Classic/Alchemy/Potions - Craft 200 - 50g profit
Classic/Blueprints/Alchemy/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Blueprints/Blacksmithing/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Blueprints/Enchanting/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Blueprints/Leatherworking/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Blueprints/Tailoring/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Crafting Mats
Classic/Crafting Mats/Buy 1000 Crafting Mats
Classic/Crafting Mats/Buy 1000 Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Enchanter
Classic/Crafting Mats/Buy 10000 Crafting Mats
Classic/Crafting Mats/Buy 10000 Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Alchemist
Classic/Crafting Mats/Craft 100 Crafting Mats
Classic/Crafting Mats/Craft 1000 Crafting Mats
Classic/Crafting Mats/Instantly Sell Crafting Mats
Classic/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats
Classic/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats/Stock 100
Classic/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats/Stock 1000
Classic/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats/Stock 250
Classic/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats/Stock 50
Classic/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats/Stock 500
Classic/Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Blacksmith
Classic/Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Blacksmith/Stock 50
Classic/Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Leatherworker
Classic/Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Leatherworker/Stock 100
Classic/Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Leatherworker/Stock 500
Classic/Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Melter
Classic/Crafting Mats/Send Directly To Melter/Stock 1000
Classic/Enchanting/Craft 10 and 10 - 100g profit
Classic/Inscription/Cards - Craft 50 - 50g profit
Classic/Monster specific drops
Classic/Monster specific drops/The Behemoth - Blackrock Spire
Classic/Monster specific drops/The Behemoth - Blackrock Spire/Transmog
Classic/Monster specific drops/The Behemoth - Blackrock Spire/Transmog/Blue Transmog
Classic/Monster specific drops/The Behemoth - Blackrock Spire/Transmog/Blue Transmog/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Random Items
Classic/Random Items/Random Items Sell Everything
Classic/Tailoring/Craft 1 and 1 - 250g Profit
Classic/Tailoring/Craft 1 and 1 - 500g Profit
Classic/Transmog/Blue Transmog
Classic/Transmog/Blue Transmog/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Transmog/Green Transmog
Classic/Transmog/Green Transmog/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Transmog/Purple Transmog
Classic/Transmog/Purple Transmog/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Blueprints
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Blueprints/Blacksmithing
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Blueprints/Blacksmithing/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Crafting Mats
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Crafting Mats/Keep 100 Crafting Mats
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Random Items
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Random Items/Sell Everything
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Transmog
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Transmog/Blue Transmog
Classic/Zone specific drops/AQ20/AQ40/Transmog/Blue Transmog/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Blackrock Depths
Classic/Zone specific drops/Blackrock Depths/Blueprints
Classic/Zone specific drops/Blackrock Depths/Blueprints/Blacksmithing
Classic/Zone specific drops/Blackrock Depths/Blueprints/Blacksmithing/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Blueprints
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Blueprints/Leatherworking
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Blueprints/Leatherworking/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Blueprints/Leatherworking/Already Known Medium Value 5k-50k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Random Items
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Random Items/Sell 1 and 1 random items
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Transmog
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Transmog/Blue Transmog
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Transmog/Blue Transmog/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Dire Maul/Transmog/Blue Transmog/Medium Value 5k-50k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints/Alchemy
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints/Alchemy/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints/Blacksmithing
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints/Enchanting
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints/Enchanting/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints/Tailoring
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Blueprints/Tailoring/Already Known Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Pets
Classic/Zone specific drops/Lower Blackrock Spire/Pets/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/Molten Core
Classic/Zone specific drops/Molten Core/Crafting Mats
Classic/Zone specific drops/Molten Core/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats
Classic/Zone specific drops/Molten Core/Crafting Mats/Raw Crafting Mats/Stock 250
Classic/Zone specific drops/Molten Core/Pets
Classic/Zone specific drops/Molten Core/Pets/Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/The Deadmines
Classic/Zone specific drops/The Deadmines/Random Items
Classic/Zone specific drops/The Deadmines/Random Items/Random Items sell 1 and 1 Low Value 0-5k
Classic/Zone specific drops/The Deadmines/Transmog
Classic/Zone specific drops/The Deadmines/Transmog/Blue Transmog
Classic/Zone specific drops/The Deadmines/Transmog/Blue Transmog/Low Value 0-5k