | | 22,259g91s | 0.017 |
Haustvelt Bindings | | 731g20s31c | 0.007 |
Headdress of Inner Rage | | 12,041g4s23c | 0.008 |
Headstriker Sword | | 259g18s70c | 0.035 |
Heartbound Tome | | 3,718g60s65c | 0.014 |
Heaving Plates of Protection | | 6,055g7s61c | 0.048 |
Heavy Copper Longsword | | 15,773g6s33c | 0.030 |
Heavy Draenic Breastplate | | 6,958g58s3c | 0.010 |
Heavy Skullblasters | | 12,058g31s1c | 0.003 |
Helm of Narv | | 57,947g76s7c | 0.005 |
Heritage Militia's Stompers | | 124,752g69s85c | 0.178 |
Hero's Leggings | | 13,437g33s15c | 0.026 |
Hibernal Robe | | 1,953g36s74c | 0.012 |
Hide of Chromaggus | | 87,271g48s1c | 0.009 |
Hide-Bound Chains | | 409g72s28c | 0.038 |
High Chief's Sabatons | | 4,854g35s17c | 0.006 |
High Society Top Hat | | 7,742g28s83c | 0.068 |
Highborne Robes | | 39,743g49s66c | 0.002 |
Hillman's Cloak | | 336g20s63c | 0.016 |
Hollow Hunter's Sticker | | 99,999g99s | 0.003 |
Holy Diadem | | 203,980g33s72c | 0.007 |
Holy Flame Gauntlets | | 28,906g54s93c | 0.002 |
Honorable Combatant's Aegis | | 89,999g | 0.013 |
Hood of Alchemical Vapors | | 9,594g32s19c | 0.006 |
Hood of Empty Eternities | | 489,000g7s | 0.022 |
Hope Ender | | 45,442g1s32c | 0.022 |
Hotshot Pilot's Gloves | | 4,879,531g96s81c | n/a |
Hulking Demolisher Legplates | | 13,048g77s52c | 0.029 |
Hurricane | | 18,752g54s54c | 0.009 |
Hydralick Armor | | 1,088g68s59c | 0.057 |
Hydraxian Mantle | | 18,945g88s47c | 0.013 |
Hyperion Armor | | 495g84s97c | 0.044 |
Hyperion Legplates | | 282g1s25c | 0.048 |
Icebane Breastplate | | 32,549g97s9c | 0.012 |
Icebane Coif | | 39,089g81s25c | 0.014 |
Icebane Mantle | | 37,878g39s36c | 0.020 |
Icebane Trudgers | | 34,633g12s89c | 0.023 |
Icebone Hauberk | | 3,658g70s99c | 0.017 |
Imbued Plate Armor | | 1,113g76s80c | 0.019 |
Impenetrable Garothi Breastplate | | 8,621g57s40c | 0.039 |
Impenetrable Legguards | | 61,221g18s34c | 0.010 |
Imperial Plate Bracers | | 160g49s15c | 0.013 |
Imposing Vest | | 2,723g27s77c | 0.013 |
Initiate's Boots | | 1,047g36s41c | 0.012 |
Initiate's Shirt | | 814,861g14s74c | n/a |
Inquisitor's Baton | | 1,111g37s50c | 0.053 |
Inquisitor's Battle Cowl | | 98,488g24s17c | 0.009 |
Inquisitor's Torch | | 648g99s68c | 0.041 |
Insurgent Flame Warboots | | 249,500g4s50c | 0.023 |
Interlaced Vest | | 1,523g50s49c | 0.021 |
Iron Hatchet | | n/a | n/a |
Ironclaw Axe | | 356g4s80c | 0.075 |
Ironclaw Great Axe | | 410g74s89c | 0.059 |
Ironclaw Sword | | 376g73s88c | 0.071 |
Jade Breastplate | | 37,777g88c | 0.016 |
Jade Gauntlets | | 6,128g68s72c | 0.014 |
Jade Legplates | | 36,550g98s34c | 0.021 |
Je'Tze's Sparkling Tiara | | 2,842g11s38c | 0.012 |
Jeweler's Amber Monocle | | 16,590g56s99c | 0.014 |
Jeweler's Ruby Monocle | | 16,393g55s50c | 0.020 |
Jeweler's Sapphire Monocle | | 15,406g74s38c | 0.008 |
Joonho's Mercy | | 243,092g79s13c | 0.005 |
Journeyman's Robe | | 234g75s6c | 0.013 |
Jula's Jovial Drape | | 590,820g72s52c | 0.009 |
Kang the Decapitator | | 27,111g34s34c | 0.014 |
Kereke's Flourishing Sabre | | n/a | n/a |
Key to the Planes | | 7,341g69s39c | 0.015 |
Khorium Champion | | 180,637g80s16c | 0.007 |
Knitted Sandals | | 673g31s44c | 0.021 |
Kobold Mastermind's "Pivel" | | n/a | n/a |
Kobold Rodent Squasher | | n/a | n/a |
Kroke's Gleaming Spaulders | | 125,000g | 0.015 |
Krol Blade | | 120,421g88s14c | 0.004 |
Krol Cleaver | | 188,162g63s48c | 0.004 |
Krol Decapitator | | 2,085,627g12s81c | n/a |
Krol Scimitar | | 3,939,943g42s45c | n/a |
Kudebeh's Remarkable Targe | | 121,821g98s52c | 0.038 |
Large Muck Stained Blade | | 47,934g93s89c | 0.018 |
Last Year's Mutton | | 689,000g88s | n/a |
Lava Bolt Crossbow | | 931g7s86c | 0.053 |
Leggings of Concentrated Darkness | | 82,996g61s37c | 0.009 |
Leggings of the Sable Stalkers | | 9,584g17s65c | 0.028 |
Leggings of the Sacred Crest | | 492g42s55c | 0.015 |
Legguards of the Shattered Hand | | 492g16s73c | 0.046 |
Legion Helm | | 17,200g32s92c | 0.003 |
Lesser Staff of the Spire | | 274,112g77s96c | 0.006 |
Leystone Pauldrons | | 8,097g50s81c | 0.021 |
Lightforged Elementium Hammer | | 89,999g | n/a |
Lightning Crown | | 48,581g44s35c | 0.006 |
Lil Timmy's Peashooter | | 5,518g54s86c | 0.006 |
Lionheart Champion, Reborn | | 122,271g46s98c | 0.004 |
Lionheart Executioner, Reborn | | 151,812g14s66c | 0.018 |
Lofty Breastplate | | 74,183g25s83c | 0.009 |
Lofty Legguards | | 37,419g68s57c | 0.012 |
Lord's Legguards | | 589g90s99c | 0.031 |
Lost Scholar's Temporal Shoulderdials | | 282,498g48s33c | 0.005 |
Lovely Black Dress | | 73,424g32s2c | 0.076 |
Lovely Blue Dress | | 54,999g99s25c | 0.029 |
Lovely Purple Dress | | 55,317g86s22c | 0.035 |
Lovely Red Dress | | 54,591g38s10c | 0.044 |
Lucky Shirt | | 4,912g35s37c | 0.075 |
Lunarglow Gun | | 28,730g99s37c | 0.011 |
Lupine's Synthetic Headgear | | 580,891g88s1c | 0.008 |
Lurking Marauder's Binding | | 55,763g61s16c | 0.192 |
Maddened Adherent's Bulwark | | 180,514g21s31c | 0.013 |
Magnetic Discombobulator | | 1,603g22s3c | 0.004 |
Mana-Cord of Deception | | 4,503g71s64c | 0.040 |
Manslayer | | 234,264g88s73c | 0.001 |
Mantle of Slumbering Sands | | 299,000g | 0.018 |
Mantle of Sunless Kindling | | 249,642g6s99c | 0.007 |
Maple Tender Robe | | 24,276g35s53c | 0.006 |
Marsh Hopper's Spaulders | | n/a | n/a |
Mask of the Unbidden Grim | | 866,001g66s26c | 0.029 |
Master Engineer's Goggles | | 15,205g65s22c | 0.005 |
Master's Hat | | 239g68s | 0.027 |
Master's Vest | | 199g6s78c | 0.028 |
Masterwork Breastplate | | 392g98s94c | 0.042 |
Masterwork Elementium Deathblade | | 89,999g | 0.005 |
Masterwork Elementium Spellblade | | 76,002g42s3c | 0.003 |
Masterwork Forgewire Axe | | 35,949g92s68c | 0.002 |
Maw Guard's Spiked Spaulders | | 99,873g97s9c | 0.021 |
Mechbuilder's Overalls | | 1,234,480g65s34c | n/a |
Merciless Legguards | | 40,398g10s64c | 0.007 |
Miner's Hat of the Deep | | 3,115,937g4s81c | 0.004 |
Miniature Winter Veil Tree | | 8,011,354g82s12c | 0.009 |
Mirrored Boots | | 33,370g86s57c | 0.002 |
Mist-Piercing Goggles | | 233g13s47c | 0.018 |
Mistshroud Tunic | | 43,102g73s82c | 0.002 |
Miststalker's Belt | | 354,414g12s73c | 0.002 |
Miststalker's Grasps | | 141,224g16s | 0.011 |
Mithril Scale Bracers | | 933g90s50c | 0.003 |
Mo'grosh Toothpick | | 199,483g11s13c | 0.001 |
Monk's Staff | | 163g35s40c | 0.039 |
Mooncloth Robe | | 8,864g41s6c | 0.027 |
Mugthol's Helm | | 670g11s87c | 0.029 |
Mystic's Robe | | 17,128g46s44c | 0.004 |
Mystic's Wrap | | 29,408g24s74c | 0.010 |
Necromancer's Mantle | | 699,999g99s | 0.014 |
Necrotic Gown | | 120,311g19s38c | 0.008 |
Neophyte's Shirt | | 10,398g51s68c | 0.059 |
Nerubian Bomber's Leggings | | n/a | n/a |
Nerubian Covert's Cloak | | n/a | n/a |
Nerubian Persuader | | 150,000g7s25c | 0.002 |
Nerubian Slayer's Claymore | | n/a | n/a |
Nethersteel Claymore | | 1,301g81s80c | 0.024 |
Netherweave Tunic | | 449g46s13c | 0.043 |
Night Reaver | | 150,000g59s | 0.001 |
Nightblade | | 75,615g73s1c | 0.018 |
Nightfall | | 40,000g93s35c | 0.014 |
Noble's Monocle | | 16,084g61s71c | 0.017 |
Nobles Brand | | 114g49s89c | 0.034 |
Northern Barrier | | 1,897g86s12c | 0.037 |
Notorious Combatant's Shield | | 106,653g9s97c | 0.004 |
Novice's Robe | | 1,298g2s3c | 0.015 |
Obsidian Dragontooth | | 149,068g10s41c | 0.012 |
Obsidium Cleaver | | 820g90s82c | 0.055 |
Onyx Claymore | | 191,813g63s3c | 0.002 |
Onyxia Scale Cloak | | 2,897g48s76c | 0.023 |
Orange Martial Shirt | | 329g8s56c | 0.043 |
Origin | | 47,624g45s | 0.014 |
Ornate Breastplate | | 2,179g96s46c | 0.029 |
Ornate Drinking Stein | | 41,578g24s96c | 0.001 |
Ornate Mithril Breastplate | | 42,739g38s | 0.019 |
Outlander's Facewrap | | 3,321g31s74c | 0.013 |
Outrunner's Legguards | | 29,653g62s19c | 0.007 |
Overlord's Chestplate | | 946g19s1c | 0.030 |
Overlord's Shield | | 1,173g82s56c | 0.017 |
Overlord's Vambraces | | 313g34s14c | 0.033 |
Owlbeast Leggings | | 99,000g | 0.012 |
P.E.W. x2 | | 846g26s20c | 0.055 |
Papal Fez | | 1,158,107g82s52c | 0.004 |
Parachute Cloak | | 7,130g29s40c | 0.002 |
Pauldrons of Edward the Odd | | 5,182g10s25c | 0.018 |
Pauldrons of Surging Mana | | 1,309g87s20c | 0.031 |
Peculiar Glacial Mantle | | 43,858g32s97c | 0.008 |
Peerless Leggings | | 45,977g41s74c | 0.004 |
Pelt of Beledar's Strength | | n/a | n/a |
Pendulum of Doom | | 4,285,384g60s68c | n/a |
Persuader | | 121,398g84s74c | 0.002 |
Phantom Blade | | 16,574g26s19c | 0.039 |
Pink Mageweave Shirt | | 197g43s44c | 0.083 |
Pink Party Hat | | 2,010g38s92c | 0.045 |
Pioneer's Cloth Cuffs | | 426g23s27c | 0.148 |
Pioneer's Cloth Robe | | 433g20s31c | 0.095 |
Pioneer's Cloth Slippers | | 479g12s19c | 0.100 |
Pioneer's Leather Boots | | 331g54s89c | 0.047 |
Pioneer's Leather Tunic | | 221g2s24c | 0.044 |
Pioneer's Leather Wristguards | | 143g98s30c | 0.046 |
Pioneer's Perfected Cloak | | 866g3s79c | 0.220 |
Pioneer's Perfected Cord | | 327g51s29c | 0.073 |
Pioneer's Perfected Gloves | | 301g68s97c | 0.104 |
Pioneer's Perfected Leggings | | 407g35s14c | 0.058 |
Pioneer's Perfected Mantle | | 311g91s21c | 0.094 |
Pitchfork | | 320,834g69s21c | n/a |
Plaguehound Leggings | | 790,096g24s33c | 0.006 |
Plain Wooden Staff | | 906g20s7c | 0.011 |
Plated Construct's Ribcage | | 198,969g32s22c | 0.006 |
Plundered Blade of Northern Kings | | 94,605g22s6c | 0.041 |
Plundered Bow of the Chosen | | 98,999g97s12c | 0.015 |
Plundered Jadefury Shield | | 38,219g72s53c | 0.010 |
Plundered Molten Reaper | | 23,901g89s15c | 0.062 |
Plundered Pirate Admiral's Bicorne | | 24,335g58s60c | 0.015 |
Plundered Scalebane Claymore | | 170,774g70s8c | 0.008 |
Polished Zweihander | | 226g73s59c | 0.028 |
Potentate's Letter Opener | | 129,080g71s87c | 0.003 |
Primal Mooncloth Shoulders | | 25,005g14s10c | 0.008 |
Primal Revenant's Breezeblade | | 99,389g83s92c | 0.008 |
Primal Revenant's Frostblade | | 50,377g85s50c | 0.013 |
Primal Robe | | 1,312g69s31c | 0.033 |
Primal Robe | | 1,441g31s5c | 0.023 |
Prime Slime Slippers | | 60,113g54s7c | 0.162 |
Primitive Mantle | | 2,000,000g | 0.007 |
Primitive Mantle | | 1,999,999g1s | 0.013 |
Primordial Bloodsoaked Breastplate | | 47,091g38s33c | 0.004 |
Prospector's Boots | | 21,608g39s40c | 0.024 |
Prospector's Chestpiece | | 19,307g35s65c | 0.015 |
Protector Legguards | | 6,778g70s97c | 0.013 |
Purple Dinner Suit | | 185,916g91s68c | 0.009 |
Radiant Leggings | | 5,030g77s92c | 0.020 |
Ragehammer | | 337,638g98s77c | 0.003 |
Ragesteel Breastplate | | 119,880g95s63c | 0.002 |
Ranseur of Hatred | | 1,862g62s70c | 0.064 |
Raptor Hide Harness | | 12,628g61s75c | 0.003 |
Ravager's Mantle | | 3,113g54s65c | 0.006 |
Ravenguard's Greaves | | 1,082,798g41s99c | 0.001 |
Razor Axe | | 797g50s61c | 0.015 |
Razorfin Helm | | 303,186g76s69c | 0.021 |
Razorfin Shoulderguards | | 227,128g95s57c | 0.015 |
Reanimator's Cloak | | 3,114g62s | 0.005 |
Recruit's Boots | | 937g81s97c | 0.033 |
Recruit's Pants | | 559g71s83c | 0.023 |
Recruit's Robe | | 2,537g12s95c | 0.025 |
Recruit's Shirt | | 1,999,999g | n/a |
Recruit's Shirt | | 5,731g80s10c | 0.030 |
Red Dinner Suit | | 230,707g71s66c | 0.006 |
Red Lumberjack Shirt | | 1,047g72s | 0.082 |
Red Noggin Candle | | 8,658g11s39c | 0.019 |
Red Shirt | | 521,690g46s48c | n/a |
Red Swashbuckler's Shirt | | 159g83s88c | 0.092 |
Red Traditional Hanbok | | 20,129g77s34c | 0.015 |
Red Winter Clothes | | 9,626g34s20c | 0.028 |
Red Winter Clothes | | 894g36s99c | 0.100 |
Reforged Blade of Heroes | | 298,786g44s71c | 0.001 |
Regal Wizard Hat | | 640g29s47c | 0.014 |
Replaced Servo Arm | | 147,203g37s20c | 0.001 |
Replica Darkmantle Tunic | | 46,400g4s92c | 0.017 |
Replica Soulforge Breastplate | | 75,000g | 0.016 |
Replica Spaulders of Heroism | | 46,163g52s57c | 0.015 |
Restrung Voodoo Bow | | 95,591g40s82c | 0.006 |
Rethu's Incessant Courage | | 310,351g8s15c | n/a |
Rhinestone Sunglasses | | 17,308g84s74c | 0.058 |
Rich Purple Silk Shirt | | 3,019g96s26c | 0.063 |
Riplimb's Lost Collar | | 459g15s58c | 0.046 |
Ripped Ogre Loincloth | | 689,000g88s | 0.007 |
Ritssyn's Ruminous Drape | | 1,862g14s47c | 0.011 |
Ritualist's Spiked Mantle | | 31,686g68s18c | 0.022 |
Rituals of the New Moon | | n/a | n/a |
Robble's Wobbly Staff | | 198g55s63c | 0.034 |
Robes of Arcana | | 8,044g74s39c | 0.008 |
Robes of Insight | | 49,999g72s19c | 0.012 |
Rockhide Strongfish | | 628,205g88s44c | n/a |
Rose Colored Goggles | | 652g74s51c | 0.027 |
Rotfist Flesh Carver | | n/a | n/a |
Royal Dangui | | 1,233g14s37c | 0.032 |
Ruby Shades | | 649,060g33s2c | 0.010 |
Rune Sword | | 216g28s56c | 0.043 |
Russet Belt | | 199g94s72c | 0.017 |
Russet Hat | | 514g49s15c | 0.054 |
Rustmaul Spear | | 7,717,372g11s90c | 0.038 |
Rustmaul Staff | | 9,999,999g97s28c | 0.003 |
Rusty Hand Sickle | | 42,920g43s13c | 0.010 |
Sage's Cloth | | 10,745g42s22c | 0.005 |
Sageblade | | 94,035g58s83c | 0.002 |
Sagging Shoulderpads of the Merciless | | 248,978g67s52c | 0.013 |
Saltstone LegChains | | 98,999g98s71c | 0.010 |
Saltstone Sabatons | | 26,993g61s6c | 0.008 |
Saltstone Surcoat | | 33,056g7s6c | 0.019 |
Sanctum Guard's Forgewalkers | | 80,225g51s71c | 0.007 |
Sandstalker Breastplate | | 28,815g62s79c | 0.014 |
Sash of the Unredeemed | | 24,729g55s27c | 0.044 |
Scarlet Boots | | 521,574g60s63c | 0.004 |
Scarlet Chestpiece | | 569,238g35s33c | 0.007 |
Scarlet Gauntlets | | 5,746g21s57c | 0.003 |
Scarlet Initiate Robes | | 99,000g | 0.004 |
Seafarer's Pantaloons | | 297,657g84s35c | 0.001 |
Sealing Heartstaff | | 166,116g96s47c | 0.002 |
Searing Golden Blade | | 78,791g91s45c | 0.003 |
Sentinel Trousers | | 1,107g82s40c | 0.019 |
Shade's Blade | | 136,047g56s9c | 0.008 |
Shadebound Treads | | 956g28s6c | 0.005 |
Shadesteel Greaves | | 48,733g46s83c | 0.007 |
Shadowblade | | 13,589g93s80c | 0.006 |
Shadoweave Mask | | 2,958g83s2c | 0.076 |
Shadowfang | | 996,090g37s82c | 0.003 |
Shadowghast Breastplate | | 9,753g21s67c | 0.051 |
Shadowghast Greaves | | 7,000g28s20c | 0.050 |
Shadowghast Helm | | 7,997g20s | 0.041 |
Shadowghast Pauldrons | | 8,978g91s69c | 0.055 |
Shadowghast Sabatons | | 7,814g69s15c | 0.049 |
Shadowghast Waistguard | | 8,108g33s27c | 0.049 |
Shattered King's Defender | | 357,972g20s8c | n/a |
Shin Blade | | 135g90s15c | 0.033 |
Shrediron's Shredder | | 6,191g61s79c | 0.015 |
Shrillwing Hunter's Prey | | 58,050g81s91c | 0.180 |
Shroud of Dark Memories | | 93,772g80s15c | 0.099 |
Shroud of Forbidden Magic | | 172,384g90s50c | 0.015 |
Shtuf's Ruler | | 171,706g58s69c | 0.006 |
Silkweave Cinch | | 258g39s85c | 0.026 |
Silver-Thread Armor | | 8,765g14s52c | 0.009 |
Silver-Thread Pants | | 618g94s57c | 0.026 |
Silver-Thread Robe | | 16,321g52s28c | 0.015 |
Silvermoon Armor | | 7,622g83s19c | 0.006 |
Simple Black Dress | | 362g21s85c | 0.098 |
Simple Blouse | | 252g8s42c | 0.059 |
Simple Dress | | 92g4s22c | 0.058 |
Simple Kilt | | 40g4s39c | 0.033 |
Simple Wildflowers | | 235g78s92c | 0.017 |
Singing Crystal Axe | | 149,315g46s36c | 0.015 |
Sinuous Kerapteron Bindings | | 9,088g20s30c | 0.017 |
Skeletal Longsword | | 37,568g1s68c | 0.008 |
Skettis Gun | | 76,354g76s35c | 0.007 |
Skullflame Shield | | 457,989g84s27c | 0.014 |
Skyking Bulwark | | 9,640g26s89c | 0.005 |
Skystalker's Tunic | | 16,894g84s2c | 0.005 |
Skystrider Katana | | 4,948g15s71c | 0.019 |
Slatesteel Breastplate | | 9,090g95s69c | 0.005 |
Sleetguard Greatbelt | | 279,305g86s8c | 0.008 |
Sleetguard Warboots | | 232,023g29s46c | 0.014 |
Sleeveless T-Shirt | | 152g16s19c | 0.132 |
Slime Deflecting Stopper | | n/a | n/a |
Slippers of the Encroaching Tide | | 6,389g21s | 0.036 |
Slippers of the Unruly Fairies | | 110,450g28s68c | 0.010 |
Sliverblade | | 2,187,696g69s62c | 0.004 |
Snowy Robe | | 104,480g70s57c | n/a |
Soggy Mo'arg Eyepatch | | 96,323g42s78c | 0.026 |
Soul Blade | | 1,782g30s40c | 0.066 |
Soulcloth Vest | | 18,999g99s46c | 0.027 |
Soulkeeper | | 8,953g29s31c | 0.018 |
Soulscryer | | 40,389g75s82c | 0.014 |
Speedsteel Rapier | | 29,890g3s82c | 0.006 |
Spelunker's Goggles | | 628g21s30c | 0.120 |
Spelunker's Leather Bands | | 303g60s25c | 0.128 |
Spelunker's Leather Footpads | | 871g23s70c | 0.116 |
Spelunker's Leather Jerkin | | 963g48s20c | 0.122 |
Spelunker's Practiced Britches | | 443g43s58c | 0.078 |
Spelunker's Practiced Hat | | 333g49s98c | 0.130 |
Spelunker's Practiced Mitts | | 409g63s73c | 0.075 |
Spelunker's Practiced Sash | | 389g55s38c | 0.068 |
Spider Blasting Blunderbuss | | n/a | n/a |
Spider Web Robe | | 66,773g82s34c | 0.004 |
Spiked Terrorwake Greatboots | | 9,096g52s17c | 0.048 |
Spire of Scarlet Pain | | 2,468g93s46c | 0.072 |
Spire of the Stoneshaper | | 337,277g81s19c | 0.009 |
Split-Lens Specs | | 4,559g51s | 0.082 |
Square Holders | | 21,690g41s44c | 0.023 |
Squealer's Belt | | 500,000g | n/a |
Squire's Pants | | 3,644g5s53c | 0.023 |
Squire's Shirt | | 3,868g92s | 0.033 |
Squire's Vest | | 1,497g48s46c | 0.042 |
Staccato Helm | | 5,942g15s31c | 0.005 |
Staff of Conjuring | | 93,759g29s62c | 0.011 |
Staff of Divine Infusion | | 14,243g8s44c | 0.017 |
Staff of Hale Magefire | | 976g43s4c | 0.055 |
Staff of Jordan | | 31,093g68s60c | 0.004 |
Staff of Natural Fury | | 42,379g34s89c | 0.007 |
Staff of the Dormant Oracle | | 20,070g83s64c | 0.007 |
Standard Issue Shield | | 13,633g39s3c | 0.005 |
Stealthblade | | 348,263g39s11c | 0.006 |
Steelforged Axe | | 5,705g91s94c | 0.003 |
Steelgrip Gauntlets | | 101,266g59s54c | 0.004 |
Steelscale Crushfish | | 217,710g84s75c | 0.006 |
Stinkrot Smasher | | 482,519g78s64c | 0.020 |
Storm Defender's Axe | | n/a | n/a |
Storm Helm | | 99,999g99s | 0.008 |
Stormbreaker Chestguard | | 23,127g6s | 0.012 |
Stormforger Chestplate | | 500g78s34c | 0.217 |
Stormforger Legguards | | 5,397g16s19c | 0.093 |
Stormwing Drape | | 1,962g29s77c | 0.013 |
Strength of Menethil | | 277,552g32s91c | 0.004 |
Stubby Talonblade | | 13,542g67s12c | 0.003 |
Studded Leather Harness | | 6,822g24s1c | 0.047 |
Stylin' Crimson Hat | | 19,999g95s26c | 0.010 |
Stylish Black Shirt | | 658g92s78c | 0.194 |
Stylish Black Shirt | | 488g88s73c | 0.168 |
Subversive Lord's Leggings | | 145,820g43s66c | 0.015 |
Sulfuron Hammer | | 100,096g91s48c | 0.038 |
Sundered Edgelord's Breastplate | | 104,643g72s44c | 0.003 |
Sunroc Mask | | 937g52s10c | 0.023 |
Surveyor's Cloth Bands | | 487g76s32c | 0.018 |
Surveyor's Cloth Treads | | 447g22s92c | 0.024 |
Surveyor's Seasoned Shoulders | | 536g73s67c | 0.084 |
Surveyor's Tailored Cloak | | 600g77s | 0.042 |
Swashbuckler's Eyepatch | | 859g80s68c | 0.031 |
Sword of the Magistrate | | 17,207g77s72c | 0.004 |
Ta'Kierthan Songblade | | 39,805g17s28c | 0.019 |
Tabard of the Lightbringer | | 153,044g12s47c | 0.063 |
Tainted Pierce | | 855,368g77s24c | 0.005 |
Taran Icebreaker | | 43,303g19s20c | 0.003 |
Tattered Cloth Vest | | 8,269g71s71c | 0.058 |
Tayger's Sword-On-A-Stick | | 105,780g41s94c | 0.003 |
Teebu's Blazing Longsword | | 658,423g51s67c | 0.008 |
Teebu's Scorching Straight Sword | | 148,332g62s44c | 0.035 |
Templar Legplates | | 1,739g72s19c | 0.023 |
Terrific Tankard O' Terror | | 2,664g68s2c | 0.131 |
The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min | | 43,213g17s2c | 0.006 |
The Black Knight | | 5,798g4s85c | 0.012 |
The Bringer of Death | | 430g87s27c | 0.044 |
The Butcher | | 49,067g7s10c | 0.005 |
The Dusk Blade | | 864,055g21s20c | 0.008 |
The Face of Doom | | 150,564g75s63c | 0.008 |
The Glazer | | 999,997g53s89c | 0.006 |
The Gloaming Blade | | 5,403,282g36s13c | n/a |
The Green Tower | | 29,678g78s6c | 0.005 |
The Hammer of Destiny | | 77,410g87s74c | 0.004 |
The Jackhammer | | 8,864,034g91s85c | n/a |
The Judge's Gavel | | 7,697g75s1c | 0.015 |
The Night Blade | | 303,612g94s57c | 0.029 |
The Night Watchman | | 42,435g10s29c | 0.002 |
The Oathkeeper | | 648g80s98c | 0.043 |
The Pacifier | | 21,887g60s29c | 0.006 |
The Plague Belcher | | 273,613g56s60c | 0.007 |
The Sentinel's Eternal Refuge | | 246,078g26s | 0.012 |
The Shoveler | | 21,235g68s44c | 0.006 |
The Stoppable Force | | 34g61s33c | 0.029 |
The Twilight Blade | | 3,838,067g3s29c | n/a |
Thinking Cap | | 89,208g84s | 0.003 |
Thug Pants | | 3,139g44s68c | 0.020 |
Thug Shirt | | 1,000,000g90c | 0.002 |
Thunder Eagle Staff | | 28,548g68s80c | 0.002 |
Tidespray Linen Bracers | | 500g9s44c | 0.002 |
Timeworn Shadowtooth Faceguard | | 19,145g13s98c | 0.004 |
Timeworn Shadowtooth Shoulderpads | | 41,772g16s91c | 0.004 |
Torgashell Breastplate | | 2,394g93s78c | 0.128 |
Tracker's Chitin Cuffs | | 392g23s55c | 0.116 |
Tracker's Chitin Galoshes | | 873g16s27c | 0.115 |
Tracker's Chitin Hauberk | | 1,009g45s84c | 0.120 |
Tracker's Goggles | | 551g91s82c | 0.104 |
Tracker's Toughened Girdle | | 373g4s40c | 0.057 |
Tracker's Toughened Handguards | | 428g54s92c | 0.062 |
Tracker's Toughened Headgear | | 310g93s82c | 0.115 |
Trapper's Shirt | | 850,000g1s | 0.010 |
Treads of Implicit Obedience | | 799g46s75c | 0.036 |
Treads of Panicked Escape | | 12,552g84s28c | 0.024 |
Treads of the Craft | | 54,145g14s12c | 0.001 |
Treads of Violent Intrusion | | 11,166g71s31c | 0.045 |
Treasure Hunter's Bandana | | 98,321g81s25c | 0.006 |
Treiya's Shining Pillar | | 109,114g4s49c | 0.008 |
Tremendous Tankard O' Terror | | 4,101g43s60c | 0.160 |
Tremendous Tankard O' Terror | | 29,956g80s89c | n/a |
Troll Protector | | 12,455g41s77c | 0.010 |
Truesilver Breastplate | | 36,587g40s66c | 0.011 |
Tunnel Pick | | 98,999g98s43c | 0.004 |
Tuxedo Jacket | | 548g73s54c | 0.068 |
Tuxedo Pants | | 438g93s9c | 0.098 |
Tuxedo Shirt | | 325g31s | 0.087 |
Twilight Cultist Robe | | 280,217g75s76c | 0.004 |
Twilight Dragon's Helm | | 15,054g98s11c | 0.031 |
Tyrant's Chestpiece | | 7,520g51s27c | 0.020 |
Tyrant's Legplates | | 12,879g44s59c | 0.022 |
Tyrhold Broadsword | | 50,835g43s12c | 0.024 |
Umbrahide Armguards | | 4,998g21s52c | 0.015 |
Umbrahide Helm | | 5,666g | 0.017 |
Umbrahide Waistguard | | 6,682g | 0.020 |
Unbreakable Guardian | | 89,999g | 0.001 |
Uncanny Combatant's Shield | | 67,236g19s67c | 0.018 |
Uncrowned Shadowcraft Cap | | 8,495g15s56c | 0.010 |
Vanguard Breastplate | | 70,250g68s96c | 0.011 |
Vanguard Legplates | | 84,630g8s99c | 0.019 |
Varruth's Guillotine | | 600,000g26s | 0.021 |
Vendetta | | 160,166g92s85c | 0.004 |
Vengeful Bladebeak Girdle | | 103,882g8s53c | 0.006 |
Venom Stalker's Strap | | 61,566g63s16c | 0.149 |
Venomous Lurker's Greathelm | | n/a | n/a |
Venomreaver | | 47,990g60s58c | 0.037 |
Venomshroud Silk Robes | | 6,611g82s33c | 0.011 |
Vest of the River | | n/a | n/a |
Vibroblade | | 622,075g86s32c | 0.002 |
Vicar's Robe | | 165,783g39s | 0.002 |
Vigilance Perch | | 270,000g | 0.002 |
Vilerend Slicer | | 169g35s56c | 0.050 |
Vinewrapped Leather Tunic | | n/a | n/a |
Violet Hat | | 2,875g69s26c | 0.052 |
Visage of the Devouring Flame | | 796,280g27s68c | 0.044 |
Volcanospike | | 3,049g40s17c | 0.045 |
Voodoo Stalker's Mantle | | 354,974g84s27c | 0.004 |
Vyrtha's Dredglaive | | 3,904g60s44c | 0.037 |
Wakening Horror Spaulders | | 12,846g27s51c | 0.027 |
Wall of the Dead | | 15,084g68s66c | 0.011 |
War Paint Legguards | | 8,615g1s34c | 0.011 |
War Scythe | | 68,515g15s44c | 0.008 |
Warbear Harness | | 9,667g89s95c | 0.016 |
Warbear Woolies | | 12,148g12s97c | 0.059 |
Warboots of Mighty Lords | | 91,959g11s50c | 0.005 |
Ward of the Red Widow | | 3,606g36s13c | 0.051 |
Warden Staff | | 10,287g11s37c | 0.006 |
Warleader's Breastplate | | 1,672g54s71c | 0.012 |
Warlord's Iron-Breastplate | | 173g95s33c | 0.036 |
Warlord's Iron-Legplates | | 234g36s74c | 0.044 |
Warmonger | | 27,308g34s90c | 0.028 |
Warsword of Caer Darrow | | 193,006g50s76c | 0.008 |
Water-Stained Leather Harness | | 100,751g58s1c | 0.016 |
Waterlogged Cloth Pants | | 9,952g95s25c | 0.006 |
Waterlogged Cloth Vest | | 11,259g65s65c | 0.022 |
Weavercloth Fishing Cap | | 266g5s23c | 0.072 |
Web Acolyte's Hood | | 62,011g6s10c | 0.148 |
Whispering Fanged Cord | | 184,071g52s83c | 0.008 |
White Bandit Mask | | 439g36s10c | 0.049 |
White Swashbuckler's Shirt | | 300g54s4c | 0.187 |
White Traditional Hanbok | | 1,262g20s13c | 0.062 |
White Tuxedo Shirt | | 208g78s55c | 0.084 |
White Wedding Dress | | 456g36s11c | 0.093 |
Wicked Mithril Blade | | 29,998g99s48c | 0.011 |
Wildleaf Longbow | | 77,969g48s61c | 0.020 |
Wildleaf Staff | | 83,447g58s17c | 0.011 |
Will of Edward the Odd | | 50,062g63s37c | 0.003 |
Willow Vest | | 729g33s12c | 0.027 |
Wind Wolf Helm | | 21,853g7s24c | 0.015 |
Wind Wolf Shroud | | 32,124g40s81c | 0.013 |
Windchanneller's Tunic | | 49,365g89s33c | 0.010 |
Windslicer's Lance | | n/a | n/a |
Windwalker's Footwraps | | 244,999g74s59c | 0.004 |
Winter Boots | | 10,303g55s20c | 0.024 |
Wirt's Fightin' Leg | | 22,421g15s16c | 0.019 |
Wirt's Last Leg | | 19,805g81s35c | 0.013 |
Witch-Hunter's Harvester | | 68,999g96s8c | 0.023 |
Witherscorn Reaper | | 165,412g87s51c | 0.011 |
Wolf-Fanged Fist | | 122,418g20s11c | 0.016 |
Wolfshead Helm | | 104,772g64s49c | 0.001 |
Wound Dressing | | 2,170g70s70c | 0.076 |
Wound Dressing | | 554g9s53c | 0.085 |
Wrathfin Armor | | 720g85s25c | 0.017 |
Wristguards of the Dark Keepers | | 21,803g94s94c | 0.027 |
Wristwraps of Arrogant Doom | | 540g87s17c | 0.020 |
Zealot Blade | | 3,678g76s92c | 0.014 |
Zink's Subtle Shank | | 85,514g34s72c | 0.010 |
Zweihander | | 434g27s39c | 0.018 |