"Merry Munchkin" Costume | Stackables (region wide) | 5s28c | 0.465 |
4UT0-41M3R | Singles (server wide) | 656g97s78c | 0.064 |
Ace of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 33g39s55c | 0.327 |
Ace of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 23g23s54c | 0.484 |
Ace of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 18g64s42c | 0.707 |
Ace of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 19g27s62c | 0.564 |
Acid Braised Beetle | Stackables (region wide) | 6g55s34c | 0.030 |
Acid-Etched Pendant | Stackables (region wide) | 13,027g44s10c | n/a |
Acolyte's Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 547g91s35c | 0.089 |
Adjustable Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 34g59s96c | 0.062 |
Adjustable Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 10g88s54c | 0.196 |
Adjustable Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 799g26s64c | 0.179 |
Adjustable Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 453g25s7c | 0.077 |
Adjustable Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 112g37s83c | 0.611 |
Adjustable Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 126g42s13c | 0.119 |
Adorning Ribbon | Stackables (region wide) | 22s12c | 0.384 |
Aevery's Spare Belt | Singles (server wide) | 17,481g79s14c | 0.092 |
Aevery's Spare Boots | Singles (server wide) | 19,188g17s54c | 0.129 |
Aevery's Spare Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 23,951g32s92c | 0.111 |
Aevery's Spare Brigandine | Singles (server wide) | 13,251g53s47c | 0.129 |
Aevery's Spare Chausses | Singles (server wide) | 23,192g47s6c | 0.128 |
Aevery's Spare Cowl | Singles (server wide) | 20,943g97s82c | 0.113 |
Aevery's Spare Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 16,876g35s2c | 0.140 |
Aevery's Spare Shoulderguards | Singles (server wide) | 24,149g66s39c | 0.100 |
Afterglow | Stackables (region wide) | 3g10s1c | 0.012 |
Airship Dog on a Bun | Stackables (region wide) | 6g64s76c | 0.108 |
Algari Competitor's Amulet | Singles (server wide) | 17,394g42s94c | 0.062 |
Algari Competitor's Axe | Singles (server wide) | 5,309g97s90c | 0.020 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Chainmail | Singles (server wide) | 4,656g29s89c | 0.073 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Cowl | Singles (server wide) | 4,491g68s50c | 0.050 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Cuffs | Singles (server wide) | 3,824g3s38c | 0.058 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Epaulets | Singles (server wide) | 4,584g47s67c | 0.063 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 4,805g19s8c | 0.067 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Girdle | Singles (server wide) | 5,447g33s96c | 0.052 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 5,004g88s83c | 0.053 |
Algari Competitor's Chain Treads | Singles (server wide) | 5,003g22s5c | 0.081 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bands | Singles (server wide) | 2,449g5s57c | 0.072 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 7,794g3s83c | 0.036 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Cloak | Singles (server wide) | 2,351g87s50c | 0.220 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 2,500g | 0.072 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 8,650g39s41c | 0.023 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Hood | Singles (server wide) | 2,221g73s77c | 0.071 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 3,093g90s7c | 0.080 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Sash | Singles (server wide) | 3,604g99s98c | 0.059 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Shoulderpads | Singles (server wide) | 2,777g49s36c | 0.071 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Treads | Singles (server wide) | 2,474g10s31c | 0.075 |
Algari Competitor's Cloth Tunic | Singles (server wide) | 2,955g3s49c | 0.071 |
Algari Competitor's Dagger | Singles (server wide) | 8,078g59s87c | 0.029 |
Algari Competitor's Emblem | Singles (server wide) | 6,995g42s57c | 0.134 |
Algari Competitor's Greatsword | Singles (server wide) | 8,471g29s65c | 0.066 |
Algari Competitor's Insignia of Alacrity | Singles (server wide) | 5,745g59s36c | 0.296 |
Algari Competitor's Lamp | Singles (server wide) | 9,014g92s36c | 0.023 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Belt | Singles (server wide) | 3,993g39s72c | 0.061 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Boots | Singles (server wide) | 4,396g65s35c | 0.107 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 6,892g24s76c | 0.056 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Chestpiece | Singles (server wide) | 3,999g4s4c | 0.094 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 3,859g3s68c | 0.059 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 9,205g99s24c | 0.029 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Mask | Singles (server wide) | 4,707g91s92c | 0.067 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Shoulderpads | Singles (server wide) | 3,821g55s45c | 0.074 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Trousers | Singles (server wide) | 4,453g67s51c | 0.070 |
Algari Competitor's Leather Wristwraps | Singles (server wide) | 4,197g48s89c | 0.072 |
Algari Competitor's Mail Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 5,924g19s | 0.043 |
Algari Competitor's Mail Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 7,457g94s | 0.027 |
Algari Competitor's Medallion | Singles (server wide) | 5,041g28s48c | 0.286 |
Algari Competitor's Pickaxe | Singles (server wide) | 6,251g40s83c | 0.022 |
Algari Competitor's Pillar | Singles (server wide) | 7,449g7s85c | 0.031 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Armguards | Singles (server wide) | 5,293g99s25c | 0.059 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 7,412g8s6c | 0.067 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Breastplate | Singles (server wide) | 6,659g98s98c | 0.069 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 5,177g66s77c | 0.074 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 7,496g12s57c | 0.040 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Greaves | Singles (server wide) | 6,418g11s16c | 0.070 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Helm | Singles (server wide) | 4,976g60s45c | 0.070 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Pauldrons | Singles (server wide) | 5,824g25s70c | 0.063 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Sabatons | Singles (server wide) | 5,427g51s56c | 0.093 |
Algari Competitor's Plate Waistguard | Singles (server wide) | 5,891g65s88c | 0.079 |
Algari Competitor's Rifle | Singles (server wide) | 8,029g98s34c | 0.061 |
Algari Competitor's Scepter | Singles (server wide) | 11,887g86s67c | 0.032 |
Algari Competitor's Shield | Singles (server wide) | 7,552g34s34c | 0.044 |
Algari Competitor's Signet | Singles (server wide) | 16,269g64s49c | 0.097 |
Algari Competitor's Skewer | Singles (server wide) | 9,777g59c | 0.010 |
Algari Competitor's Staff | Singles (server wide) | 6,754g51s40c | 0.075 |
Algari Competitor's Sword | Singles (server wide) | 5,915g2s35c | 0.015 |
Algari Healing Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 15g72s52c | 0.477 |
Algari Healing Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 15g83s43c | 0.125 |
Algari Healing Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 119g35s44c | 0.134 |
Algari Mana Oil | Stackables (region wide) | 214g31s67c | 0.194 |
Algari Mana Oil | Stackables (region wide) | 207g48s58c | 0.686 |
Algari Mana Oil | Stackables (region wide) | 292g40s85c | 0.193 |
Algari Mana Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 16g28s97c | 0.610 |
Algari Mana Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 20g99s39c | 0.183 |
Algari Mana Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 159g15s76c | 0.172 |
Algari Missive of Crafting Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 523g4s69c | 0.028 |
Algari Missive of Crafting Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 416g26s18c | 0.089 |
Algari Missive of Crafting Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 803g2s6c | 0.051 |
Algari Missive of Deftness | Stackables (region wide) | 255g76s4c | 0.168 |
Algari Missive of Deftness | Stackables (region wide) | 327g35s45c | 0.049 |
Algari Missive of Deftness | Stackables (region wide) | 1,243g66s29c | 0.071 |
Algari Missive of Finesse | Stackables (region wide) | 482g57s63c | 0.110 |
Algari Missive of Finesse | Stackables (region wide) | 493g67s46c | 0.167 |
Algari Missive of Finesse | Stackables (region wide) | 1,464g35s43c | 0.117 |
Algari Missive of Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 1,389g99s20c | 0.104 |
Algari Missive of Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 660g80s44c | 0.093 |
Algari Missive of Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 647g45s62c | 0.093 |
Algari Missive of Multicraft | Stackables (region wide) | 1,389g92s23c | 0.130 |
Algari Missive of Multicraft | Stackables (region wide) | 629g31s76c | 0.137 |
Algari Missive of Multicraft | Stackables (region wide) | 620g78s46c | 0.138 |
Algari Missive of Perception | Stackables (region wide) | 1,237g27s54c | 0.098 |
Algari Missive of Perception | Stackables (region wide) | 483g55s81c | 0.046 |
Algari Missive of Perception | Stackables (region wide) | 478g86s11c | 0.068 |
Algari Missive of Resourcefulness | Stackables (region wide) | 760g98s45c | 0.153 |
Algari Missive of Resourcefulness | Stackables (region wide) | 1,381g14s39c | 0.152 |
Algari Missive of Resourcefulness | Stackables (region wide) | 712g67s2c | 0.119 |
Algari Missive of the Aurora | Stackables (region wide) | 1,119g11s9c | 0.172 |
Algari Missive of the Aurora | Stackables (region wide) | 493g10s16c | 0.317 |
Algari Missive of the Aurora | Stackables (region wide) | 464g74s99c | 0.136 |
Algari Missive of the Feverflare | Stackables (region wide) | 1,168g12s59c | 0.197 |
Algari Missive of the Feverflare | Stackables (region wide) | 427g64s49c | 0.174 |
Algari Missive of the Feverflare | Stackables (region wide) | 435g5s20c | 0.309 |
Algari Missive of the Fireflash | Stackables (region wide) | 33g94s72c | 0.287 |
Algari Missive of the Fireflash | Stackables (region wide) | 389g22s70c | 0.109 |
Algari Missive of the Fireflash | Stackables (region wide) | 1,121g39s13c | 0.208 |
Algari Missive of the Harmonious | Stackables (region wide) | 472g39s23c | 0.161 |
Algari Missive of the Harmonious | Stackables (region wide) | 1,143g88s77c | 0.157 |
Algari Missive of the Harmonious | Stackables (region wide) | 472g25s45c | 0.434 |
Algari Missive of the Peerless | Stackables (region wide) | 370g66s34c | 0.131 |
Algari Missive of the Peerless | Stackables (region wide) | 42g94s14c | 0.255 |
Algari Missive of the Peerless | Stackables (region wide) | 1,112g59s18c | 0.208 |
Algari Missive of the Quickblade | Stackables (region wide) | 31g73s69c | 0.219 |
Algari Missive of the Quickblade | Stackables (region wide) | 1,090g59s64c | 0.101 |
Algari Missive of the Quickblade | Stackables (region wide) | 284g6s43c | 0.093 |
Amber Filigreed Doublet | Singles (server wide) | 176g55s80c | 0.066 |
Amber Filigreed Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 186g83s34c | 0.071 |
Ambivalent Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 5g86s95c | 0.601 |
Ancient Bronze Hourglass | Stackables (region wide) | 93g53s59c | 0.021 |
Angler's Delight | Stackables (region wide) | 75g64s27c | 0.155 |
Angry Rock | Stackables (region wide) | 25g3s20c | 0.295 |
Antiseptic-Soaked Dressing | Singles (server wide) | 499g11s62c | 0.081 |
Apothecary's Cap | Singles (server wide) | 319g4s1c | 0.205 |
Apprentice's Crafting License | Stackables (region wide) | 191g82s2c | 0.727 |
Apricate Ink | Stackables (region wide) | 503g32s69c | 0.091 |
Apricate Ink | Stackables (region wide) | 151g31s67c | 0.123 |
Apricate Ink | Stackables (region wide) | 146g21s23c | 0.368 |
Aqirite | Stackables (region wide) | 12g53s33c | 0.878 |
Aqirite | Stackables (region wide) | 18g15s39c | 0.691 |
Aqirite | Stackables (region wide) | 13g71s58c | 0.761 |
Arathi Arquebus | Singles (server wide) | 381g40s47c | 0.183 |
Arathi Claymore | Singles (server wide) | 481g17s39c | 0.238 |
Arathi Greataxe | Singles (server wide) | 368g84s60c | 0.225 |
Arathi Hatchet | Singles (server wide) | 270g73s94c | 0.196 |
Arathi Mace | Singles (server wide) | 346g61s44c | 0.174 |
Arathi Sword | Singles (server wide) | 315g11s83c | 0.215 |
Arathor Hammerfish | Stackables (region wide) | 60g98s34c | 0.666 |
Arathor Hammerfish Lure | Stackables (region wide) | 50g21s94c | 0.022 |
Arathor's Spear | Stackables (region wide) | 31g14s25c | 0.399 |
Arathor's Spear | Stackables (region wide) | 162g40s98c | 0.588 |
Arathor's Spear | Stackables (region wide) | 30g56s60c | 0.717 |
Assorted Whirligigs | Stackables (region wide) | 2,704g42s19c | 0.516 |
Awoken Coelacanth | Stackables (region wide) | 322g77s38c | 0.244 |
Azj-Kahet Special | Stackables (region wide) | 8g18s17c | 0.064 |
Azra's Spare Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 14,848g90s94c | 0.107 |
Azra's Spare Chestguard | Singles (server wide) | 16,585g12s8c | 0.101 |
Azra's Spare Cord | Singles (server wide) | 21,234g79s67c | 0.104 |
Azra's Spare Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 20,515g87s69c | 0.120 |
Azra's Spare Mask | Singles (server wide) | 22,990g13s44c | 0.152 |
Azra's Spare Shoulderguards | Singles (server wide) | 15,257g80s27c | 0.110 |
Azra's Spare Striders | Singles (server wide) | 12,374g71s86c | 0.121 |
Azra's Spare Trousers | Singles (server wide) | 17,394g28s11c | 0.143 |
Backup Candles | Stackables (region wide) | 39g96s92c | 0.197 |
Barbed Pincers | Stackables (region wide) | 2g22s73c | 0.049 |
Basically Beef | Stackables (region wide) | 6g89s54c | 0.806 |
Battered Lantern | Stackables (region wide) | 152g45s88c | n/a |
Beautification Iris | Singles (server wide) | 20,898g86s35c | 0.043 |
Begrimed Breastplate | Singles (server wide) | 38g80s78c | 0.026 |
Begrimed Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 26g98s22c | 0.035 |
Begrimed Greatbelt | Singles (server wide) | 28g23s21c | 0.032 |
Begrimed Greathelm | Singles (server wide) | 36g21s20c | 0.034 |
Begrimed Legguards | Singles (server wide) | 45g24s13c | 0.031 |
Begrimed Sabatons | Singles (server wide) | 50g55s65c | 0.040 |
Begrimed Spaulders | Singles (server wide) | 31g26s24c | 0.014 |
Begrimed Vambraces | Singles (server wide) | 29g70s37c | 0.030 |
Beledar's Bounty | Stackables (region wide) | 33g26s50c | 0.618 |
Bellara's Nutterbar | Stackables (region wide) | 22s48c | 0.161 |
Berry Chocolate Tart | Stackables (region wide) | 138g4s92c | 0.300 |
Bioluminescent Thorax | Stackables (region wide) | 2g9s50c | 0.062 |
Bismuth | Stackables (region wide) | 116g58s40c | 0.800 |
Bismuth | Stackables (region wide) | 19g35s68c | 0.906 |
Bismuth | Stackables (region wide) | 21g92s6c | 0.848 |
Bismuth Bitterling | Stackables (region wide) | 16g41s70c | 0.917 |
Bismuth Brainwave Projector | Singles (server wide) | 1,623g23s24c | 0.135 |
Bismuth Fisherfriend | Singles (server wide) | 1,374g20s21c | 0.210 |
Bismuth Fueled Samophlange | Singles (server wide) | 298g48s14c | 0.127 |
Bismuth Miner's Headgear | Singles (server wide) | 1,962g86s87c | 0.339 |
Bismuth Rod | Singles (server wide) | 104g55s34c | 0.220 |
Black Dye | Stackables (region wide) | 9s92c | 0.154 |
Black Lotus | Stackables (region wide) | 452g44s60c | 0.031 |
Black Tuxedo Pants | Singles (server wide) | 19,766g83s87c | 0.116 |
Blame Redirection Device | Stackables (region wide) | 39g99s31c | 0.233 |
Blame Redirection Device | Stackables (region wide) | 999g11s2c | 0.118 |
Blame Redirection Device | Stackables (region wide) | 40g2s67c | 0.105 |
Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 338g19s20c | 0.446 |
Blazing Cindercrawler | Singles (server wide) | 67,806g10s54c | 0.001 |
Blended Bean Brew | Stackables (region wide) | 9s16c | 0.209 |
Blessed Brew | Stackables (region wide) | 15g19s2c | 0.230 |
Blessed Weapon Grip | Stackables (region wide) | 36g91c | 0.146 |
Blessed Weapon Grip | Stackables (region wide) | 1,924g70s28c | 0.058 |
Blessed Weapon Grip | Stackables (region wide) | 138g35s61c | 0.084 |
Blessing Blossom | Stackables (region wide) | 61g48s33c | 0.640 |
Blessing Blossom | Stackables (region wide) | 11g39s36c | 0.895 |
Blessing Blossom | Stackables (region wide) | 11g75s75c | 0.600 |
Blinker Fluid | Stackables (region wide) | 1,896g22s63c | 0.197 |
Bloodied Idol | Stackables (region wide) | 39g37s44c | 0.006 |
Bloody Perch | Stackables (region wide) | 16g23s23c | 0.937 |
Blossom Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 8g84s94c | 0.369 |
Blossom Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 49g63s72c | 0.124 |
Blossom Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 9g85s32c | 0.136 |
Blue Dinner Suit | Singles (server wide) | 247,739g56s71c | 0.006 |
Blue Dye | Stackables (region wide) | 14s8c | 0.224 |
Blue Firework | Stackables (region wide) | 3g95s5c | 0.312 |
Blue Martial Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 229g7s91c | 0.061 |
Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper | Stackables (region wide) | 2g18s3c | 0.083 |
Bluesberry Blast | Stackables (region wide) | 2s96c | 0.212 |
Bold Yellow Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 175g68s71c | 0.069 |
Bolt of Bouldercloth | Stackables (region wide) | 102g99s45c | n/a |
Borer Blood Pudding | Stackables (region wide) | 5g43s47c | 0.215 |
Boskroot Cap | Stackables (region wide) | 733g46s89c | 0.231 |
Bottled Brilliance | Stackables (region wide) | 217g80s49c | 0.468 |
Bottled Brilliance | Stackables (region wide) | 370g27s58c | 0.113 |
Bottled Brilliance | Stackables (region wide) | 196g97s29c | 0.070 |
Bottled Darkness | Stackables (region wide) | 1g99s | 0.002 |
Bottled Storm | Stackables (region wide) | 15s64c | 0.487 |
Bouldercloth | Stackables (region wide) | 91g17s85c | n/a |
Bouldercloth Bag | Stackables (region wide) | 135,157g23s80c | n/a |
Boundless Cipher | Stackables (region wide) | 1,046g51s96c | 0.130 |
Boundless Cipher | Stackables (region wide) | 275g74s2c | 0.162 |
Boundless Cipher | Stackables (region wide) | 275g52s33c | 0.158 |
Bountiful Bolts | Stackables (region wide) | 4g28s95c | 0.442 |
Bowl of Pulsing Goo | Stackables (region wide) | 500g76s | 0.500 |
Braided Seaweed Bangle | Stackables (region wide) | 67s15c | 0.061 |
Bright Polishing Cloth | Stackables (region wide) | 38g61s56c | 0.710 |
Bright Polishing Cloth | Stackables (region wide) | 189g33s65c | 0.043 |
Bright Polishing Cloth | Stackables (region wide) | 119g24s60c | 0.162 |
Broken Elevator Cog | Stackables (region wide) | 250g20s29c | n/a |
Broken Stirrup | Stackables (region wide) | 216g99s91c | n/a |
Bubbling Mycobloom Culture | Stackables (region wide) | 94g60s27c | 0.154 |
Bubbling Mycobloom Culture | Stackables (region wide) | 63g24s99c | 0.505 |
Bubbling Mycobloom Culture | Stackables (region wide) | 295g85s83c | 0.050 |
Bug Brisket | Stackables (region wide) | 6g77s81c | 0.883 |
Burning Cinderbee Setae | Stackables (region wide) | 12s90c | 0.510 |
Burnt Rolling Pin | Singles (server wide) | 1,582g30s42c | 0.254 |
Buttered Oysters | Stackables (region wide) | 446g97s84c | 0.234 |
Butterflied Deepstrider | Stackables (region wide) | 10g93s54c | 0.029 |
CANDLE KING DIARY | Stackables (region wide) | 21g85s62c | 0.196 |
Candy Cane | Stackables (region wide) | 1g11s57c | 0.017 |
Candy Cane | Stackables (region wide) | 22g76s97c | 0.049 |
Captured Flame | Singles (server wide) | 628,651g47s10c | 0.003 |
Captured Starlight | Stackables (region wide) | 1,836g17s6c | 0.064 |
Captured Starlight | Stackables (region wide) | 1,445g90s31c | 0.125 |
Captured Starlight | Stackables (region wide) | 2,537g68s24c | 0.123 |
Carapace Fragment | Stackables (region wide) | 1g75s66c | 0.279 |
Carapace-Backed Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 569g39s50c | 0.062 |
Carapace-Backed Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 229g89s33c | 0.062 |
Carapace-Backed Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 293g86s72c | 0.066 |
Carver's Spare Whittling Knife | Stackables (region wide) | 95g22s69c | 0.005 |
Cataclysmic Converter | Stackables (region wide) | 5,440g36s13c | 0.260 |
Cavedweller's Delight | Stackables (region wide) | 51g73s14c | 0.076 |
Cavedweller's Delight | Stackables (region wide) | 7g95s9c | 0.826 |
Cavedweller's Delight | Stackables (region wide) | 420g72s4c | 0.147 |
Cerulean Filigreed Doublet | Singles (server wide) | 188g98s77c | 0.079 |
Cerulean Filigreed Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 199g40s53c | 0.064 |
Cerulean Orb | Stackables (region wide) | n/a | n/a |
Chalcocite Lava Cake | Stackables (region wide) | 1g89s6c | 0.449 |
Chaos Circuit | Stackables (region wide) | 597g34s72c | 0.066 |
Chaos Circuit | Stackables (region wide) | 403g5s56c | 0.338 |
Chaos Circuit | Stackables (region wide) | 820g88s76c | 0.062 |
Charged Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 1,451g25s33c | 0.210 |
Charged Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 318g56s61c | 0.221 |
Charged Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 296g92s21c | 0.166 |
Charged Antennae | Stackables (region wide) | 30g36s90c | n/a |
Charged Fragments | Stackables (region wide) | 1g80s66c | 0.333 |
Chipped Hammer | Stackables (region wide) | 170g97s58c | n/a |
Chipped Mandible | Stackables (region wide) | 70s30c | 0.251 |
Chipped Molars | Stackables (region wide) | 65s31c | 0.046 |
Chipped Opal Signet Ring | Stackables (region wide) | 98s6c | 0.020 |
Chippy Tea | Stackables (region wide) | 48g80s28c | 0.259 |
Chitin Armor Banding | Stackables (region wide) | 313g95s96c | 0.267 |
Chitin Armor Banding | Stackables (region wide) | 408g78s4c | 0.074 |
Chitin Armor Banding | Stackables (region wide) | 291g39s58c | 0.065 |
Chitin Stress Ball | Stackables (region wide) | 3g72s31c | 0.040 |
Chocolate Coins | Stackables (region wide) | 77g58s32c | 0.151 |
Chocolate-Covered Cherries | Stackables (region wide) | 10g57s53c | n/a |
Chocolate-Covered Crunchies | Stackables (region wide) | 8g43s19c | n/a |
Chopped Mycobloom | Stackables (region wide) | 12g29s31c | 0.373 |
Cinder Nectar | Stackables (region wide) | 5g1s76c | 0.234 |
Cinderbee Belly | Stackables (region wide) | 7g47s86c | 0.765 |
Clipped Bird Wing | Stackables (region wide) | 5g97s32c | 0.678 |
Cloak of Beards | Stackables (region wide) | 19g52s51c | 0.092 |
Clump of Rotting Detritus | Stackables (region wide) | 78s85c | 0.132 |
Clumped Flour | Stackables (region wide) | 9s39c | 0.262 |
Coagulated Yolk | Stackables (region wide) | 4g9s41c | 0.212 |
Codified Greenwood | Stackables (region wide) | 167g78s61c | 0.082 |
Codified Greenwood | Stackables (region wide) | 882g52s80c | 0.083 |
Codified Greenwood | Stackables (region wide) | 57g48s17c | 0.719 |
Coffee, Light Ice | Stackables (region wide) | 2g62s83c | 0.189 |
Cognitive Bloodstone | Stackables (region wide) | 6,273g65s80c | 0.261 |
Collector's Commemorative Proscenium Playbill | Stackables (region wide) | 290g70s72c | n/a |
Combustible Gland | Stackables (region wide) | 75s92c | 0.099 |
Common Brown Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 155g34s14c | 0.039 |
Common Gray Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 239g51s42c | 0.073 |
Common White Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 211g60s54c | 0.071 |
Companion Experience | Singles (server wide) | n/a | n/a |
Complicated Fuse Box | Stackables (region wide) | 42g89s49c | 0.208 |
Complicated Fuse Box | Stackables (region wide) | 36g86s38c | 0.183 |
Complicated Fuse Box | Stackables (region wide) | 2,037g67s | 0.168 |
Concealed Chaos Module | Stackables (region wide) | 213g95s72c | 0.205 |
Concealed Chaos Module | Stackables (region wide) | 43g52s77c | 0.331 |
Concealed Chaos Module | Stackables (region wide) | 2,778g67s38c | 0.318 |
Concentration Concentrate | Stackables (region wide) | 132g53s86c | 0.099 |
Concentration Concentrate | Stackables (region wide) | 575g60s4c | 0.164 |
Concentration Concentrate | Stackables (region wide) | 101g97s30c | 0.198 |
Congealed Cranberry Chutney | Stackables (region wide) | 668g27s56c | 0.100 |
Congratulatory Ascension Silk | Stackables (region wide) | n/a | n/a |
Contract: Assembly of the Deeps | Stackables (region wide) | 356g12s52c | 0.146 |
Contract: Assembly of the Deeps | Stackables (region wide) | 3,146g93s82c | 0.150 |
Contract: Assembly of the Deeps | Stackables (region wide) | 681g37s1c | 0.081 |
Contract: Council of Dornogal | Stackables (region wide) | 4,943g52s13c | 0.231 |
Contract: Council of Dornogal | Stackables (region wide) | 1,971g82s18c | 0.097 |
Contract: Council of Dornogal | Stackables (region wide) | 593g39s18c | 0.104 |
Contract: Hallowfall Arathi | Stackables (region wide) | 1,654g33s52c | 0.093 |
Contract: Hallowfall Arathi | Stackables (region wide) | 1,461g83s35c | 0.024 |
Contract: Hallowfall Arathi | Stackables (region wide) | 4,541g15s82c | 0.137 |
Contract: The Severed Threads | Stackables (region wide) | 3,105g70s14c | 0.171 |
Contract: The Severed Threads | Stackables (region wide) | 932g38s55c | 0.116 |
Contract: The Severed Threads | Stackables (region wide) | 550g91s95c | 0.129 |
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables | Stackables (region wide) | 1,519g44s18c | 0.187 |
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables | Stackables (region wide) | 226g85s52c | 0.298 |
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables | Stackables (region wide) | 402g17s20c | 0.199 |
Copy of The Archmage Antonidas - Part I | Singles (server wide) | 502g60s60c | n/a |
Copy of the Journal of Archmage Antonidas | Singles (server wide) | 25g1s | n/a |
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Conjuration | Singles (server wide) | 9,017g26s59c | n/a |
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Illusion | Singles (server wide) | 200g | n/a |
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation | Singles (server wide) | 666g19s24c | n/a |
Core Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 155g49s74c | 0.609 |
Core Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 157g89s82c | 0.306 |
Core Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 915g60s51c | 0.178 |
Coreforged Repair Hammer | Stackables (region wide) | 20g71s62c | 0.761 |
Coreforged Skeleton Key | Stackables (region wide) | 205g18s27c | 0.244 |
Coreway Dust | Stackables (region wide) | 14s52c | 0.585 |
Coreway Engineer's Forceps | Singles (server wide) | 250g84s69c | 0.163 |
Coreway Engineer's Screwdriver | Singles (server wide) | 208g5c | 0.127 |
Coreway Kabob | Stackables (region wide) | 4g41s9c | 0.148 |
Coreway Pickaxe | Singles (server wide) | 121g92s42c | 0.099 |
Coreway Shovel | Singles (server wide) | 193g42s68c | 0.145 |
Coreway Sledgehammer | Singles (server wide) | 329g1s61c | 0.127 |
Corroded Pocket Watch | Stackables (region wide) | 4g31s16c | 0.028 |
Cracked Etheric Power Core | Stackables (region wide) | 2,579g87s | n/a |
Cracked Iridescent Pearl | Stackables (region wide) | 15g94s62c | 0.025 |
Cracked Lantern | Stackables (region wide) | 168g65s65c | n/a |
Cracked Pickaxe | Stackables (region wide) | 89s24c | 0.075 |
Cracked Weavershell | Stackables (region wide) | 186g39s60c | 0.257 |
Crashin' Thrashin' Cannon Controller | Singles (server wide) | 11,137g63s71c | 0.013 |
Crashin' Thrashin' Killdozer Controller | Singles (server wide) | 29,998g42s65c | 0.009 |
Crashin' Thrashin' Mortar Controller | Singles (server wide) | 10,873g72s87c | 0.018 |
Crashin' Thrashin' Roller Controller | Singles (server wide) | 11,264g77s86c | 0.017 |
Crowd Pummeler 2-30 | Singles (server wide) | 2,722,582g57s43c | 0.024 |
Crumbling Bismuth | Stackables (region wide) | 596g7s18c | 0.103 |
Crumpled Patrol Assignment | Stackables (region wide) | 1g97s63c | 0.015 |
Crunchy Peppers | Stackables (region wide) | 11s85c | 0.239 |
Crunchy Rock Candy | Stackables (region wide) | 1g4s66c | 0.035 |
Crushed Gemstones | Stackables (region wide) | 52g22s94c | 0.234 |
Crushed Gemstones | Stackables (region wide) | 54g35s79c | 0.335 |
Crushed Gemstones | Stackables (region wide) | 163g30s10c | 0.139 |
Crusty Chalice | Stackables (region wide) | 24g92s56c | 0.083 |
Crusty Darkmoon Card | Stackables (region wide) | 128g19s54c | 0.139 |
Crystal Tots | Stackables (region wide) | 1g29s31c | 0.282 |
Crystal Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 1s18c | 0.240 |
Crystalfused Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 457g62s6c | 0.066 |
Crystalfused Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 210g95s73c | 0.071 |
Crystalfused Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 338g72s75c | 0.152 |
Crystalline Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 1g13s41c | 0.595 |
Crystalline Sturgeon | Stackables (region wide) | 16g44s78c | 0.939 |
Crystallized Augment Rune | Stackables (region wide) | 1,649g7s76c | 0.613 |
Crystallized Honey | Stackables (region wide) | 1g82s68c | 0.095 |
Cubic Blasphemia | Stackables (region wide) | 941g35s78c | 0.334 |
Cubic Blasphemia | Stackables (region wide) | 3,616g16s30c | 0.165 |
Cubic Blasphemia | Stackables (region wide) | 174g22s84c | 0.218 |
Culminating Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 3,550g23s37c | 0.223 |
Culminating Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 58g30s29c | 0.377 |
Culminating Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 1,277g84s62c | 0.162 |
Damaged Radial Cog | Stackables (region wide) | 82s7c | n/a |
Damp Doll | Stackables (region wide) | 4g96s | 0.086 |
Darkened Residue | Stackables (region wide) | 63s11c | 0.277 |
Darkened Ritual Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 120g33s37c | 0.095 |
Darkmoon Deck: Ascension | Singles (server wide) | 1,508g92s64c | 0.400 |
Darkmoon Deck: Radiance | Singles (server wide) | 1,229g71s55c | 0.323 |
Darkmoon Deck: Symbiosis | Singles (server wide) | 790g69s19c | 0.373 |
Darkmoon Deck: Vivacity | Singles (server wide) | 852g30s92c | 0.420 |
Darkmoon Firewater | Stackables (region wide) | 304g32s68c | 0.321 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 1,756g37s17c | 0.212 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 1,816g7s64c | 0.291 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 3,108g19s43c | 0.290 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 2,553g27s38c | 0.136 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 857g81s40c | 0.095 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 226g53s63c | 0.078 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 272g68s81c | 0.090 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 3,433g15s17c | 0.133 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 706g35s36c | 0.115 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 3,330g25s45c | 0.184 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 1,220g31s51c | 0.113 |
Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 816g10s | 0.170 |
Date Simulation Modulator | Singles (server wide) | 20,450g20s29c | 0.035 |
Dawnthread Lining | Stackables (region wide) | 742g56s32c | 0.132 |
Dawnthread Lining | Stackables (region wide) | 21g23s33c | 0.102 |
Dawnthread Lining | Stackables (region wide) | 11g37s85c | 0.410 |
Dawnweave | Stackables (region wide) | 10g80s15c | 0.504 |
Dawnweave | Stackables (region wide) | 10g63s67c | 0.565 |
Dawnweave | Stackables (region wide) | 16g55s11c | 0.322 |
Dawnweave Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 251g5s11c | 0.332 |
Dawnweave Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 153g18s64c | 0.263 |
Dawnweave Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 129g67s67c | 0.342 |
Dawnweave Reagent Bag | Singles (server wide) | 1,675g92s36c | 0.268 |
Daybreak Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 1,069g20s46c | 0.126 |
Daybreak Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 1,700g78s35c | 0.213 |
Daybreak Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 1,152g21s52c | 0.227 |
Dead Fish | Stackables (region wide) | 1g20s5c | 0.224 |
Deadly Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 24g53s20c | 0.073 |
Deadly Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 243g78s29c | 0.092 |
Deadly Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 7g74s77c | 0.489 |
Deadly Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,475g7s39c | 0.161 |
Deadly Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,355g18s31c | 0.484 |
Deadly Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 3,093g55s46c | 0.216 |
Deadly Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,439g32s3c | 0.152 |
Deadly Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 3,084g9s78c | 0.160 |
Deadly Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,435g99s26c | 0.478 |
Deadly Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,590g89s13c | 0.136 |
Deadly Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,266g43s47c | 0.534 |
Deadly Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 3,847g36s8c | 0.189 |
Deadly Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,342g49s70c | 0.114 |
Deadly Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,266g79s60c | 0.299 |
Deadly Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 3,006g81s4c | 0.158 |
Decorative Lens | Stackables (region wide) | 228g18s45c | 0.077 |
Decorative Lens | Stackables (region wide) | 309g63s22c | 0.170 |
Decorative Lens | Stackables (region wide) | 456g14s61c | 0.057 |
Deep-Dweller's Battleaxe | Singles (server wide) | 299g30s51c | 0.227 |
Deep-Dweller's Cincture | Singles (server wide) | 582g52s | 0.235 |
Deep-Dweller's Cowl | Singles (server wide) | 653g83s53c | 0.239 |
Deep-Dweller's Cudgel | Singles (server wide) | 332g70s58c | 0.192 |
Deep-Dweller's Dirk | Singles (server wide) | 322g38s35c | 0.172 |
Deep-Dweller's Kaftan | Singles (server wide) | 327g82s28c | 0.252 |
Deep-Dweller's Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 596g83s31c | 0.268 |
Deep-Dweller's Mitts | Singles (server wide) | 585g76s22c | 0.247 |
Deep-Dweller's Orb | Singles (server wide) | 502g67s8c | 0.260 |
Deep-Dweller's Shoulderpads | Singles (server wide) | 565g75s61c | 0.240 |
Deep-Dweller's Slippers | Singles (server wide) | 358g73s93c | 0.246 |
Deep-Dweller's Staff | Singles (server wide) | 871g23s77c | 0.346 |
Deep-Dweller's Wraps | Singles (server wide) | 350g40s45c | 0.258 |
Deepest, Darkest Black Ink | Stackables (region wide) | 37g51s | n/a |
Deepfin Patty | Stackables (region wide) | 136g58s9c | 0.252 |
Defective Escape Pod | Singles (server wide) | 11,867g81s30c | 0.080 |
Defender's Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 1,232g26s74c | 0.263 |
Defender's Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 2,453g39s37c | 0.082 |
Defender's Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 940g17s58c | 0.240 |
Delver's Waterskin | Stackables (region wide) | 1g26s78c | 0.604 |
Dense Five-Pound Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 3g61s65c | 0.118 |
Dented Pocketwatch | Stackables (region wide) | 2g35s77c | 0.064 |
Design: Algari Competitor's Amulet | Singles (server wide) | 5,904g97s23c | 0.233 |
Design: Algari Competitor's Signet | Singles (server wide) | 7,864g73s27c | 0.240 |
Design: Beautification Iris | Singles (server wide) | 22,641g17s40c | 0.199 |
Design: Binding of Binding | Singles (server wide) | 45,686g57s12c | 0.145 |
Design: Cognitive Bloodstone | Singles (server wide) | 99,097g55s98c | 0.133 |
Design: Cubic Blasphemia | Singles (server wide) | 3,186g72s16c | 0.234 |
Design: Culminating Blasphemite | Singles (server wide) | 3,612g26s74c | 0.285 |
Design: Determined Bloodstone | Singles (server wide) | 101,294g72s68c | 0.080 |
Design: Elusive Blasphemite | Singles (server wide) | 2,239g32s77c | 0.235 |
Design: Enduring Bloodstone | Singles (server wide) | 99,995g8s19c | 0.089 |
Design: Insightful Blasphemite | Singles (server wide) | 1,928g93s84c | 0.239 |
Determined Bloodstone | Stackables (region wide) | 6,033g53s75c | 0.121 |
Diaphanous Webbing | Stackables (region wide) | 1g85s15c | 0.122 |
Dilly-Dally Dace | Stackables (region wide) | 16g63s48c | 0.866 |
Discarded Perfume Bottle | Stackables (region wide) | 360,387g12s93c | n/a |
Distilled Algari Freshwater | Stackables (region wide) | 3s30c | 0.248 |
Distressed Belt | Singles (server wide) | 34g69s51c | 0.026 |
Distressed Boots | Singles (server wide) | 40g87s78c | 0.017 |
Distressed Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 40g92s64c | 0.025 |
Distressed Breeches | Singles (server wide) | 49g40s51c | 0.026 |
Distressed Grips | Singles (server wide) | 32g75s50c | 0.023 |
Distressed Jerkin | Singles (server wide) | 40g21s34c | 0.023 |
Distressed Shoulderpads | Singles (server wide) | 35g51s3c | 0.022 |
Distressed Visor | Singles (server wide) | 40g16s52c | 0.018 |
Dormant Core | Stackables (region wide) | 25g7s95c | 0.109 |
Dornish Pike | Stackables (region wide) | 17g67s23c | 0.631 |
Dornish Pike Lure | Stackables (region wide) | 54g55s6c | 0.229 |
Dornogal Defender | Singles (server wide) | 316g74c | 0.197 |
Dornogal Guard's Hammer | Singles (server wide) | 338g59s29c | 0.142 |
Dornogal Guard's Splitter | Singles (server wide) | 226g64s19c | 0.131 |
Dornogal Spear | Singles (server wide) | 306g70s20c | 0.144 |
Downy Clump | Stackables (region wide) | 88s62c | 0.157 |
Drained Elemental Mote | Stackables (region wide) | 86s38c | n/a |
Draught of Shocking Revelations | Stackables (region wide) | 19g27s52c | 0.366 |
Draught of Shocking Revelations | Stackables (region wide) | 87g32s81c | 0.500 |
Draught of Shocking Revelations | Stackables (region wide) | 13g23s73c | 0.594 |
Draught of Silent Footfalls | Stackables (region wide) | 461g19s79c | 0.209 |
Draught of Silent Footfalls | Stackables (region wide) | 17g9s58c | 0.563 |
Draught of Silent Footfalls | Stackables (region wide) | 44g95s75c | 0.092 |
Dredger's Developed Defender | Singles (server wide) | 737g48s97c | 0.092 |
Dredger's Developed Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 410g95s89c | 0.086 |
Dredger's Developed Greatbelt | Singles (server wide) | 454g11s21c | 0.079 |
Dredger's Developed Helm | Singles (server wide) | 429g67s66c | 0.083 |
Dredger's Developed Legplates | Singles (server wide) | 359g59s23c | 0.104 |
Dredger's Developed Pauldrons | Singles (server wide) | 509g53s30c | 0.070 |
Dredger's Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 553g94s28c | 0.103 |
Dredger's Plate Breastplate | Singles (server wide) | 532g99s55c | 0.150 |
Dredger's Plate Sabatons | Singles (server wide) | 446g25s97c | 0.137 |
Dredger's Plate Vambraces | Singles (server wide) | 902g18s39c | 0.120 |
Dual Layered Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 123g90s11c | 0.175 |
Dual Layered Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 15g30s23c | 0.275 |
Dual Layered Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 431g50s8c | 0.120 |
Duskweave | Stackables (region wide) | 36g80s49c | 0.463 |
Duskweave | Stackables (region wide) | 32g50s76c | 0.535 |
Duskweave | Stackables (region wide) | 32g34s42c | 0.660 |
Duskweave Bag | Singles (server wide) | 2,949g27s21c | 0.365 |
Duskweave Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 337g51s55c | 0.418 |
Duskweave Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 286g2s5c | 0.279 |
Duskweave Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 272g92s38c | 0.397 |
Earthen Pet Rock | Stackables (region wide) | 324g43s35c | n/a |
Earthforged Cuffs | Singles (server wide) | 535g23s35c | 0.301 |
Earthforged Faulds | Singles (server wide) | 978g40s25c | 0.295 |
Earthforged Greathelm | Singles (server wide) | 827g11s64c | 0.274 |
Earthforged Handguards | Singles (server wide) | 852g37s8c | 0.327 |
Earthforged Haubergeon | Singles (server wide) | 612g41s78c | 0.307 |
Earthforged Sabatons | Singles (server wide) | 468g67s31c | 0.319 |
Earthforged Shoulder Scales | Singles (server wide) | 771g76s38c | 0.279 |
Ebon Filigreed Doublet | Singles (server wide) | 394g69s69c | 0.080 |
Ebon Filigreed Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 389g8s98c | 0.088 |
Echoing Flux | Stackables (region wide) | 34s71c | 0.466 |
Edge of Winter | Singles (server wide) | 4,346g75s39c | 0.008 |
Eggnog | Stackables (region wide) | 14g75s63c | 0.019 |
Eight of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 45g16s2c | 0.400 |
Eight of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 21g35s96c | 0.474 |
Eight of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 20g46s13c | 0.644 |
Eight of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 15g93s15c | 0.651 |
Electrified Teeth | Stackables (region wide) | 23g8s39c | 0.083 |
Elegant Dress | Singles (server wide) | 6,459g89s21c | 0.057 |
Elegant Pedipalp Wrappings | Stackables (region wide) | 4g73s3c | 0.040 |
Elemental Flux | Stackables (region wide) | 4g94s56c | 0.237 |
Elemental Focusing Lens | Stackables (region wide) | 952g4s24c | 0.142 |
Elemental Focusing Lens | Stackables (region wide) | 1,078g93s34c | 0.099 |
Elemental Focusing Lens | Stackables (region wide) | 821g86s69c | 0.072 |
Elemental Pearl | Singles (server wide) | n/a | n/a |
Elongated Proboscis | Stackables (region wide) | 69s52c | 0.133 |
Eloquent Tailfeather | Stackables (region wide) | 24g35s64c | 0.065 |
Elune Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 15g92s11c | 0.329 |
Elune's Candle | Singles (server wide) | 4,786g4s71c | 0.006 |
Elusive Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 1,270g76s22c | 0.131 |
Elusive Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 3,548g10s89c | 0.180 |
Elusive Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 37g51s73c | 0.228 |
Embroidered Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 453g30s44c | 0.085 |
Empress' Farewell | Stackables (region wide) | 187g22s32c | 0.272 |
Empty Wrapper | Stackables (region wide) | 3,176g27s34c | 0.073 |
Enchant Boots - Cavalry's March | Stackables (region wide) | 1,939g11s87c | 0.118 |
Enchant Boots - Cavalry's March | Stackables (region wide) | 5,156g42s46c | 0.164 |
Enchant Boots - Cavalry's March | Stackables (region wide) | 1,374g88s28c | 0.061 |
Enchant Boots - Defender's March | Stackables (region wide) | 3,033g37s87c | 0.250 |
Enchant Boots - Defender's March | Stackables (region wide) | 5,515g40s58c | 0.345 |
Enchant Boots - Defender's March | Stackables (region wide) | 3,719g99s4c | 0.225 |
Enchant Boots - Scout's March | Stackables (region wide) | 3,029g85s9c | 0.499 |
Enchant Boots - Scout's March | Stackables (region wide) | 3,062g64s25c | 0.192 |
Enchant Boots - Scout's March | Stackables (region wide) | 5,897g19c | 0.155 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 1,116g7s21c | 0.252 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 4,890g64s25c | 0.267 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 1,783g5s38c | 0.235 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 1,819g43s44c | 0.255 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 5,005g89s57c | 0.249 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 2,042g96s22c | 0.301 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 1,493g37s42c | 0.228 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 608g9s57c | 0.430 |
Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 4,328g3s62c | 0.339 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 231g98s96c | 0.143 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 5g21s85c | 0.338 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 105g39s97c | 0.205 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 7g98s69c | 0.447 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 5g27s15c | 0.661 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 239g94s62c | 0.201 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 215g49s49c | 0.113 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 24g50s36c | 0.379 |
Enchant Bracer - Whisper of Armored Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 5g81c | 0.559 |
Enchant Chest - Council's Intellect | Stackables (region wide) | 2,828g47s15c | 0.221 |
Enchant Chest - Council's Intellect | Stackables (region wide) | 5,916g88s22c | 0.367 |
Enchant Chest - Council's Intellect | Stackables (region wide) | 2,168g10s2c | 0.296 |
Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 5,137g84s62c | 0.469 |
Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 2,261g36s68c | 0.269 |
Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 2,583g28s39c | 0.299 |
Enchant Chest - Oathsworn's Strength | Stackables (region wide) | 8,512g42s56c | 0.308 |
Enchant Chest - Oathsworn's Strength | Stackables (region wide) | 5,067g89s52c | 0.298 |
Enchant Chest - Oathsworn's Strength | Stackables (region wide) | 3,627g94s72c | 0.147 |
Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility | Stackables (region wide) | 6,434g49s | 0.280 |
Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility | Stackables (region wide) | 2,168g29s27c | 0.121 |
Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility | Stackables (region wide) | 3,480g96s37c | 0.114 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity | Stackables (region wide) | 5,981g48s71c | 0.126 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity | Stackables (region wide) | 1,744g31s37c | 0.136 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity | Stackables (region wide) | 2,011g34s39c | 0.506 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs | Stackables (region wide) | 1,717g30s84c | 0.269 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs | Stackables (region wide) | 5,274g89s80c | 0.253 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs | Stackables (region wide) | 270g36s47c | 0.421 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace | Stackables (region wide) | 2,170g28s80c | 0.224 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace | Stackables (region wide) | 1,866g25s44c | 0.245 |
Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace | Stackables (region wide) | 5,790g22s14c | 0.201 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 15g67s10c | 0.408 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 83g45c | 0.214 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Avoidance | Stackables (region wide) | 220g34s24c | 0.151 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 219g41s11c | 0.126 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 17g45s65c | 0.270 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Leech | Stackables (region wide) | 4g92s94c | 0.459 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 6g64s34c | 0.102 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 221g16s18c | 0.135 |
Enchant Cloak - Whisper of Silken Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 5g16s30c | 0.602 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 1,799g62s2c | 0.140 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 1,150g20s29c | 0.360 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 5,103g15s77c | 0.347 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 1,707g45s40c | 0.181 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 4,744g48s44c | 0.411 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 1,982g50s1c | 0.229 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 5,310g46s95c | 0.357 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 1,518g66s59c | 0.236 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 1,976g11s94c | 0.172 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 1,744g83s50c | 0.107 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 994g23s37c | 0.263 |
Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 5,132g52s22c | 0.240 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 4g92s9c | 0.487 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 53g28s40c | 0.076 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 112g40s74c | 0.388 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 86g70s28c | 0.107 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 124g2s52c | 0.336 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 4g99s25c | 0.244 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 17g31s76c | 0.424 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 118g75s20c | 0.277 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 4g91s69c | 0.591 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 5g82s58c | 0.106 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 4g89s42c | 0.508 |
Enchant Ring - Glimmering Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 113g17s5c | 0.612 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 2,887g92s94c | 0.186 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 5,651g79s64c | 0.201 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike | Stackables (region wide) | 2,639g78s53c | 0.225 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 5,724g62s65c | 0.266 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 3,018g41s34c | 0.237 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste | Stackables (region wide) | 3,337g26s6c | 0.281 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 2,903g69s34c | 0.196 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 5,672g10s50c | 0.225 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 2,894g14s57c | 0.162 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 2,601g92s71c | 0.109 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 5,673g66s15c | 0.143 |
Enchant Ring - Radiant Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 2,051g30s29c | 0.179 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Deftness | Stackables (region wide) | 1,123g90s29c | 0.094 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Deftness | Stackables (region wide) | 4,166g15s34c | 0.122 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Deftness | Stackables (region wide) | 1,436g10s25c | 0.133 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Finesse | Stackables (region wide) | 1,491g40s22c | 0.155 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Finesse | Stackables (region wide) | 1,120g93s60c | 0.142 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Finesse | Stackables (region wide) | 4,183g98s51c | 0.152 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 3,814g64s74c | 0.209 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 1,196g90s51c | 0.158 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 689g80s21c | 0.324 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Perception | Stackables (region wide) | 1,216g66s59c | 0.125 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Perception | Stackables (region wide) | 4,009g44s33c | 0.170 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Perception | Stackables (region wide) | 1,407g80s59c | 0.120 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Resourcefulness | Stackables (region wide) | 1,401g75s27c | 0.202 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Resourcefulness | Stackables (region wide) | 4,187g54s85c | 0.213 |
Enchant Tool - Algari Resourcefulness | Stackables (region wide) | 1,316g72s14c | 0.244 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Air | Stackables (region wide) | 4,821g9s11c | 0.486 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Air | Stackables (region wide) | 253g67s59c | 0.707 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Air | Stackables (region wide) | 1,293g15s36c | 0.319 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Fiery Resolve | Stackables (region wide) | 3,431g8s15c | 0.385 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Fiery Resolve | Stackables (region wide) | 7,004g59s90c | 0.500 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Fiery Resolve | Stackables (region wide) | 3,988g74s74c | 0.210 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power | Stackables (region wide) | 9,747g93s43c | 0.241 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power | Stackables (region wide) | 5,042g95s61c | 0.218 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power | Stackables (region wide) | 4,011g35s | 0.134 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Storms | Stackables (region wide) | 4,385g21s52c | 0.350 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Storms | Stackables (region wide) | 1,534g46s62c | 0.275 |
Enchant Weapon - Authority of Storms | Stackables (region wide) | 1,504g69s96c | 0.255 |
Enchant Weapon - Council's Guile | Stackables (region wide) | 1,488g71s2c | 0.215 |
Enchant Weapon - Council's Guile | Stackables (region wide) | 4,189g26s69c | 0.209 |
Enchant Weapon - Council's Guile | Stackables (region wide) | 300g78s93c | 0.577 |
Enchant Weapon - Oathsworn's Tenacity | Stackables (region wide) | 1,100g74s45c | 0.305 |
Enchant Weapon - Oathsworn's Tenacity | Stackables (region wide) | 4,079g12s2c | 0.174 |
Enchant Weapon - Oathsworn's Tenacity | Stackables (region wide) | 130g80s89c | 0.452 |
Enchant Weapon - Stonebound Artistry | Stackables (region wide) | 606g56s45c | 0.688 |
Enchant Weapon - Stonebound Artistry | Stackables (region wide) | 1,916g32s10c | 0.265 |
Enchant Weapon - Stonebound Artistry | Stackables (region wide) | 4,572g29s98c | 0.271 |
Enchant Weapon - Stormrider's Fury | Stackables (region wide) | 955g | 0.592 |
Enchant Weapon - Stormrider's Fury | Stackables (region wide) | 2,003g66s85c | 0.283 |
Enchant Weapon - Stormrider's Fury | Stackables (region wide) | 4,697g70s93c | 0.308 |
Enchanted Spearwood Wand | Singles (server wide) | 310g43s25c | 0.146 |
Enchanting Vellum | Stackables (region wide) | 16s57c | 0.572 |
Enduring Bloodstone | Stackables (region wide) | 6,395g80s95c | 0.214 |
Energy Redistribution Beacon | Stackables (region wide) | 2,696g37s11c | 0.280 |
Energy Redistribution Beacon | Stackables (region wide) | 1,214g12s89c | 0.150 |
Energy Redistribution Beacon | Stackables (region wide) | 1,201g51s70c | 0.544 |
Engraved Gemcutter | Stackables (region wide) | 43g39s98c | 0.120 |
Engraved Gemcutter | Stackables (region wide) | 44g58s34c | 0.164 |
Engraved Gemcutter | Stackables (region wide) | 177g40s6c | 0.034 |
Enlarged Ear | Stackables (region wide) | 64s80c | 0.113 |
Entropy Enhancer | Stackables (region wide) | 515g11s24c | 0.021 |
Entropy Enhancer | Stackables (region wide) | 128g98s13c | 0.069 |
Entropy Enhancer | Stackables (region wide) | 114g55s85c | 0.305 |
Ever-Frozen Ice | Stackables (region wide) | 34g71s40c | n/a |
Everburning Lump | Stackables (region wide) | 22g59s92c | 0.011 |
Everything Stew | Stackables (region wide) | 165g46s18c | 0.242 |
Expeditionary Belt | Singles (server wide) | 572g37s1c | 0.271 |
Expeditionary Blade | Singles (server wide) | 315g50s41c | 0.195 |
Expeditionary Boots | Singles (server wide) | 379g46s22c | 0.276 |
Expeditionary Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 351g67s65c | 0.282 |
Expeditionary Brigandine | Singles (server wide) | 339g4c | 0.287 |
Expeditionary Bulwark | Singles (server wide) | 1,171g12s19c | 0.356 |
Expeditionary Chopper | Singles (server wide) | 302g35s90c | 0.192 |
Expeditionary Epaulets | Singles (server wide) | 503g24s82c | 0.272 |
Expeditionary Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 619g22s16c | 0.276 |
Expeditionary Helm | Singles (server wide) | 567g14s42c | 0.252 |
Expeditionary Shinguards | Singles (server wide) | 691g61s99c | 0.292 |
Expeditionary Spear | Singles (server wide) | 398g45s9c | 0.217 |
Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 168g78s36c | 0.096 |
Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 90g76s61c | 0.260 |
Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 97g30s50c | 0.312 |
Exquisitely Eviscerated Muscle | Stackables (region wide) | 13g97s56c | 0.275 |
Extra Large Leek | Singles (server wide) | 5,507g70s60c | 0.094 |
Extravagant Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 97g92s77c | 0.427 |
Fashionable Flask | Stackables (region wide) | 261g75s75c | 0.189 |
Feast of the Divine Day | Stackables (region wide) | 734g9s58c | 0.318 |
Feast of the Midnight Masquerade | Stackables (region wide) | 663g56s86c | 0.427 |
Feather-on-a-Stick | Stackables (region wide) | 90s72c | 0.063 |
Festival Dress | Singles (server wide) | 114,122g18s57c | 0.003 |
Festival Firecracker | Stackables (region wide) | 5g20s97c | 0.010 |
Festival Lantern | Singles (server wide) | 142,073g94s81c | 0.009 |
Festival Suit | Singles (server wide) | 177,603g64s99c | 0.001 |
Fiery Fish Sticks | Stackables (region wide) | 80g70s82c | 0.257 |
Filmless Camera | Singles (server wide) | 9,343g62s38c | 0.082 |
Filthy Handkerchief | Stackables (region wide) | 76s | n/a |
Fine Aged Cheddar | Stackables (region wide) | 1g80s14c | 0.093 |
Fine Egg Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 96g41s42c | 0.377 |
Fine Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 1s71c | 0.191 |
Fish and Chips | Stackables (region wide) | 64g53s56c | 0.142 |
Five of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 40g9s98c | 0.451 |
Five of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 16g86s39c | 0.409 |
Five of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 18g51s71c | 0.594 |
Five of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 19g27s80c | 0.644 |
Flash Fire Fillet | Stackables (region wide) | 18g82s89c | 0.057 |
Flask of Alchemical Chaos | Stackables (region wide) | 1,541g69s69c | 0.350 |
Flask of Alchemical Chaos | Stackables (region wide) | 302g23s53c | 0.520 |
Flask of Alchemical Chaos | Stackables (region wide) | 309g11s67c | 0.139 |
Flask of Saving Graces | Stackables (region wide) | 1,085g98s35c | 0.212 |
Flask of Saving Graces | Stackables (region wide) | 5g95s64c | 0.376 |
Flask of Saving Graces | Stackables (region wide) | 59g14s6c | 0.349 |
Flask of Tempered Aggression | Stackables (region wide) | 292g56s55c | 0.077 |
Flask of Tempered Aggression | Stackables (region wide) | 281g30s60c | 0.436 |
Flask of Tempered Aggression | Stackables (region wide) | 1,333g81s47c | 0.115 |
Flask of Tempered Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 339g25s13c | 0.122 |
Flask of Tempered Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 310g85s55c | 0.500 |
Flask of Tempered Mastery | Stackables (region wide) | 1,295g16s96c | 0.110 |
Flask of Tempered Swiftness | Stackables (region wide) | 357g66s60c | 0.190 |
Flask of Tempered Swiftness | Stackables (region wide) | 364g40s28c | 0.526 |
Flask of Tempered Swiftness | Stackables (region wide) | 1,334g10s82c | 0.162 |
Flask of Tempered Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 275g26s15c | 0.088 |
Flask of Tempered Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 257g44s79c | 0.494 |
Flask of Tempered Versatility | Stackables (region wide) | 1,289g1s81c | 0.122 |
For the Light! | Singles (server wide) | 3,748g8s71c | 0.001 |
Forged Combatant's Heraldry | Stackables (region wide) | 62s10c | 0.451 |
Forged Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 74g98s19c | 0.509 |
Forged Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 725g68s97c | 0.108 |
Forged Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 141g39s21c | 0.165 |
Formula: Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility | Singles (server wide) | 37,045g3s15c | 0.165 |
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity | Singles (server wide) | 126,469g45s32c | 0.161 |
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs | Singles (server wide) | 1,790g50s4c | 0.340 |
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace | Singles (server wide) | 29,383g35s25c | 0.267 |
Formula: Enchant Ring - Cursed Critical Strike | Singles (server wide) | 3,093g31s8c | 0.244 |
Formula: Enchant Ring - Cursed Mastery | Singles (server wide) | 3,668g19s49c | 0.268 |
Formula: Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility | Singles (server wide) | 2,468g12s79c | 0.234 |
Formula: Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike | Singles (server wide) | 3,608g46s86c | 0.316 |
Formula: Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste | Singles (server wide) | 6,101g71s64c | 0.336 |
Formula: Enchant Ring - Radiant Mastery | Singles (server wide) | 4,605g27s93c | 0.310 |
Formula: Enchant Ring - Radiant Versatility | Singles (server wide) | 2,782g16s1c | 0.246 |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Authority of Air | Singles (server wide) | 5,093g44s15c | 0.201 |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power | Singles (server wide) | 98,612g43s59c | 0.197 |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Winter's Might | Singles (server wide) | 205g37s95c | 0.021 |
Formula: Gleeful Glamour - Earthen | Singles (server wide) | 19,312g76s90c | 0.128 |
Formula: Illusory Adornment: Crystal | Singles (server wide) | 78s77c | 0.120 |
Formula: Illusory Adornment: Radiance | Singles (server wide) | 6,804g54s88c | 0.181 |
Formula: Illusory Adornment: Shadow | Singles (server wide) | 9,141g5s88c | 0.205 |
Four of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 46g45s20c | 0.485 |
Four of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 21g13s66c | 0.433 |
Four of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 16g5s87c | 0.484 |
Four of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 18g3s24c | 0.471 |
Fractured Casing | Stackables (region wide) | 2g17s15c | 0.039 |
Fractured Command Matrix | Stackables (region wide) | 2g11s64c | n/a |
Fractured Interface Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 1g81s82c | n/a |
Frayed Wiring | Stackables (region wide) | 3g84s11c | 0.385 |
Fresh Fig | Stackables (region wide) | 90g79s85c | 0.202 |
Fresh Fillet | Stackables (region wide) | 20g32s1c | 0.574 |
Fresh Grazing Rocks | Stackables (region wide) | 27g34s2c | 0.107 |
Fresh Parchment | Stackables (region wide) | 29s29c | 0.181 |
Freshly Fallen Sticks | Stackables (region wide) | 235g31s80c | 0.032 |
Frightened Bush Chicken | Singles (server wide) | 112,918g75s59c | 0.006 |
Frontline Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 15g6s43c | 0.753 |
Frontline Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 41g3s32c | 0.267 |
Frontline Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 326g45s99c | 0.389 |
Fuzzy Green Lounge Cushion | Singles (server wide) | 26,258g11s46c | 0.009 |
Gardener's Basket | Singles (server wide) | 1,420g6s17c | 0.322 |
Gemcutter's Apron | Singles (server wide) | 361g55s47c | 0.139 |
Gilded Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 126g61s94c | 0.136 |
Gilded Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 2g46s14c | 0.669 |
Gilded Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 55g69s60c | 0.176 |
Ginger Glazed Fillet | Stackables (region wide) | 58g44s21c | 0.073 |
Gingerbread Cookie | Stackables (region wide) | 14g97s7c | 0.088 |
Gleaming Deep-Pearl | Stackables (region wide) | 34g18s83c | 0.010 |
Gleaming Shard | Stackables (region wide) | 74g57s88c | 0.584 |
Gleaming Shard | Stackables (region wide) | 68g77s34c | 0.630 |
Gleaming Shard | Stackables (region wide) | 145g65s40c | 0.609 |
Gleeful Glamour - Blood Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 235g61s61c | 0.237 |
Gleeful Glamour - Blood Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 888g17s32c | 0.236 |
Gleeful Glamour - Blood Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 17g43s3c | 0.466 |
Gleeful Glamour - Dark Iron Dwarf | Stackables (region wide) | 4g61s84c | 0.433 |
Gleeful Glamour - Dark Iron Dwarf | Stackables (region wide) | 468g52s42c | 0.075 |
Gleeful Glamour - Dark Iron Dwarf | Stackables (region wide) | 22g82s84c | 0.150 |
Gleeful Glamour - Draenei | Stackables (region wide) | 4g72s12c | 0.499 |
Gleeful Glamour - Draenei | Stackables (region wide) | 45g96s7c | 0.250 |
Gleeful Glamour - Draenei | Stackables (region wide) | 663g60s35c | 0.062 |
Gleeful Glamour - Dwarf | Stackables (region wide) | 4g56s19c | 0.446 |
Gleeful Glamour - Dwarf | Stackables (region wide) | 662g6s78c | 0.090 |
Gleeful Glamour - Dwarf | Stackables (region wide) | 55g70s71c | 0.304 |
Gleeful Glamour - Earthen | Stackables (region wide) | 177g76s69c | 0.058 |
Gleeful Glamour - Earthen | Stackables (region wide) | 607g22s78c | 0.104 |
Gleeful Glamour - Earthen | Stackables (region wide) | 62g80s86c | 0.185 |
Gleeful Glamour - Gnome | Stackables (region wide) | 779g73s29c | 0.177 |
Gleeful Glamour - Gnome | Stackables (region wide) | 5g24s59c | 0.344 |
Gleeful Glamour - Gnome | Stackables (region wide) | 155g5s22c | 0.284 |
Gleeful Glamour - Goblin | Stackables (region wide) | 604g51s61c | 0.102 |
Gleeful Glamour - Goblin | Stackables (region wide) | 18g58s98c | 0.146 |
Gleeful Glamour - Goblin | Stackables (region wide) | 4g75s96c | 0.480 |
Gleeful Glamour - Highmountain Tauren | Stackables (region wide) | 703g62s24c | 0.093 |
Gleeful Glamour - Highmountain Tauren | Stackables (region wide) | 102g23s46c | 0.297 |
Gleeful Glamour - Highmountain Tauren | Stackables (region wide) | 5g20s50c | 0.422 |
Gleeful Glamour - Human | Stackables (region wide) | 914g22c | 0.106 |
Gleeful Glamour - Human | Stackables (region wide) | 24g53s29c | 0.509 |
Gleeful Glamour - Human | Stackables (region wide) | 251g78s27c | 0.218 |
Gleeful Glamour - Kul Tiran | Stackables (region wide) | 815g81s34c | 0.151 |
Gleeful Glamour - Kul Tiran | Stackables (region wide) | 68g63s25c | 0.203 |
Gleeful Glamour - Kul Tiran | Stackables (region wide) | 5g30s92c | 0.276 |
Gleeful Glamour - Lightforged Draenei | Stackables (region wide) | 4g85s72c | 0.516 |
Gleeful Glamour - Lightforged Draenei | Stackables (region wide) | 158g44s94c | 0.275 |
Gleeful Glamour - Lightforged Draenei | Stackables (region wide) | 762g23s88c | 0.121 |
Gleeful Glamour - Mag'har Orc | Stackables (region wide) | 5g91s49c | 0.476 |
Gleeful Glamour - Mag'har Orc | Stackables (region wide) | 745g85s46c | 0.103 |
Gleeful Glamour - Mag'har Orc | Stackables (region wide) | 82g16s76c | 0.212 |
Gleeful Glamour - Mechagnome | Stackables (region wide) | 566g37s22c | 0.092 |
Gleeful Glamour - Mechagnome | Stackables (region wide) | 4g84s82c | 0.450 |
Gleeful Glamour - Mechagnome | Stackables (region wide) | 47g24s89c | 0.296 |
Gleeful Glamour - Night Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 287g94s33c | 0.268 |
Gleeful Glamour - Night Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 16g19s16c | 0.469 |
Gleeful Glamour - Night Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 1,038g28s17c | 0.160 |
Gleeful Glamour - Nightborne | Stackables (region wide) | 6g55s35c | 0.653 |
Gleeful Glamour - Nightborne | Stackables (region wide) | 45g85s56c | 0.478 |
Gleeful Glamour - Nightborne | Stackables (region wide) | 645g88s11c | 0.101 |
Gleeful Glamour - Orc | Stackables (region wide) | 795g90s5c | 0.134 |
Gleeful Glamour - Orc | Stackables (region wide) | 94g82s78c | 0.205 |
Gleeful Glamour - Orc | Stackables (region wide) | 5g9s6c | 0.526 |
Gleeful Glamour - Pandaren | Stackables (region wide) | 188g28s25c | 0.233 |
Gleeful Glamour - Pandaren | Stackables (region wide) | 932g66s12c | 0.192 |
Gleeful Glamour - Pandaren | Stackables (region wide) | 5g18s96c | 0.628 |
Gleeful Glamour - Tauren | Stackables (region wide) | 100g32s56c | 0.260 |
Gleeful Glamour - Tauren | Stackables (region wide) | 6g59s69c | 0.343 |
Gleeful Glamour - Tauren | Stackables (region wide) | 742g25s39c | 0.209 |
Gleeful Glamour - Troll | Stackables (region wide) | 4g84s93c | 0.522 |
Gleeful Glamour - Troll | Stackables (region wide) | 686g21s71c | 0.089 |
Gleeful Glamour - Troll | Stackables (region wide) | 80g94s78c | 0.251 |
Gleeful Glamour - Undead | Stackables (region wide) | 9g98s70c | 0.520 |
Gleeful Glamour - Undead | Stackables (region wide) | 286g59s97c | 0.205 |
Gleeful Glamour - Undead | Stackables (region wide) | 916g74s | 0.233 |
Gleeful Glamour - Void Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 7g98s70c | 0.582 |
Gleeful Glamour - Void Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 937g69s56c | 0.118 |
Gleeful Glamour - Void Elf | Stackables (region wide) | 208g9s5c | 0.211 |
Gleeful Glamour - Vulpera | Stackables (region wide) | 38g43s56c | 0.160 |
Gleeful Glamour - Vulpera | Stackables (region wide) | 828g38s3c | 0.168 |
Gleeful Glamour - Vulpera | Stackables (region wide) | 188g24s79c | 0.214 |
Gleeful Glamour - Worgen | Stackables (region wide) | 6g95s41c | 0.502 |
Gleeful Glamour - Worgen | Stackables (region wide) | 593g58s45c | 0.095 |
Gleeful Glamour - Worgen | Stackables (region wide) | 49g72s9c | 0.249 |
Gleeful Glamour - Zandalari Troll | Stackables (region wide) | 7g66s34c | 0.475 |
Gleeful Glamour - Zandalari Troll | Stackables (region wide) | 678g97s13c | 0.106 |
Gleeful Glamour - Zandalari Troll | Stackables (region wide) | 48g18s90c | 0.351 |
Glimmering Delicacy | Stackables (region wide) | 3g99s5c | 0.083 |
Glittering Glass | Stackables (region wide) | 17g80s84c | 0.643 |
Glittering Rock | Stackables (region wide) | 2,797g90s12c | 0.113 |
Gloom Chitin | Stackables (region wide) | 11g61s7c | 0.788 |
Gloom Chitin | Stackables (region wide) | 11g52s13c | 0.869 |
Gloom Chitin | Stackables (region wide) | 11g70s88c | 0.580 |
Gloomfathom Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 686g84s3c | 0.554 |
Gloves of the Greatfather | Singles (server wide) | 4,108g10s77c | 0.007 |
Gob of Mucus | Stackables (region wide) | 64s58c | 0.177 |
Golden Filigreed Doublet | Singles (server wide) | 193g8s57c | 0.052 |
Golden Filigreed Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 170g79s75c | 0.057 |
Goldengill Trout | Stackables (region wide) | 16g70s41c | 0.790 |
Gossamer Web | Stackables (region wide) | 21g80s32c | 0.012 |
Gourmet Pumpkin Pie | Stackables (region wide) | 18g98s54c | 0.677 |
Graccu's Homemade Meat Pie | Stackables (region wide) | 16s77c | 0.046 |
Graccu's Mince Meat Fruitcake | Stackables (region wide) | 4g17s95c | 0.351 |
Granite Salad | Stackables (region wide) | 1g47s75c | 0.290 |
Granulated Spices | Stackables (region wide) | 10s93c | 0.267 |
Greatfather's Winter Ale | Stackables (region wide) | 10,985g61s25c | 0.123 |
Green Dye | Stackables (region wide) | 9s24c | 0.163 |
Green Firework | Stackables (region wide) | 2g90s15c | 0.258 |
Green Garden Tea | Stackables (region wide) | 50g | n/a |
Green Helper Box | Singles (server wide) | 29g82s89c | 0.040 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 1 | Stackables (region wide) | 716g8s80c | 0.067 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 10 | Stackables (region wide) | 54g92s33c | 0.013 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 11 | Stackables (region wide) | 3,728g44s50c | 0.144 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 14 | Stackables (region wide) | 134g51s29c | 0.199 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 16 | Stackables (region wide) | 10,315g73s84c | 0.120 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 18 | Stackables (region wide) | 10,867g19s7c | 0.116 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 20 | Stackables (region wide) | 126g82s97c | 0.121 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 21 | Stackables (region wide) | 3,013g35s92c | 0.046 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 24 | Stackables (region wide) | 106g40s41c | 0.153 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 25 | Stackables (region wide) | 2,629g71s49c | 0.148 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 26 | Stackables (region wide) | 101g84s78c | 0.127 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 27 | Stackables (region wide) | 8,753g49s44c | 0.198 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 4 | Stackables (region wide) | 285g90s30c | 0.017 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 6 | Stackables (region wide) | 7,246g9s76c | 0.078 |
Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 8 | Stackables (region wide) | 131g15s21c | 0.078 |
Green Holiday Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 263g7s91c | 0.050 |
Green Martial Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 208g55s67c | 0.066 |
Green Ribboned Wrapping Paper | Stackables (region wide) | 4g25s21c | 0.322 |
Green Winter Clothes | Singles (server wide) | 1,125g15s95c | 0.049 |
Green Winter Clothes | Singles (server wide) | 14,595g69s99c | 0.008 |
Griftah's Heavy-Duty Embellishing Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 20g46s40c | 0.075 |
Gritty Polishing Cloth | Stackables (region wide) | 78g32s95c | 0.670 |
Gritty Polishing Cloth | Stackables (region wide) | 200g21s37c | 0.157 |
Gritty Polishing Cloth | Stackables (region wide) | 279g76s38c | 0.092 |
Grotesque Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 222g41s56c | 0.496 |
Grotesque Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 15g70s30c | 0.479 |
Grotesque Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 24g12s81c | 0.244 |
Ground Snacking Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 36g70s62c | 0.066 |
Grumpling | Singles (server wide) | 3,856g60s17c | 0.015 |
Gyrating Gear | Stackables (region wide) | 220g98s71c | 0.106 |
Gyrating Gear | Stackables (region wide) | 55g62s38c | 0.140 |
Gyrating Gear | Stackables (region wide) | 55g46s46c | 0.650 |
Half-Painted Pewter Spider | Stackables (region wide) | 16g2s88c | 0.097 |
Hallowed Burger | Stackables (region wide) | 11g1s51c | 0.211 |
Hallowfall Chili | Stackables (region wide) | 3g21s21c | 0.198 |
Hallowfall Harvester's Pitchfork | Singles (server wide) | 347g87s93c | 0.177 |
Handful of Bismuth Bolts | Stackables (region wide) | 41g34s77c | 0.566 |
Handful of Bismuth Bolts | Stackables (region wide) | 263g88s42c | 0.120 |
Handful of Bismuth Bolts | Stackables (region wide) | 44g9s52c | 0.196 |
Handful of Pebbles | Stackables (region wide) | 1g34s40c | 0.501 |
Handful of Polished Scales | Stackables (region wide) | 2g4s60c | 0.139 |
Handful of Smooth Pebbles | Stackables (region wide) | 1g4s10c | 0.573 |
Happy Rock | Stackables (region wide) | 183g22c | 0.234 |
Harmonious Horticulture | Stackables (region wide) | 2,962g68s54c | 0.280 |
Harmonious Horticulture | Stackables (region wide) | 659g93s79c | 0.277 |
Harmonious Horticulture | Stackables (region wide) | 665g33s95c | 0.199 |
Hasty Alchemist's Mixing Rod | Singles (server wide) | 1,535g45s30c | 0.249 |
Hearty Chippy Tea | Stackables (region wide) | 281g2s16c | 0.236 |
Heavy Silken Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 17s26c | 0.115 |
Heavy Stock | Stackables (region wide) | 13s71c | 0.011 |
Herb-Infused Stuffing | Stackables (region wide) | 45g3s45c | 0.411 |
Hideseeker's Hat | Singles (server wide) | 1,577g29s46c | 0.176 |
Hideseeker's Pack | Singles (server wide) | 367g41s53c | 0.163 |
Hideshaper's Cover | Singles (server wide) | 1,600g66s65c | 0.118 |
Holiday Cheesewheel | Stackables (region wide) | 61s41c | 0.145 |
Holiday Spices | Stackables (region wide) | 73s58c | 0.300 |
Holiday Spirits | Stackables (region wide) | 33g49s49c | 0.051 |
Holy Mackerel | Stackables (region wide) | 2g22s91c | 0.102 |
Honed Bone Shards | Stackables (region wide) | 38g98s58c | 0.584 |
Hot Apple Cider | Stackables (region wide) | 3g59s23c | 0.140 |
Hot Honeycomb | Stackables (region wide) | 40g83s6c | 0.479 |
Huge Snowball | Stackables (region wide) | 41g77s52c | 0.385 |
Hula Girl Doll | Singles (server wide) | 2,844g69s13c | 0.011 |
Humble Pie | Stackables (region wide) | 2g16s46c | 0.266 |
Humming Power Core | Stackables (region wide) | 25g56s21c | 0.042 |
Illusory Adornment: Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 6g51s46c | 0.319 |
Illusory Adornment: Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 30g14s88c | 0.188 |
Illusory Adornment: Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 454g37s75c | 0.161 |
Illusory Adornment: Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 124g94s33c | 0.155 |
Illusory Adornment: Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 956g93s66c | 0.085 |
Illusory Adornment: Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 102g77s38c | 0.118 |
Illusory Adornment: Runes | Stackables (region wide) | 5g71s32c | 0.383 |
Illusory Adornment: Runes | Stackables (region wide) | 48g13s69c | 0.442 |
Illusory Adornment: Runes | Stackables (region wide) | 713g52s10c | 0.188 |
Illusory Adornment: Shadow | Stackables (region wide) | 184g84s54c | 0.102 |
Illusory Adornment: Shadow | Stackables (region wide) | 1,580g1s15c | 0.133 |
Illusory Adornment: Shadow | Stackables (region wide) | 94g97s84c | 0.029 |
Immature Spiderling | Stackables (region wide) | 20g42s27c | n/a |
Impeccable Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 603g69s39c | 0.154 |
Impeccable Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 22g57s74c | 0.086 |
Impeccable Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 29g51s46c | 0.129 |
Imperfect Null Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 139g2s24c | 0.802 |
Incanter's Shard | Singles (server wide) | 348g97s28c | 0.269 |
Indigo Shard | Stackables (region wide) | 2g15s72c | 0.032 |
Inert Dust | Stackables (region wide) | 68s47c | 0.196 |
Inoperable Keystone | Stackables (region wide) | 196g96s8c | n/a |
Inquisitor's Baton | Singles (server wide) | 1,111g37s50c | 0.053 |
Inquisitor's Crutch | Singles (server wide) | 893g63s6c | 0.041 |
Inquisitor's Torch | Singles (server wide) | 648g99s68c | 0.041 |
Insects Bowl Mix | Stackables (region wide) | 6g1s37c | 0.040 |
Insightful Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 3,453g48s40c | 0.165 |
Insightful Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 187g99s37c | 0.238 |
Insightful Blasphemite | Stackables (region wide) | 19g2s17c | 0.346 |
Inverted Prism | Stackables (region wide) | 1,079g51s83c | 0.062 |
Inverted Prism | Stackables (region wide) | 1,148g35s37c | 0.059 |
Inverted Prism | Stackables (region wide) | 1,210g1s39c | 0.153 |
Ionized Feather | Stackables (region wide) | 38g20s15c | 0.008 |
Iridescent Integument | Stackables (region wide) | 23g13s68c | 0.232 |
Iron Poppers | Stackables (region wide) | 1g20s59c | 0.226 |
Ironclaw Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 346g20s84c | 0.215 |
Ironclaw Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 296g2s15c | 0.244 |
Ironclaw Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 1,438g38s89c | 0.218 |
Ironclaw Axe | Singles (server wide) | 356g4s80c | 0.075 |
Ironclaw Dirk | Singles (server wide) | 314g31s70c | 0.059 |
Ironclaw Great Axe | Singles (server wide) | 410g74s89c | 0.059 |
Ironclaw Great Mace | Singles (server wide) | 359g57s40c | 0.099 |
Ironclaw Knuckles | Singles (server wide) | 332g75s62c | 0.127 |
Ironclaw Ore | Stackables (region wide) | 13g68s50c | 0.798 |
Ironclaw Ore | Stackables (region wide) | 12g38s25c | 0.821 |
Ironclaw Ore | Stackables (region wide) | 18g74s44c | 0.772 |
Ironclaw Razorstone | Stackables (region wide) | 765g63s9c | 0.117 |
Ironclaw Razorstone | Stackables (region wide) | 785g46s28c | 0.120 |
Ironclaw Razorstone | Stackables (region wide) | 1,405g44s73c | 0.056 |
Ironclaw Stiletto | Singles (server wide) | 396g22s81c | 0.098 |
Ironclaw Sword | Singles (server wide) | 376g73s88c | 0.071 |
Ironclaw Weightstone | Stackables (region wide) | 360g38s42c | 0.070 |
Ironclaw Weightstone | Stackables (region wide) | 78g27s78c | 0.587 |
Ironclaw Weightstone | Stackables (region wide) | 175g2s12c | 0.099 |
Ironclaw Whetstone | Stackables (region wide) | 289g48s68c | 0.112 |
Ironclaw Whetstone | Stackables (region wide) | 359g44s78c | 0.119 |
Ironclaw Whetstone | Stackables (region wide) | 196g33s87c | 0.152 |
Irreparably Bent Spoon | Stackables (region wide) | 71s | 0.326 |
Jar of Alchemical Solvent | Stackables (region wide) | 10g86c | 0.017 |
Jar of Cinderbee Honey | Stackables (region wide) | 2g99s54c | 0.083 |
Jar of Pickled Insects | Stackables (region wide) | 5g19s17c | 0.025 |
Jaw with Barbed Teeth | Stackables (region wide) | 70s47c | 0.363 |
Jester's Board | Stackables (region wide) | 284g82s34c | 0.314 |
Jeweler's Careful Crusher | Singles (server wide) | 148g27s70c | 0.120 |
Jeweler's Setting | Stackables (region wide) | 1g79s44c | 0.227 |
Jingling Bell | Singles (server wide) | 52g64s56c | 0.043 |
Jostling Ovoid | Stackables (region wide) | 208g54s66c | 0.278 |
Jug of Badlands Bourbon | Stackables (region wide) | 1g12s60c | 0.476 |
Juggling Torch | Stackables (region wide) | 54s88c | 0.019 |
Junk Bucket | Stackables (region wide) | 10g76s46c | 0.436 |
Kaheti Slum Shark | Stackables (region wide) | 808g46s18c | 0.805 |
Kaheti Swarm Chitin | Stackables (region wide) | 86s76c | 0.347 |
Keen Fang | Stackables (region wide) | 68g88s97c | 0.086 |
Khaz Algar Tomato | Stackables (region wide) | 16s46c | 0.346 |
Koboldatouille | Stackables (region wide) | 3g71s89c | 0.015 |
Koboldchino | Stackables (region wide) | 13g84s22c | 0.098 |
Kobyss Teeth-Sharpener | Stackables (region wide) | 28g97s39c | n/a |
Kyros's Spare Chestplate | Singles (server wide) | 25,105g38s72c | 0.192 |
Kyros's Spare Cuffs | Singles (server wide) | 29,022g54s54c | 0.121 |
Kyros's Spare Faulds | Singles (server wide) | 28,187g8s66c | 0.116 |
Kyros's Spare Girdle | Singles (server wide) | 19,689g4s41c | 0.189 |
Kyros's Spare Handguards | Singles (server wide) | 26,320g60s5c | 0.127 |
Kyros's Spare Helm | Singles (server wide) | 19,422g92s42c | 0.108 |
Kyros's Spare Sabatons | Singles (server wide) | 28,954g67s17c | 0.123 |
Kyros's Spare Shoulder Plates | Singles (server wide) | 21,120g12s79c | 0.147 |
Lamplighter's Battleaxe | Singles (server wide) | 34,153g94s77c | 0.088 |
Lamplighter's Blade | Singles (server wide) | 37,034g91s6c | 0.093 |
Lamplighter's Bulwark | Singles (server wide) | 85,275g78s40c | 0.087 |
Lamplighter's Chopper | Singles (server wide) | 29,837g19s86c | 0.060 |
Lamplighter's Cudgel | Singles (server wide) | 37,202g56s54c | 0.052 |
Lamplighter's Edge | Singles (server wide) | 31,273g59s41c | 0.065 |
Lamplighter's Glaive | Singles (server wide) | 36,679g68s72c | 0.061 |
Lamplighter's Great Mallet | Singles (server wide) | 32,647g27s71c | 0.086 |
Lamplighter's Greataxe | Singles (server wide) | 31,618g96s61c | 0.146 |
Lamplighter's Hatchet | Singles (server wide) | 34,091g43s64c | 0.060 |
Lamplighter's Lightstone | Singles (server wide) | 39,066g77s42c | 0.081 |
Lamplighter's Polearm | Singles (server wide) | 46,092g69s81c | 0.097 |
Lamplighter's Rifle | Singles (server wide) | 43,929g28s9c | 0.092 |
Lamplighter's Splitter | Singles (server wide) | 59,600g48s51c | 0.106 |
Lamplighter's Staff | Singles (server wide) | 47,789g44s26c | 0.178 |
Lamplighter's Sword | Singles (server wide) | 49,512g49s33c | 0.093 |
Lamplighter's War Knives | Singles (server wide) | 23,131g54s20c | 0.071 |
Lapidary's Bismuth Clamps | Singles (server wide) | 1,786g20s83c | 0.200 |
Large White Rocket | Stackables (region wide) | 4g47s75c | 0.254 |
Large Yellow Rocket | Stackables (region wide) | 18g1s2c | 0.394 |
Lava Cola | Stackables (region wide) | 1g45s99c | 0.442 |
Leaden Vial | Stackables (region wide) | 1g46c | 0.107 |
Left Boot | Stackables (region wide) | 3g38s28c | 0.098 |
Leyfused Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 841g76s9c | 0.185 |
Leyfused Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 681g50s28c | 0.061 |
Leyfused Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 870g16s23c | 0.044 |
Leyline Residue | Stackables (region wide) | 138g66s18c | 0.840 |
Light Parchment | Stackables (region wide) | 1s51c | 0.175 |
Lightweight Scribe's Quill | Singles (server wide) | 1,076g53s42c | 0.134 |
Little Buddy Biscuits | Stackables (region wide) | 258g5s42c | 0.100 |
Long-Forgotten Glove | Stackables (region wide) | 86s8c | 0.004 |
Loose Bolts | Stackables (region wide) | 3g52s49c | 0.043 |
Lord of Frost's Private Label | Stackables (region wide) | 99s33c | 0.241 |
Lost Note | Stackables (region wide) | 17g83s43c | 0.116 |
Lovebird Hatchling | Singles (server wide) | 1,338g64s79c | 0.021 |
Lovely Black Dress | Singles (server wide) | 73,424g32s2c | 0.076 |
Lovely Blue Dress | Singles (server wide) | 54,999g99s25c | 0.029 |
Lovely Charm Bracelet | Singles (server wide) | 7,999g4s2c | 0.005 |
Lovely Purple Dress | Singles (server wide) | 55,317g86s22c | 0.035 |
Lovely Red Dress | Singles (server wide) | 54,591g38s10c | 0.044 |
Lovingly Carved Ramolith | Stackables (region wide) | 69g78s98c | 0.007 |
Lovingly Worn Chisel | Stackables (region wide) | 69s64c | 0.026 |
Luredrop | Stackables (region wide) | 33g31s75c | 0.393 |
Luredrop | Stackables (region wide) | 33g46s61c | 0.675 |
Luredrop | Stackables (region wide) | 172g49s95c | 0.495 |
Luredrop Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 26g27s83c | 0.208 |
Luredrop Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 137g43s41c | 0.172 |
Luredrop Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 26g81s94c | 0.142 |
Luvkip | Stackables (region wide) | 683g1s81c | 0.333 |
Lynx Tag Collar | Stackables (region wide) | 2g15s48c | 0.018 |
Magmalaid | Stackables (region wide) | 1g11s27c | 0.179 |
Major Healing Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 14s46c | 0.621 |
Major Mana Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 27s49c | 0.512 |
Malleable Band | Singles (server wide) | 1,015g62s97c | 0.262 |
Malleable Pendant | Singles (server wide) | 680g30s83c | 0.194 |
Mangoro Madness | Stackables (region wide) | 2s97c | 0.115 |
Manufacturing Oil | Stackables (region wide) | 3,000g18s | n/a |
Marbled Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 88g66s31c | 0.106 |
Marbled Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 18g51s52c | 0.189 |
Marbled Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 17g70s98c | 0.156 |
Marinated Maggots | Stackables (region wide) | 92g27s60c | 0.252 |
Marinated Tenderloins | Stackables (region wide) | 16g36s96c | 0.332 |
Mark of Honor | Stackables (region wide) | n/a | n/a |
Mass of Melted Wax | Stackables (region wide) | 68s83c | 0.039 |
Massive Worm Flank | Stackables (region wide) | 6g78s50c | 0.643 |
Masterful Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 8g42s69c | 0.321 |
Masterful Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 24g28s20c | 0.053 |
Masterful Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 396g15s37c | 0.091 |
Masterful Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 3,104g49s59c | 0.217 |
Masterful Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,464g76s43c | 0.313 |
Masterful Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,488g70s46c | 0.183 |
Masterful Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 3,850g79s9c | 0.230 |
Masterful Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,758g77s60c | 0.132 |
Masterful Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,361g69s17c | 0.528 |
Masterful Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,352g13s97c | 0.370 |
Masterful Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,458g24s34c | 0.137 |
Masterful Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 3,103g65s97c | 0.209 |
Masterful Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 3,047g74s95c | 0.176 |
Masterful Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,313g36s89c | 0.271 |
Masterful Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,363g81s3c | 0.099 |
Meat and Potatoes | Stackables (region wide) | 17g7s32c | 0.339 |
Melted Candlebar | Stackables (region wide) | 246g33s51c | 0.038 |
Melted Globs of Glass | Stackables (region wide) | 60s84c | 0.035 |
Midsummer Ground Flower | Stackables (region wide) | 2g12s63c | 0.068 |
Miner's Bismuth Hoard | Singles (server wide) | 3,029g72s71c | 0.343 |
Miniature Winter Veil Tree | Singles (server wide) | 44,506g61s30c | 0.008 |
Mining Pick | Singles (server wide) | 20g98s57c | 0.040 |
Mirror Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 182g46s75c | 0.530 |
Mirror Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 570g58s10c | 0.116 |
Mirror Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 207g11s8c | 0.134 |
Mistletoe | Stackables (region wide) | n/a | n/a |
Moldy Rations | Stackables (region wide) | 72s97c | 0.061 |
Moldy Rucksack | Stackables (region wide) | 126g51s79c | n/a |
Mole Mole | Stackables (region wide) | 2g11s60c | 0.026 |
Moonbrook Riot Taffy | Stackables (region wide) | 13s27c | 0.223 |
Moonglow | Stackables (region wide) | 5g1c | 0.070 |
Mosswool Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 12s83c | 0.590 |
Moth-Ridden Armlets | Singles (server wide) | 26g78s41c | 0.025 |
Moth-Ridden Hood | Singles (server wide) | 38g47s73c | 0.021 |
Moth-Ridden Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 30g95s24c | 0.025 |
Moth-Ridden Mitts | Singles (server wide) | 33g82s15c | 0.011 |
Moth-Ridden Robe | Singles (server wide) | 33g47s29c | 0.027 |
Moth-Ridden Slippers | Singles (server wide) | 34g81s43c | 0.022 |
Moth-Ridden Stole | Singles (server wide) | 42g88s95c | 0.023 |
Moth-Ridden Waistwrap | Singles (server wide) | 29g49s18c | 0.025 |
Mound of Night Soil | Stackables (region wide) | 24g17s44c | 0.066 |
Mucky Rock | Stackables (region wide) | 6g63s95c | 0.110 |
Mud Clump | Stackables (region wide) | 4g53s63c | 0.037 |
Muddied Amulet | Stackables (region wide) | 93g59s12c | 0.034 |
Mushroom Tea | Stackables (region wide) | 2g31s82c | 0.051 |
Mycobloom | Stackables (region wide) | 16g95s90c | 0.630 |
Mycobloom | Stackables (region wide) | 14g24s35c | 0.904 |
Mycobloom | Stackables (region wide) | 14g47s20c | 0.867 |
Mycobloom Risotto | Stackables (region wide) | 90g50s53c | 0.266 |
Nacreous Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 14g48s96c | 0.174 |
Nacreous Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 11g5s35c | 0.202 |
Nacreous Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 10g70s90c | 0.446 |
Nascent Gemstone | Stackables (region wide) | 15g33s39c | 0.033 |
Necklace of Kobold Teeth | Stackables (region wide) | 3g29s38c | 0.003 |
Nerub'ar Nectar | Stackables (region wide) | 10g62s92c | 0.057 |
Nerubian Almanac | Singles (server wide) | 500g76s33c | 0.003 |
Nibbling Minnow | Stackables (region wide) | 16g68s36c | 0.763 |
Night's Litany | Stackables (region wide) | 995g92s64c | n/a |
Nisa's Spare Belt | Singles (server wide) | 14,422g15s42c | 0.118 |
Nisa's Spare Cassock | Singles (server wide) | 17,561g28s6c | 0.100 |
Nisa's Spare Cloak | Singles (server wide) | 30,986g23s53c | 0.184 |
Nisa's Spare Coronet | Singles (server wide) | 14,243g57s51c | 0.077 |
Nisa's Spare Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 12,271g79s7c | 0.089 |
Nisa's Spare Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 13,392g71s3c | 0.103 |
Nisa's Spare Shoes | Singles (server wide) | 10,383g59s98c | 0.101 |
Nisa's Spare Shoulderpads | Singles (server wide) | 11,628g43s72c | 0.075 |
Nisa's Spare Wristguards | Singles (server wide) | 13,361g10s79c | 0.088 |
Noblegarden Bunny | Singles (server wide) | 32,681g91s82c | 0.009 |
Null Lotus | Stackables (region wide) | 78g74s48c | 0.792 |
Null Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 705g83s54c | 0.720 |
Oil of Beledar's Grace | Stackables (region wide) | 432g13s30c | 0.139 |
Oil of Beledar's Grace | Stackables (region wide) | 167g45s46c | 0.143 |
Oil of Beledar's Grace | Stackables (region wide) | 128g59s96c | 0.124 |
Oil of Deep Toxins | Stackables (region wide) | 455g50s23c | 0.189 |
Oil of Deep Toxins | Stackables (region wide) | 227g98s35c | 0.147 |
Oil of Deep Toxins | Stackables (region wide) | 98g62s84c | 0.169 |
Oiled Pigment Pouch | Stackables (region wide) | 2g26s66c | n/a |
Old Explorer's Compass | Stackables (region wide) | 4g22s54c | 0.014 |
Ominous Ceremonial Robe | Stackables (region wide) | 2g82s53c | 0.022 |
Ominous Energy Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 221g95s31c | 0.051 |
Ominous Energy Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 612g41s1c | 0.076 |
Ominous Energy Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 179g8s64c | 0.093 |
On the Application of Arathi Technology to Earthen Life | Stackables (region wide) | 16g83s96c | 0.006 |
Orange O-pocalypse | Stackables (region wide) | 2s96c | 0.148 |
Orbinid | Stackables (region wide) | 71g94s48c | 0.450 |
Orbinid | Stackables (region wide) | 13g19s32c | 0.720 |
Orbinid | Stackables (region wide) | 13g15s54c | 0.307 |
Orbinid Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 10g14s26c | 0.179 |
Orbinid Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 10g82s67c | 0.142 |
Orbinid Pigment | Stackables (region wide) | 53g45s4c | 0.130 |
Ostentatious Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 97g44s71c | 0.424 |
Outsider's Provisions | Stackables (region wide) | 303g74s53c | 0.218 |
Overclocked Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 10g1s78c | 0.183 |
Overclocked Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 17g99s44c | 0.139 |
Overclocked Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 1,171g88s65c | 0.190 |
Oversized Chelicera | Stackables (region wide) | 63s84c | 0.176 |
Oversized Claw | Stackables (region wide) | 24g42s71c | 0.039 |
Oyster Outbreak | Stackables (region wide) | 2s96c | 0.136 |
Pale Gills | Stackables (region wide) | 74s79c | 0.140 |
Pale Huskfish | Stackables (region wide) | 36g36s54c | 0.334 |
Pan Seared Mycobloom | Stackables (region wide) | 11g98s21c | 0.071 |
Particularly Pungent Herbs | Stackables (region wide) | 97s61c | 0.125 |
Patrol Torch | Stackables (region wide) | 21g45s79c | 0.186 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Chainmail | Singles (server wide) | 6,625g70s62c | 0.124 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Cowl | Singles (server wide) | 6,466g26s45c | 0.140 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Cuffs | Singles (server wide) | 7,019g96s76c | 0.167 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Epaulets | Singles (server wide) | 6,601g68s33c | 0.152 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 6,106g33s96c | 0.158 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Girdle | Singles (server wide) | 8,599g98s13c | 0.135 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 6,796g31s63c | 0.152 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Chain Treads | Singles (server wide) | 7,079g13s52c | 0.180 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Bands | Singles (server wide) | 13,033g9s37c | 0.211 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Cloak | Singles (server wide) | 12,866g43s66c | 0.187 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 11,385g60s69c | 0.208 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Hood | Singles (server wide) | 14,527g94s54c | 0.172 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 14,356g34s96c | 0.207 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Sash | Singles (server wide) | 14,102g41s81c | 0.219 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Shoulderpads | Singles (server wide) | 11,743g86s81c | 0.205 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Treads | Singles (server wide) | 12,932g9s86c | 0.201 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Cloth Tunic | Singles (server wide) | 11,540g59s82c | 0.219 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Belt | Singles (server wide) | 8,308g86s55c | 0.166 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Boots | Singles (server wide) | 9,260g8s63c | 0.174 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Chestpiece | Singles (server wide) | 6,708g81s58c | 0.170 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 6,463g35s42c | 0.155 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Mask | Singles (server wide) | 8,400g76s23c | 0.167 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Shoulderpads | Singles (server wide) | 6,928g98s61c | 0.167 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Trousers | Singles (server wide) | 7,278g28s47c | 0.171 |
Pattern: Algari Competitor's Leather Wristwraps | Singles (server wide) | 8,298g78s48c | 0.167 |
Pattern: Artisan Chef's Hat | Singles (server wide) | 42,533g44s69c | 0.132 |
Pattern: Busy Bee's Buckle | Singles (server wide) | 17,873g28s78c | 0.116 |
Pattern: Dawnthread Lining | Singles (server wide) | 308g11s98c | 0.194 |
Pattern: Gloves of the Greatfather | Singles (server wide) | 82g36s43c | 0.040 |
Pattern: Green Holiday Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 183g45s42c | 0.061 |
Pattern: Ignition Satchel | Singles (server wide) | 9,804g70s98c | 0.211 |
Pattern: Reinforced Setae Flyers | Singles (server wide) | 71g72s90c | 0.218 |
Pattern: Roiling Thunderstrike Talons | Singles (server wide) | 14,432g93s48c | 0.132 |
Pattern: Rook Feather Wristwraps | Singles (server wide) | 14,566g6s24c | 0.169 |
Pattern: Sanctified Torchbearer's Grips | Singles (server wide) | 5,487g68s85c | 0.187 |
Pattern: Vambraces of Deepening Darkness | Singles (server wide) | 59,047g83s33c | 0.118 |
Pattern: Waders of the Unifying Flame | Singles (server wide) | 17,064g60s43c | 0.138 |
Pausing Pylon | Stackables (region wide) | 247g72s51c | 0.580 |
Peddlefeet's Buffing Creme | Stackables (region wide) | 1g95s51c | 0.076 |
Pep-In-Your-Step | Stackables (region wide) | 3g80s28c | 0.332 |
Perky Blaster | Stackables (region wide) | 22g92s36c | 0.007 |
Personally Crafted Mug | Singles (server wide) | 6g66s80c | n/a |
Petal Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 195g73s27c | 0.150 |
Petal Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 943g27s39c | 0.064 |
Petal Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 81g33s3c | 0.344 |
Phial of Bountiful Seasons | Stackables (region wide) | 50g85s39c | 0.349 |
Phial of Bountiful Seasons | Stackables (region wide) | 716g7s94c | 0.166 |
Phial of Bountiful Seasons | Stackables (region wide) | 89g8s94c | 0.088 |
Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 54g55s53c | 0.430 |
Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 98g35s66c | 0.047 |
Phial of Concentrated Ingenuity | Stackables (region wide) | 492g60s46c | 0.139 |
Phial of Enhanced Ambidexterity | Stackables (region wide) | 617g87s74c | 0.229 |
Phial of Enhanced Ambidexterity | Stackables (region wide) | 51g69s7c | 0.465 |
Phial of Enhanced Ambidexterity | Stackables (region wide) | 73g32s74c | 0.085 |
Phial of Truesight | Stackables (region wide) | 76g72s12c | 0.181 |
Phial of Truesight | Stackables (region wide) | 473g19s15c | 0.427 |
Phial of Truesight | Stackables (region wide) | 67g92s96c | 0.352 |
Pierced Armguards | Singles (server wide) | 25g80s12c | 0.020 |
Pierced Clasp | Singles (server wide) | 28g83s92c | 0.031 |
Pierced Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 22g72s99c | 0.031 |
Pierced Hauberk | Singles (server wide) | 39g76s23c | 0.025 |
Pierced Helm | Singles (server wide) | 42g21s41c | 0.024 |
Pierced Jambeaux | Singles (server wide) | 38g74s92c | 0.030 |
Pierced Sabatons | Singles (server wide) | 34g7s97c | 0.025 |
Pierced Spaulders | Singles (server wide) | 40g7s15c | 0.021 |
Pileus Puff | Stackables (region wide) | 1g87s81c | 0.123 |
Pilfered Matchbook | Stackables (region wide) | 442g9s18c | n/a |
Pineapple Lounge Cushion | Singles (server wide) | 31,922g95s55c | 0.009 |
Pink Dye | Stackables (region wide) | 7s42c | 0.052 |
Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm | Singles (server wide) | 4,376g61s51c | 0.011 |
Pioneer's Cloth Cuffs | Singles (server wide) | 426g23s27c | 0.148 |
Pioneer's Cloth Robe | Singles (server wide) | 433g20s31c | 0.095 |
Pioneer's Cloth Slippers | Singles (server wide) | 479g12s19c | 0.100 |
Pioneer's Perfected Cloak | Singles (server wide) | 866g3s79c | 0.220 |
Pioneer's Perfected Cord | Singles (server wide) | 327g51s29c | 0.073 |
Pioneer's Perfected Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 301g68s97c | 0.104 |
Pioneer's Perfected Hood | Singles (server wide) | 366g10s69c | 0.060 |
Pioneer's Perfected Leggings | Singles (server wide) | 407g35s14c | 0.058 |
Pioneer's Perfected Mantle | Singles (server wide) | 311g91s21c | 0.094 |
Pitted Armor Plating | Stackables (region wide) | 5g76s2c | 0.010 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Axe | Singles (server wide) | 16,022g49s27c | 0.137 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Dagger | Singles (server wide) | 19,485g38s51c | 0.176 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Greatsword | Singles (server wide) | 25,241g49s46c | 0.191 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Pickaxe | Singles (server wide) | 17,078g65s47c | 0.156 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Armguards | Singles (server wide) | 6,616g20s11c | 0.208 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Breastplate | Singles (server wide) | 7,763g38s43c | 0.208 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Gauntlets | Singles (server wide) | 7,199g88s79c | 0.254 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Greaves | Singles (server wide) | 6,710g47s93c | 0.191 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Helm | Singles (server wide) | 7,287g20s45c | 0.180 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Pauldrons | Singles (server wide) | 6,877g50s96c | 0.230 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Sabatons | Singles (server wide) | 8,077g30s32c | 0.229 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Plate Waistguard | Singles (server wide) | 7,570g61s69c | 0.283 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Scepter | Singles (server wide) | 16,361g25s28c | 0.151 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Shield | Singles (server wide) | 15,970g33s60c | 0.143 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Skewer | Singles (server wide) | 16,241g84s95c | 0.142 |
Plans: Algari Competitor's Sword | Singles (server wide) | 18,667g86s44c | 0.172 |
Plans: Artisan Skinning Knife | Singles (server wide) | 78g44s52c | 0.186 |
Plans: Beledar's Bulwark | Singles (server wide) | 3,954g94s2c | 0.256 |
Plans: Charged Crusher | Singles (server wide) | 14,838g53s3c | 0.215 |
Plans: Charged Runeaxe | Singles (server wide) | 55,056g56s76c | 0.246 |
Plans: Sanctified Steps | Singles (server wide) | 261,689g38s72c | 0.114 |
Poison Poached Eggs | Stackables (region wide) | 3g53s20c | 0.020 |
Polishing Powder | Stackables (region wide) | 67s78c | 0.123 |
Portable Profession Possibility Projector | Stackables (region wide) | 157g61s24c | 0.504 |
Portioned Steak | Stackables (region wide) | 6g23s84c | 0.640 |
Potion Bomb of Power | Stackables (region wide) | 368g7s1c | 0.203 |
Potion Bomb of Power | Stackables (region wide) | 71g91s52c | 0.104 |
Potion Bomb of Power | Stackables (region wide) | 108g72s83c | 0.123 |
Potion Bomb of Recovery | Stackables (region wide) | 43g72s59c | 0.127 |
Potion Bomb of Recovery | Stackables (region wide) | 6g91s92c | 0.269 |
Potion Bomb of Recovery | Stackables (region wide) | 185g97s76c | 0.203 |
Potion Bomb of Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 55g14s57c | 0.042 |
Potion Bomb of Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 6g58s38c | 0.106 |
Potion Bomb of Speed | Stackables (region wide) | 11g9s2c | 0.060 |
Potion of the Reborn Cheetah | Stackables (region wide) | 14g60s98c | 0.731 |
Potion of the Reborn Cheetah | Stackables (region wide) | 362g88s17c | 0.323 |
Potion of the Reborn Cheetah | Stackables (region wide) | 40g1s50c | 0.045 |
Potion of Unwavering Focus | Stackables (region wide) | 13g22s59c | 0.707 |
Potion of Unwavering Focus | Stackables (region wide) | 355g53s89c | 0.211 |
Potion of Unwavering Focus | Stackables (region wide) | 44g57s36c | 0.092 |
Pouch of Pocket Grenades | Stackables (region wide) | 86g35s86c | 0.315 |
Pouch of Pocket Grenades | Stackables (region wide) | 2,135g42s65c | 0.252 |
Pouch of Pocket Grenades | Stackables (region wide) | 68g34s22c | 0.147 |
Prepared Ghoulfish | Stackables (region wide) | 9g36s17c | 0.303 |
Preserved Begrimed Greathelm | Singles (server wide) | 7,734g16s22c | 0.019 |
Preserved Distressed Visor | Singles (server wide) | 13,641g82s5c | 0.023 |
Preserved Gold-Inlaid Chelicera | Stackables (region wide) | 88g49s2c | n/a |
Preserved Holly | Stackables (region wide) | 1g27s3c | 0.595 |
Preserved Moth-Ridden Hood | Singles (server wide) | 9,493g86s23c | 0.021 |
Preserved Pierced Helm | Singles (server wide) | 11,654g1s20c | 0.012 |
Preserving Embroidery Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 33g44s40c | 0.327 |
Preserving Embroidery Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 60g10s55c | 0.162 |
Preserving Embroidery Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 143g64s53c | 0.044 |
Prismatic Null Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 1,540g31s86c | 0.154 |
Prismatic Null Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 974g71s53c | 0.070 |
Prismatic Null Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 1,956g82s10c | 0.097 |
Pristine Ventral Fin | Stackables (region wide) | 25g27s15c | 0.006 |
Profaned Pendant | Stackables (region wide) | 2g68s38c | 0.091 |
Profaned Tinderbox | Stackables (region wide) | 2,123g2s94c | 0.575 |
Proficient Blacksmith's Hammer | Singles (server wide) | 336g18s77c | 0.159 |
Proficient Blacksmith's Toolbox | Singles (server wide) | 315g21s70c | 0.136 |
Proficient Leatherworker's Knife | Singles (server wide) | 1,595g65s21c | 0.155 |
Proficient Leatherworker's Toolset | Singles (server wide) | 1,643g72s48c | 0.143 |
Proficient Needle Set | Singles (server wide) | 582g82s59c | 0.164 |
Proficient Pickaxe | Singles (server wide) | 717g12s30c | 0.322 |
Proficient Sickle | Singles (server wide) | 885g51s54c | 0.282 |
Proficient Skinning Knife | Singles (server wide) | 405g95s24c | 0.183 |
Pulsing Pustules | Stackables (region wide) | 61s90c | 0.126 |
Pummel Permit | Stackables (region wide) | 792,775g59s53c | 0.214 |
Pummel-Proof Plating | Stackables (region wide) | 23,569g17s89c | 0.439 |
Punctured Intestine | Stackables (region wide) | 23g16s36c | 0.156 |
Pungent Mushroom | Stackables (region wide) | 67s64c | 0.104 |
Purple Dinner Suit | Singles (server wide) | 185,916g91s68c | 0.009 |
Purple Dye | Stackables (region wide) | 22s79c | 0.163 |
Purple Martial Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 369g87s19c | 0.123 |
Purple Ribboned Wrapping Paper | Stackables (region wide) | 26g85s58c | 0.201 |
Quartz Growth | Stackables (region wide) | 27g31s52c | 0.035 |
Queen's Lurefish | Stackables (region wide) | 43g44s13c | 0.397 |
Quick Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 333g47s85c | 0.135 |
Quick Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 29g76s16c | 0.070 |
Quick Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 13g70s3c | 0.477 |
Quick Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 3,845g52s12c | 0.268 |
Quick Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,733g81s20c | 0.188 |
Quick Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,529g76s65c | 0.521 |
Quick Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,458g73s6c | 0.160 |
Quick Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,406g38s1c | 0.466 |
Quick Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 3,108g29s35c | 0.234 |
Quick Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,416g9s38c | 0.347 |
Quick Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,480g29s79c | 0.152 |
Quick Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 3,068g14s16c | 0.148 |
Quick Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,502g38s98c | 0.107 |
Quick Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,350g30s13c | 0.230 |
Quick Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 3,141g31s20c | 0.186 |
Quicksilver Sipper | Stackables (region wide) | 2g4s10c | 0.447 |
Quiet River Bass | Stackables (region wide) | 20g9s56c | 0.643 |
Quiet River Bass Lure | Stackables (region wide) | 40g46s4c | 0.023 |
Quivering Tail | Stackables (region wide) | 30g15s80c | n/a |
Radiant Loupes | Singles (server wide) | 726g91s14c | 0.158 |
Radiant Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 96g84s36c | 0.410 |
Ragged Rope | Stackables (region wide) | 2g61s45c | 0.139 |
Ramolith Bedding Material | Stackables (region wide) | 1,198g33s23c | 0.112 |
Razored Tail-Blade | Stackables (region wide) | 23g74s44c | 0.046 |
Recalibrated Safety Switch | Stackables (region wide) | 1,897g71s31c | 0.188 |
Recalibrated Safety Switch | Stackables (region wide) | 37g72s58c | 0.207 |
Recalibrated Safety Switch | Stackables (region wide) | 106g41s75c | 0.201 |
Recipe: Cinder Nectar | Singles (server wide) | 2,485g6s | 0.175 |
Recipe: Feast of the Divine Day | Singles (server wide) | 44,722g98s48c | 0.222 |
Recipe: Feast of the Midnight Masquerade | Singles (server wide) | 108,361g14s55c | 0.258 |
Recipe: Ghoulfish Delight | Singles (server wide) | 20,217g27s80c | 0.137 |
Recipe: Gingerbread Cookie | Singles (server wide) | 952g43s16c | 0.048 |
Recipe: Melted Candlebar | Singles (server wide) | 26,449g28s92c | 0.075 |
Recipe: Pep-In-Your-Step | Singles (server wide) | 19,666g22s84c | 0.081 |
Recipe: Rockslide Shake | Singles (server wide) | 26,192g78s71c | 0.070 |
Recipe: Vicious Flask of Classical Spirits | Singles (server wide) | 6,016g44s44c | 0.225 |
Recipe: Vicious Flask of Honor | Singles (server wide) | 7,784g35s82c | 0.234 |
Recipe: Vicious Flask of the Wrecking Ball | Singles (server wide) | 5,463g3s46c | 0.202 |
Recipe: Winter Veil Egg Nog | Singles (server wide) | 642g73s29c | 0.039 |
Red Dinner Suit | Singles (server wide) | 230,707g71s66c | 0.006 |
Red Dye | Stackables (region wide) | 10s47c | 0.145 |
Red Firework | Stackables (region wide) | 6g29s16c | 0.495 |
Red Helper Box | Singles (server wide) | 38g80s19c | 0.047 |
Red Martial Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 268g48s | 0.067 |
Red Rider Air Rifle Ammo | Singles (server wide) | 5,999g36s6c | n/a |
Red Winter Clothes | Singles (server wide) | 9,626g34s20c | 0.028 |
Red Winter Clothes | Singles (server wide) | 894g36s99c | 0.100 |
Reflective Rock | Stackables (region wide) | 7,351g88s17c | 0.083 |
Refreshing Spring Water | Stackables (region wide) | 1s62c | 0.352 |
Refulgent Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 143g30s79c | 0.355 |
Refulgent Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 415g4s64c | 0.406 |
Refulgent Crystal | Stackables (region wide) | 38g35s46c | 0.291 |
Refurbished Tinker: Alarm-O-Turret | Stackables (region wide) | 1g29s72c | 0.179 |
Refurbished Tinker: Plane Displacer | Stackables (region wide) | 1g60s96c | 0.082 |
Regal Dottyback | Stackables (region wide) | 17g17s62c | 0.523 |
Relic of the Past I | Stackables (region wide) | 1g5s89c | 0.130 |
Relic of the Past II | Stackables (region wide) | 1g36s9c | 0.066 |
Relic of the Past III | Stackables (region wide) | 4g22s58c | 0.035 |
Relic of the Past IV | Stackables (region wide) | 11g25s41c | 0.029 |
Relic of the Past V | Stackables (region wide) | 7g56s46c | 0.116 |
Relic of the Past VI | Stackables (region wide) | 196g32s33c | 0.240 |
Rib Stickers | Stackables (region wide) | 15g90s43c | 0.352 |
Right Boot | Stackables (region wide) | 4g74s37c | 0.045 |
Right-Handed Magnifying Glass | Singles (server wide) | 230g45s26c | 0.167 |
Ringing Deeps Ingot | Stackables (region wide) | 684g52s27c | 0.581 |
Ripped Swarmite Wing | Stackables (region wide) | 23g77s28c | 0.052 |
Roaring Anglerseeker | Stackables (region wide) | 20g24s16c | 0.841 |
Roaring Anglerseeker Lure | Stackables (region wide) | 128g28s72c | 0.215 |
Roasted Mycobloom | Stackables (region wide) | 7g92s75c | 0.307 |
Rock Buddy | Singles (server wide) | 199g35s32c | 0.021 |
Rock Lobster | Stackables (region wide) | 1g45s42c | 0.243 |
Rock Roasting for Dummies | Stackables (region wide) | 51g58s35c | 0.027 |
Rock-Encrusted Plates | Stackables (region wide) | 4g81s1c | 0.175 |
Rockslide Shake | Stackables (region wide) | 89g99s94c | 0.039 |
Rocky Road | Stackables (region wide) | 1g88s14c | 0.345 |
Root-Staff Splinter | Stackables (region wide) | 50s96c | 0.006 |
Rotten Helper Box | Singles (server wide) | 13,168g10s | 0.015 |
Rotting Bones | Stackables (region wide) | 93s34c | 0.084 |
Royal Nailpicker | Stackables (region wide) | 3g47s49c | 0.038 |
Rune Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 67s95c | 0.336 |
Rune-Carved Bone | Stackables (region wide) | 72s43c | 0.021 |
Runed Bismuth Rod | Singles (server wide) | 405g45s80c | 0.240 |
Ruptured Engine | Stackables (region wide) | 24g85s10c | 0.020 |
Rusted Airship Cog | Stackables (region wide) | 47g68s23c | n/a |
Sad Rock | Stackables (region wide) | 29g60s15c | 0.349 |
Safari Lounge Cushion | Singles (server wide) | 30,000g | 0.011 |
Safety Switch | Stackables (region wide) | 108g86s17c | 0.576 |
Safety Switch | Stackables (region wide) | 119g59s91c | 0.119 |
Safety Switch | Stackables (region wide) | 552g36s66c | 0.069 |
Saints' Delight | Stackables (region wide) | 1g99s99c | 0.100 |
Salt Baked Seafood | Stackables (region wide) | 72g63s73c | 0.206 |
Salty Dog | Stackables (region wide) | 75g86s58c | 0.188 |
Sanctified Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 1,489g66s33c | 0.125 |
Sanctified Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 1,260g57s63c | 0.143 |
Sanctified Alloy | Stackables (region wide) | 1,300g91s97c | 0.401 |
Sanctified Sasparilla | Stackables (region wide) | 2g87s42c | 0.077 |
Sand Sculpting Comb | Stackables (region wide) | 93g46s91c | n/a |
Sanguine Dogfish | Stackables (region wide) | 37g23s4c | 0.535 |
Sanguineous Sac | Stackables (region wide) | 25g92s47c | 0.035 |
Savage Snowball | Stackables (region wide) | 1g20s70c | 0.014 |
Scarlet Filigreed Doublet | Singles (server wide) | 172g90s76c | 0.065 |
Scarlet Filigreed Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 259g71s82c | 0.065 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Cloth Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 2,728g61s1c | 0.138 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Cloth Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 2,906g30s84c | 0.149 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Leather Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 2,958g59s83c | 0.156 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Leather Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 3,316g1s50c | 0.154 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Mail Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 3,097g93s95c | 0.171 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Mail Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 2,899g87s73c | 0.146 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Plate Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 2,376g46s84c | 0.148 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Plate Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 2,248g90s79c | 0.150 |
Schematic: Algari Competitor's Rifle | Singles (server wide) | 16,737g37s47c | 0.129 |
Schematic: Snowmaster 9000 | Singles (server wide) | 238g26s14c | 0.057 |
Scrapsmith's Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 1,855g92s50c | 0.125 |
Scroll of Strength V | Stackables (region wide) | 2s49c | 0.197 |
Secret Sauce | Stackables (region wide) | 472g52s98c | 0.321 |
Serrated Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 8g46s30c | 0.150 |
Serrated Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 871g86s9c | 0.132 |
Serrated Cogwheel | Stackables (region wide) | 9g1s43c | 0.047 |
Seven of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 44g34s53c | 0.367 |
Seven of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 18g74s62c | 0.469 |
Seven of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 18g85s54c | 0.688 |
Seven of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 18g24s66c | 0.768 |
Severed Spiraled Tail | Stackables (region wide) | 36g77s | n/a |
Shadow Ink | Stackables (region wide) | 322g94s15c | 0.078 |
Shadow Ink | Stackables (region wide) | 72g70s28c | 0.097 |
Shadow Ink | Stackables (region wide) | 59g66s63c | 0.626 |
Shadowblind Grouper | Stackables (region wide) | 2g54s69c | 0.336 |
Shadowed Appendage | Stackables (region wide) | 25g44s55c | 0.060 |
Sharpened Digging Claws | Stackables (region wide) | 68s20c | 0.101 |
Sharpened Steel Implement | Stackables (region wide) | 75s68c | 0.061 |
Shattered Lantern | Stackables (region wide) | 3g65s65c | 0.035 |
Shed Skin | Stackables (region wide) | 78s83c | 0.069 |
Shining Amethyst Cluster | Stackables (region wide) | 26g82s1c | 0.136 |
Sifted Cave Sand | Stackables (region wide) | 262g69s90c | 0.029 |
Sifted Cave Sand | Stackables (region wide) | 1,054g16s14c | 0.035 |
Sifted Cave Sand | Stackables (region wide) | 426g71s89c | 0.091 |
Simple Flour | Stackables (region wide) | 2s10c | 0.205 |
Simple Stew | Stackables (region wide) | 3g13s65c | 0.376 |
Simple Wood | Stackables (region wide) | 2s4c | 0.221 |
Sipping Aether | Stackables (region wide) | 3g9s81c | 0.119 |
Six of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 46g17s32c | 0.346 |
Six of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 19g90s35c | 0.469 |
Six of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 16g60s41c | 0.658 |
Six of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 16g20s48c | 0.727 |
Sizzling Cinderpollen | Stackables (region wide) | 75s71c | 0.169 |
Sizzling Honey Roast | Stackables (region wide) | 125g33s36c | 0.209 |
Skewered Fillet | Stackables (region wide) | 4g60s95c | 0.201 |
Skiatic Vessel | Stackables (region wide) | 31g41s68c | 0.073 |
Skin of Dwarven Stout | Stackables (region wide) | 90s26c | 0.263 |
Skinning Knife | Singles (server wide) | 69g21s40c | 0.048 |
Sleek Beak | Stackables (region wide) | 1g96s82c | 0.129 |
Slime-Coated Membrane | Stackables (region wide) | 24g44s61c | 0.147 |
Slow-Smoked Turkey | Stackables (region wide) | 108g98s75c | 0.515 |
Slum Shark Scrap | Stackables (region wide) | 7g1s49c | 0.404 |
Slumbering Soul Serum | Stackables (region wide) | 35g67s15c | 0.056 |
Slumbering Soul Serum | Stackables (region wide) | 12g31s94c | 0.699 |
Slumbering Soul Serum | Stackables (region wide) | 346g37s41c | 0.324 |
Small Glass Vase | Stackables (region wide) | 86g72s12c | 0.004 |
Small White Rocket | Stackables (region wide) | 1g32s93c | 0.300 |
Small Yellow Rocket | Stackables (region wide) | 4g50s29c | 0.207 |
Smelly Backscratcher | Stackables (region wide) | 2g15s22c | 0.103 |
Smoked Visor | Stackables (region wide) | 2g94s59c | 0.026 |
Smudged Propaganda | Stackables (region wide) | 396g48s22c | n/a |
Snowball | Stackables (region wide) | 16s34c | 0.078 |
Snowman Kit | Singles (server wide) | 48g15s27c | 0.055 |
Softly Glowing Shard | Stackables (region wide) | 43g47s23c | 0.019 |
Solid Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 1,134g96s71c | 0.091 |
Solid Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 361g66s22c | 0.080 |
Solid Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 193g5s93c | 0.480 |
Sour Topaz Bites | Stackables (region wide) | 48s92c | 0.171 |
Specular Rainbowfish | Stackables (region wide) | 19g42s49c | 0.543 |
Specular Rainbowfish Lure | Stackables (region wide) | 40g51s92c | 0.141 |
Spelunker's Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 628g21s30c | 0.120 |
Spelunker's Leather Bands | Singles (server wide) | 303g60s25c | 0.128 |
Spelunker's Leather Footpads | Singles (server wide) | 871g23s70c | 0.116 |
Spelunker's Leather Jerkin | Singles (server wide) | 963g48s20c | 0.122 |
Spelunker's Practiced Britches | Singles (server wide) | 443g43s58c | 0.078 |
Spelunker's Practiced Hat | Singles (server wide) | 333g49s98c | 0.130 |
Spelunker's Practiced Mitts | Singles (server wide) | 409g63s73c | 0.075 |
Spelunker's Practiced Sash | Singles (server wide) | 389g55s38c | 0.068 |
Spelunker's Practiced Shoulders | Singles (server wide) | 370g28s2c | 0.064 |
Spelunker's Waning Candle | Singles (server wide) | n/a | n/a |
Spiced Meat Stock | Stackables (region wide) | 6g64s13c | 0.527 |
Spicy Beefstick | Stackables (region wide) | 2s | 0.094 |
Spicy Rubies | Stackables (region wide) | 1g16s79c | 0.220 |
Spiked Sea Raven | Stackables (region wide) | 34g47s9c | 0.466 |
Spinner's Amulet | Singles (server wide) | 1,919g27s11c | 0.353 |
Spinner's Circlet | Singles (server wide) | 1,594g14s94c | 0.343 |
Spinner's Hoop | Singles (server wide) | 1,653g19s70c | 0.328 |
Spinner's Shawl | Singles (server wide) | 1,590g93s53c | 0.355 |
Spiraled Horn | Stackables (region wide) | 1g11s47c | 0.255 |
Splintered Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 80s97c | 0.103 |
Split Bull-Horn | Stackables (region wide) | 26g71s79c | n/a |
Spongey Scramble | Stackables (region wide) | 648g35s48c | 0.131 |
Spool of Dawnthread | Stackables (region wide) | 19g93s20c | 0.061 |
Spool of Dawnthread | Stackables (region wide) | 13g72s23c | 0.208 |
Spool of Dawnthread | Stackables (region wide) | 14g28s3c | 0.172 |
Spool of Duskthread | Stackables (region wide) | 42g35s87c | 0.234 |
Spool of Duskthread | Stackables (region wide) | 38g69s54c | 0.239 |
Spool of Duskthread | Stackables (region wide) | 44g19s59c | 0.085 |
Spool of Weaverthread | Stackables (region wide) | 8g74s33c | 0.360 |
Spool of Weaverthread | Stackables (region wide) | 8g67s31c | 0.736 |
Spool of Weaverthread | Stackables (region wide) | 9g72s96c | 0.136 |
Sporecoated Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 607g52s56c | 0.062 |
Sporecoated Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 426g70s77c | 0.174 |
Sporecoated Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 351g59s84c | 0.059 |
Spring Rabbit's Foot | Singles (server wide) | 38g2s87c | 0.051 |
Spring-Loaded Bismuth Fabric Cutters | Singles (server wide) | 1,421g1s26c | 0.225 |
Stack of Pentagold Reviews | Stackables (region wide) | 369g78s72c | 0.587 |
Stalwart Girdle | Singles (server wide) | 1,040g88s60c | 0.355 |
Star Lantern | Stackables (region wide) | 417g99s14c | 0.059 |
Star Wood | Stackables (region wide) | 1g13s80c | 0.440 |
Starfruit Puree | Stackables (region wide) | 5g99s51c | 0.132 |
Steamwheedle Fizzy Spirits | Stackables (region wide) | 76g17s35c | 0.058 |
Steelsmith's Apron | Singles (server wide) | 279g69s79c | 0.150 |
Sticky Gossamer Sac | Stackables (region wide) | 246g33s36c | 0.235 |
Stone Singing Bowl | Stackables (region wide) | 60g51s34c | n/a |
Stone Soup | Stackables (region wide) | 1g96s65c | 0.550 |
Stonebound Lantern | Singles (server wide) | 9,085g33s50c | 0.088 |
Storm Dust | Stackables (region wide) | 27g80s91c | 0.545 |
Storm Dust | Stackables (region wide) | 21g52s65c | 0.589 |
Storm Dust | Stackables (region wide) | 126g72s79c | 0.361 |
Storm-Touched Weapon Wrap | Stackables (region wide) | 320g2s91c | 0.071 |
Storm-Touched Weapon Wrap | Stackables (region wide) | 650g92s6c | 0.103 |
Storm-Touched Weapon Wrap | Stackables (region wide) | 377g26s61c | 0.492 |
Stormbound Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 44g51s85c | 0.249 |
Stormbound Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 1,361g5s2c | 0.190 |
Stormbound Armor Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 850g77s58c | 0.577 |
Stormcharged Leather | Stackables (region wide) | 11g40s | 0.740 |
Stormcharged Leather | Stackables (region wide) | 12g50c | 0.349 |
Stormcharged Leather | Stackables (region wide) | 11g25s95c | 0.867 |
Storyteller's Glasses | Singles (server wide) | 763g94s9c | 0.145 |
Stout Alemental | Singles (server wide) | 8,939g29s74c | 0.013 |
Strangely Glowing Filament | Stackables (region wide) | 3g86s71c | 0.026 |
Straw-Stuffed Hat | Stackables (region wide) | 24g94s21c | 0.126 |
Stretched Wing | Stackables (region wide) | 1g83s37c | 0.051 |
Stuffed Cave Peppers | Stackables (region wide) | 33g57s15c | 0.446 |
Stunning Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 96g24s44c | 0.462 |
Styleen's Sour Suckerpop | Stackables (region wide) | 80s91c | 0.256 |
Stylish Black Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 658g92s78c | 0.194 |
Sugar Slurry | Stackables (region wide) | 4g7s93c | 0.061 |
Sunless Carapace | Stackables (region wide) | 7g48s83c | 0.502 |
Sunless Carapace | Stackables (region wide) | 98g66s67c | 0.427 |
Sunless Carapace | Stackables (region wide) | 18g3s26c | 0.392 |
Sunset Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 1,977g65s31c | 0.100 |
Sunset Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 2,608g24s71c | 0.256 |
Sunset Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 2,027g16s61c | 0.362 |
Superb Beast Fang | Stackables (region wide) | 1,405g15s25c | 0.558 |
Suspiciously Heavy Egg | Stackables (region wide) | 205g25s5c | 0.196 |
Swarmite Eggsac | Stackables (region wide) | 67s59c | 0.201 |
Sweet and Sour Meatballs | Stackables (region wide) | 15g83s71c | 0.314 |
Sweet and Spicy Soup | Stackables (region wide) | 77g47s79c | 0.117 |
Swift Lovebird | Singles (server wide) | 63,421g49s36c | 0.075 |
Swift Springstrider | Singles (server wide) | 39,184g85s74c | 0.059 |
Tainted Incense | Stackables (region wide) | 93g86s10c | n/a |
Tarragon Soda | Stackables (region wide) | 3g85s48c | 0.047 |
Tattered Standard | Stackables (region wide) | n/a | n/a |
Tattered Theater Hood | Stackables (region wide) | 1g66s54c | 0.005 |
Technique: Algari Competitor's Censer | Singles (server wide) | 6,474g52s41c | 0.113 |
Technique: Algari Competitor's Emblem | Singles (server wide) | 1,630g24s73c | 0.155 |
Technique: Algari Competitor's Insignia of Alacrity | Singles (server wide) | 1,649g65s22c | 0.161 |
Technique: Algari Competitor's Medallion | Singles (server wide) | 2,096g70s21c | 0.162 |
Technique: Algari Competitor's Pillar | Singles (server wide) | 8,886g | 0.113 |
Technique: Algari Competitor's Staff | Singles (server wide) | 11,975g87c | 0.137 |
Technique: Inscribed Rolling Pin | Singles (server wide) | 18,502g47s26c | 0.157 |
Technique: Patient Alchemist's Mixing Rod | Singles (server wide) | 6g76s50c | 0.152 |
Tempered Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 94g2s34c | 0.346 |
Tempered Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 697g47s12c | 0.115 |
Tempered Framework | Stackables (region wide) | 143g3s77c | 0.155 |
Tempered Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 70g99s18c | 0.544 |
Tempered Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 74g9s1c | 0.176 |
Tempered Potion | Stackables (region wide) | 314g12s37c | 0.092 |
Tender Twilight Jerky | Stackables (region wide) | 12g77s28c | 0.324 |
Terrific Tankard O' Terror | Singles (server wide) | 2,664g68s2c | 0.131 |
The Fifty Rules of Commerce, Fourth Edition | Stackables (region wide) | 13g32s38c | n/a |
The Fifty Rules of Commerce, Fourth Edition | Stackables (region wide) | 183g60s56c | n/a |
The Fifty Rules of Commerce, Fourth Edition | Stackables (region wide) | 58g19s61c | n/a |
The Foolhardy's Guide to Survival | Stackables (region wide) | 12g55s39c | 0.089 |
The Horde's Hellscream | Singles (server wide) | 1,121g57s36c | 0.001 |
The Sushi Special | Stackables (region wide) | 657g59s11c | 0.368 |
Thickly Webbed Foot | Stackables (region wide) | 1g95s49c | 0.023 |
Three of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 39g5s20c | 0.488 |
Three of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 17g58s13c | 0.555 |
Three of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 22g66s28c | 0.654 |
Three of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 17g51s43c | 0.605 |
Throwing Sausage | Stackables (region wide) | 252g74s2c | 0.123 |
Thunderous Drums | Stackables (region wide) | 1,440g8s29c | 0.274 |
Thunderous Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 58g7s31c | 0.649 |
Thunderous Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 475g24s84c | 0.569 |
Thunderous Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 91g73s14c | 0.463 |
Tinker: Earthen Delivery Drill | Stackables (region wide) | 128g26s54c | 0.033 |
Tinker: Earthen Delivery Drill | Stackables (region wide) | 69g36s4c | 0.233 |
Tinker: Earthen Delivery Drill | Stackables (region wide) | 73g23s84c | 0.131 |
Tinker: Heartseeking Health Injector | Stackables (region wide) | 9,642g1s35c | 0.394 |
Tinker: Heartseeking Health Injector | Stackables (region wide) | 66g73s87c | 0.075 |
Tinker: Heartseeking Health Injector | Stackables (region wide) | 60g46s10c | 0.112 |
Tinker's Kit | Stackables (region wide) | 1g28s3c | 0.270 |
Tiny Fathomclam | Stackables (region wide) | 7g29s92c | 0.003 |
Titanshake | Stackables (region wide) | 1g76s77c | 0.258 |
Torn Gossamer Scrap | Stackables (region wide) | 57g42s90c | n/a |
Tracker's Chitin Cuffs | Singles (server wide) | 392g23s55c | 0.116 |
Tracker's Chitin Galoshes | Singles (server wide) | 873g16s27c | 0.115 |
Tracker's Chitin Hauberk | Singles (server wide) | 1,009g45s84c | 0.120 |
Tracker's Goggles | Singles (server wide) | 551g91s82c | 0.104 |
Tracker's Toughened Girdle | Singles (server wide) | 373g4s40c | 0.057 |
Tracker's Toughened Handguards | Singles (server wide) | 428g54s92c | 0.062 |
Tracker's Toughened Headgear | Singles (server wide) | 310g93s82c | 0.115 |
Tracker's Toughened Links | Singles (server wide) | 397g43s90c | 0.081 |
Tracker's Toughened Shoulderguards | Singles (server wide) | 482g76s38c | 0.060 |
Translucent Wing | Stackables (region wide) | 2g3s99c | n/a |
Tremendous Tankard O' Terror | Singles (server wide) | 44,829g90s99c | 0.002 |
Tremendous Tankard O' Terror | Singles (server wide) | 4,101g43s60c | 0.160 |
Tremendous Tankard O' Terror | Singles (server wide) | 29,956g80s89c | n/a |
Truesilver Shafted Arrow | Singles (server wide) | 933g96s44c | 0.016 |
Tuft of Whiskers | Stackables (region wide) | 2g2s10c | 0.256 |
Twice-Baked Sweet Potato | Stackables (region wide) | 40g3s12c | 0.450 |
Twined Herbs | Stackables (region wide) | 19s2c | 0.320 |
Two of Ascension | Stackables (region wide) | 37g13s93c | 0.351 |
Two of Radiance | Stackables (region wide) | 20g12s11c | 0.399 |
Two of Symbiosis | Stackables (region wide) | 15g78s53c | 0.556 |
Two of Vivacity | Stackables (region wide) | 17g38s62c | 0.681 |
Uncharged Feather | Stackables (region wide) | 2g29s66c | 0.081 |
Underscout's Bracers | Singles (server wide) | 409g67s | 0.283 |
Underscout's Cap | Singles (server wide) | 768g20s66c | 0.265 |
Underscout's Cord | Singles (server wide) | 747g17s20c | 0.269 |
Underscout's Glaive | Singles (server wide) | 324g67s39c | 0.172 |
Underscout's Gloves | Singles (server wide) | 778g51s38c | 0.285 |
Underscout's Jerkin | Singles (server wide) | 341g48s91c | 0.266 |
Underscout's Kukri | Singles (server wide) | 341g6s96c | 0.176 |
Underscout's Shoulderguards | Singles (server wide) | 541g96s14c | 0.264 |
Underscout's Striders | Singles (server wide) | 438g38s47c | 0.292 |
Underscout's Trousers | Singles (server wide) | 796g57s59c | 0.296 |
Unidentified Viscous Substance | Stackables (region wide) | 1g83s96c | 0.122 |
Unraveled Instructions | Stackables (region wide) | 844g50s81c | 0.651 |
Unrefined Dense Ore | Stackables (region wide) | 2g90s79c | 0.006 |
Unseasoned Field Steak | Stackables (region wide) | 2g43s97c | 0.275 |
Unusable Fragment | Stackables (region wide) | 2s83c | 0.168 |
Vantus Rune: Nerub-ar Palace | Stackables (region wide) | 313g5s14c | 0.205 |
Vantus Rune: Nerub-ar Palace | Stackables (region wide) | 744g84s39c | 0.072 |
Vantus Rune: Nerub-ar Palace | Stackables (region wide) | 2,309g9s82c | 0.208 |
Venomous Stinger | Stackables (region wide) | 1g85s35c | 0.121 |
Versatile Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 8g35s44c | 0.443 |
Versatile Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 267g40s47c | 0.077 |
Versatile Amber | Stackables (region wide) | 31g72s10c | 0.091 |
Versatile Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,408g98s14c | 0.131 |
Versatile Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 3,118g18s73c | 0.225 |
Versatile Emerald | Stackables (region wide) | 1,399g77s39c | 0.246 |
Versatile Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,436g29s22c | 0.253 |
Versatile Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 3,045g78s91c | 0.121 |
Versatile Onyx | Stackables (region wide) | 1,355g23s51c | 0.102 |
Versatile Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,329g24s89c | 0.255 |
Versatile Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 1,375g78s69c | 0.114 |
Versatile Ruby | Stackables (region wide) | 3,041g50s94c | 0.136 |
Versatile Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,152g8s30c | 0.418 |
Versatile Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 3,665g50s18c | 0.228 |
Versatile Sapphire | Stackables (region wide) | 1,426g71s49c | 0.116 |
Very Soft Wool | Stackables (region wide) | 2g10s92c | 0.054 |
Vial of Kaheti Oils | Stackables (region wide) | 687g32s1c | 0.576 |
Vicious Bloodstone | Stackables (region wide) | 6,797g3s82c | 0.831 |
Vicious Flask of Classical Spirits | Stackables (region wide) | 161g41s35c | 0.167 |
Vicious Flask of Honor | Stackables (region wide) | 134g36s32c | 0.470 |
Vicious Flask of the Wrecking Ball | Stackables (region wide) | 257g64s99c | 0.279 |
Vile Catalyst | Stackables (region wide) | 97s | n/a |
Viridescent Spores | Stackables (region wide) | 37g21c | 0.815 |
Viridian Charmcap | Stackables (region wide) | 681g16s73c | 0.464 |
Void Pebble | Stackables (region wide) | 70g5s58c | 0.055 |
Warped Wing | Stackables (region wide) | 6g49s86c | 0.702 |
Waterlord's Iridescent Gem | Singles (server wide) | 785g19s | 0.011 |
Wax Fondue | Stackables (region wide) | 3g72s86c | 0.019 |
Wax Miner's Sack | Stackables (region wide) | 58s8c | 0.084 |
Wax-Covered Helmet | Stackables (region wide) | 2g17s47c | 0.103 |
Waxy Cheese Snack | Stackables (region wide) | 8g48s23c | 0.010 |
Weathered Skipping Stone | Stackables (region wide) | 1g97s | 0.430 |
Weavercloth | Stackables (region wide) | 27g25s2c | 0.641 |
Weavercloth | Stackables (region wide) | 27g7s61c | 0.867 |
Weavercloth | Stackables (region wide) | 27g83s | 0.678 |
Weavercloth Alchemist's Robe | Singles (server wide) | 407g90s23c | 0.202 |
Weavercloth Bag | Singles (server wide) | 1,205g50s68c | 0.481 |
Weavercloth Bandage | Stackables (region wide) | 33g68s59c | 0.614 |
Weavercloth Bandage | Stackables (region wide) | 65g50s62c | 0.077 |
Weavercloth Bandage | Stackables (region wide) | 29g10s46c | 0.416 |
Weavercloth Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 57g22s50c | 0.502 |
Weavercloth Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 56g50s8c | 0.555 |
Weavercloth Bolt | Stackables (region wide) | 56g14s3c | 0.615 |
Weavercloth Chef's Hat | Singles (server wide) | 543g92s78c | 0.201 |
Weavercloth Embroidery Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 14g66s7c | 0.238 |
Weavercloth Embroidery Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 65g90s74c | 0.066 |
Weavercloth Embroidery Thread | Stackables (region wide) | 3g75s31c | 0.337 |
Weavercloth Enchanter's Hat | Singles (server wide) | 600g65s63c | 0.242 |
Weavercloth Fishing Cap | Singles (server wide) | 266g5s23c | 0.072 |
Weavercloth Gardening Hat | Singles (server wide) | 803g46s56c | 0.311 |
Weavercloth Reagent Bag | Singles (server wide) | 1,149g77s8c | 0.135 |
Weavercloth Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 723g91s45c | 0.125 |
Weavercloth Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 357g3s67c | 0.125 |
Weavercloth Spellthread | Stackables (region wide) | 221g6s79c | 0.305 |
Weavercloth Tailor's Coat | Singles (server wide) | 447g92s33c | 0.138 |
Weighty Shovel | Stackables (region wide) | n/a | n/a |
Well Worn Doll | Stackables (region wide) | 67g52s40c | 0.132 |
Well-Worn Darning Needle | Stackables (region wide) | 72s42c | 0.086 |
Whimsical Wiring | Stackables (region wide) | 38g44s25c | 0.441 |
Whimsical Wiring | Stackables (region wide) | 205g65s67c | 0.092 |
Whimsical Wiring | Stackables (region wide) | 39g52s34c | 0.174 |
Whirling Sphere | Stackables (region wide) | 32g94s | n/a |
Whispering Squirmworm | Stackables (region wide) | 291g15s13c | 0.417 |
Whispering Stargazer | Stackables (region wide) | 20g80s46c | 0.770 |
White Tuxedo Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 208g78s55c | 0.084 |
Winter Boots | Singles (server wide) | 10,303g55s20c | 0.024 |
Winter Boots | Singles (server wide) | 1,449g51s65c | 0.042 |
Winter Veil Egg Nog | Stackables (region wide) | 31g77s15c | 0.036 |
Worm-Eaten Burlap Robe | Stackables (region wide) | 51s29c | 0.040 |
Wormhole Generator: Khaz Algar | Singles (server wide) | 19,943g50s15c | 0.065 |
Wound Dressing | Singles (server wide) | 554g9s53c | 0.085 |
Writhing Armor Banding | Stackables (region wide) | 51g31s17c | 0.219 |
Writhing Armor Banding | Stackables (region wide) | 792g67s63c | 0.125 |
Writhing Armor Banding | Stackables (region wide) | 31g12s91c | 0.113 |
Writhing Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 351g9s15c | 0.108 |
Writhing Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 350g78s2c | 0.109 |
Writhing Hide | Stackables (region wide) | 469g29s27c | 0.169 |
Writhing Sample | Stackables (region wide) | 30g82c | 0.721 |
Writhing Transmutagen | Singles (server wide) | 979g2s67c | 0.146 |
Yellow Dye | Stackables (region wide) | 3s45c | 0.038 |
Yellow Martial Shirt | Singles (server wide) | 145g81s29c | 0.059 |
Yellow Snowball | Stackables (region wide) | 142g2s80c | 0.070 |
Yesterday's Eggs | Stackables (region wide) | 217g68s6c | 0.248 |
Zesty Nibblers | Stackables (region wide) | 75g92s13c | 0.203 |
Zhevra Lounge Cushion | Singles (server wide) | 25,200g11s15c | 0.010 |