"Third Wind" Potion | | 14g2s23c | 0.825 |
Aged Health Potion | | 132g86s63c | 0.164 |
Alchemist's Rejuvenation | | 2s99c | 0.079 |
Ancient Healing Potion | | 1g28s59c | 0.330 |
Ancient Mana Potion | | 3g93s4c | 0.342 |
Ancient Rejuvenation Potion | | 1g66s18c | 0.445 |
Argent Healing Potion | | n/a | n/a |
Argent Mana Potion | | n/a | n/a |
Astral Healing Potion | | 288g77s84c | 0.113 |
Auchenai Healing Potion | | 736g83s47c | 0.250 |
Auchenai Mana Potion | | 843g9s22c | 1.000 |
Bilewing "Honey" | | 14,240g18s49c | 0.008 |
Bottled Nethergon Energy | | 1s1c | 0.160 |
Bottled Nethergon Vapor | | 1s9c | 0.144 |
Coastal Healing Potion | | 1g21s75c | 0.512 |
Coastal Mana Potion | | 86s82c | 0.563 |
Coastal Rejuvenation Potion | | 39s44c | 0.249 |
Crazy Alchemist's Potion | | 1g20s5c | 0.001 |
Darkmoon Firewater | | 304g32s68c | 0.321 |
Darkmoon Healing Tonic | | n/a | n/a |
Darkwater Potion | | 2g76s10c | 0.110 |
Destruction Potion | | 45g28s17c | 0.016 |
Discolored Healing Potion | | 72g60s62c | 0.067 |
Draenic Agility Potion | | 1g60s96c | 0.284 |
Draenic Channeled Mana Potion | | 86s75c | 0.079 |
Draenic Intellect Potion | | 1g66s36c | 0.217 |
Draenic Invisibility Potion | | 7g87s15c | 0.051 |
Draenic Living Action Potion | | 93s77c | 0.050 |
Draenic Mana Potion | | 78s12c | 0.253 |
Draenic Rejuvenation Potion | | 1g3s87c | 0.129 |
Draenic Strength Potion | | 2g23s55c | 0.110 |
Draenic Swiftness Potion | | 5g79s61c | 0.040 |
Draenic Versatility Potion | | 26s17c | 0.026 |
Draught of War | | 89s | 0.035 |
Dreamless Sleep Potion | | 68s77c | 0.024 |
Earthen Potion | | 1g45s65c | 0.022 |
Fel Mana Potion | | 29g54s10c | 0.052 |
Fel Regeneration Potion | | 146g90s17c | n/a |
Fire Protection Potion | | 42s63c | 0.001 |
Free Action Potion | | 117g16s55c | 0.140 |
Frost Protection Potion | | 15s80c | 0.005 |
Gladiator's Healing Potion | | 29g32s85c | 0.276 |
Golemblood Potion | | 37g91s95c | 0.107 |
Great Rage Potion | | 14g28s29c | 0.133 |
Greater Arcane Protection Potion | | 1g93s49c | 0.009 |
Greater Dreamless Sleep Potion | | 66g46s7c | 0.072 |
Greater Fire Protection Potion | | 1g79s43c | 0.069 |
Greater Frost Protection Potion | | 12g62s79c | n/a |
Greater Healing Potion | | 5g62s48c | 0.090 |
Greater Holy Protection Potion | | 242g86s75c | 0.047 |
Greater Mana Potion | | 14s77c | 0.096 |
Greater Nature Protection Potion | | 10g34s29c | 0.047 |
Greater Shadow Protection Potion | | 62g9s29c | 0.132 |
Greater Stoneshield Potion | | 25g90s92c | 0.397 |
Haste Potion | | 33g10s72c | 0.109 |
Healing Potion | | 12s60c | 0.144 |
Healing Potion Injector | | 34g91s22c | 0.047 |
Healing Tonic | | 23s82c | 0.137 |
Heroic Potion | | 14g95s37c | 0.020 |
Holy Protection Potion | | 1g26s38c | 0.017 |
Icy Mana Potion | | 83s44c | 0.121 |
Indestructible Potion | | 1g75s76c | 0.135 |
Insane Strength Potion | | 19g38s14c | 0.069 |
Invisibility Potion | | 61g23s23c | 0.237 |
Iron Horde Rejuvenation Potion | | 9g93s19c | 0.327 |
Ironshield Potion | | 9g20s60c | 0.122 |
Lesser Healing Potion | | 1s14c | 0.629 |
Lesser Invisibility Potion | | 6g19s69c | 0.313 |
Lesser Mana Potion | | 2s20c | 0.046 |
Lesser Stoneshield Potion | | 28g52s15c | n/a |
Leytorrent Potion | | 9g23s50c | 0.109 |
Limited Invulnerability Potion | | 10g98s11c | 0.170 |
Living Action Potion | | 21g77s38c | 0.161 |
Luminous Bluetail | | 62g55s3c | n/a |
M.O.J.O. | | 701g94s98c | 0.039 |
Mad Alchemist's Potion | | 69s98c | 0.047 |
Major Arcane Protection Potion | | 81g90s94c | 0.264 |
Major Dreamless Sleep Potion | | 60s31c | 0.074 |
Major Fire Protection Potion | | 35g84s25c | 0.025 |
Major Frost Protection Potion | | 26g59s37c | 0.021 |
Major Healing Potion | | 14s46c | 0.621 |
Major Holy Protection Potion | | 69g21s42c | 0.106 |
Major Mana Potion | | 27s49c | 0.512 |
Major Nature Protection Potion | | 11g23s3c | 0.038 |
Major Rejuvenation Potion | | 4g9s18c | 0.182 |
Major Shadow Protection Potion | | 6g94s50c | 0.073 |
Mana Potion | | 33s26c | 0.425 |
Mana Potion Injector | | n/a | n/a |
Mana Potion Injector | | 17g82s50c | 0.032 |
Master Healing Potion | | 1g98s7c | 0.231 |
Master Mana Potion | | 80s74c | 0.151 |
Mighty Arcane Protection Potion | | 26g59s98c | 0.165 |
Mighty Fire Protection Potion | | 109g82s87c | 0.067 |
Mighty Frost Protection Potion | | 4g57s60c | 0.015 |
Mighty Nature Protection Potion | | 26g22s76c | 0.285 |
Mighty Rage Potion | | 27g95s48c | 0.150 |
Mighty Rejuvenation Potion | | 50s22c | 0.005 |
Mighty Shadow Protection Potion | | 64g62s86c | 0.172 |
Minor Healing Potion | | 1s93c | 0.382 |
Minor Mana Potion | | 16s53c | 0.010 |
Minor Rejuvenation Potion | | 51s42c | 0.020 |
Mysterious Potion | | 1g74s66c | 0.001 |
Mythical Healing Potion | | 6g23s59c | 0.218 |
Mythical Mana Potion | | 90s13c | 0.227 |
Nature Protection Potion | | 19s49c | 0.003 |
Pocket Friend | | 2,930g10s99c | 0.068 |
Potion of Concentration | | 2g29s21c | 0.128 |
Potion of Curing | | 83g95s61c | 0.329 |
Potion of Deadly Grace | | 1g63s84c | 0.094 |
Potion of Deepholm | | 89g77s62c | 0.110 |
Potion of Defiance | | 61s15c | 0.671 |
Potion of Focus | | 63s7c | 0.010 |
Potion of Heightened Senses | | 22s52c | 0.495 |
Potion of Illusion | | 47g61s65c | 0.211 |
Potion of Mogu Power | | 49s13c | 0.050 |
Potion of Nightmares | | 63s1c | 0.021 |
Potion of Petrification | | 17g34s39c | 0.087 |
Potion of Prolonged Power | | 82s29c | 0.311 |
Potion of Slow Fall | | 88g58s77c | 0.581 |
Potion of Speed | | 4g82s25c | 0.115 |
Potion of the Jade Serpent | | 55s71c | 0.039 |
Potion of the Mountains | | 64s44c | 0.119 |
Potion of the Old War | | 1g2s24c | 0.029 |
Potion of the Tol'vir | | 16g42s26c | 0.127 |
Potion of Treasure Finding | | 185g63s38c | 0.066 |
Potion of Trivial Invisibility | | 33s67c | 0.536 |
Potion of Wild Magic | | 79s78c | 0.109 |
Powerful Rejuvenation Potion | | 5g87s36c | 0.261 |
Pure Rage Potion | | 17g18s90c | 0.288 |
Purification Potion | | 3g13s66c | 0.055 |
Rage Potion | | 3g18s33c | 0.311 |
Restorative Potion | | 15g49s36c | 0.047 |
Resurgent Healing Potion | | 4g61s2c | 0.077 |
Runic Healing Injector | | 13g92s87c | 0.146 |
Runic Healing Potion | | 73s6c | 0.660 |
Runic Mana Injector | | 3g30s72c | 1.000 |
Runic Mana Potion | | 60s46c | 0.380 |
Saltwater Potion | | 13g62s74c | 0.369 |
Shadow Protection Potion | | 2g33s26c | 0.040 |
Shieldtronic Shield | | 21s81c | 0.217 |
Shrouding Potion | | 81s59c | 0.023 |
Smuggled Tonic | | 1g37s43c | 0.357 |
Sneaking Potion | | 3g22s40c | 0.004 |
Spirit Berries | | 17s90c | 0.275 |
Sunfruit | | 63s66c | 0.183 |
Super Healing Potion | | 77s37c | 0.403 |
Super Mana Potion | | 50s | 0.414 |
Super Rejuvenation Potion | | 3g41s10c | 0.249 |
Superior Healing Potion | | 14s30c | 0.409 |
Superior Mana Potion | | 38s26c | 0.313 |
Swiftness Potion | | 8g12s94c | 0.286 |
Swim Speed Potion | | 10g28s24c | 0.184 |
Unbending Potion | | 16g70s42c | 0.151 |
Unstable Mana Potion | | 2g88s78c | n/a |
Valorous Healing Potion | | 1,426g26s20c | n/a |
Valorous Potion of Armor | | 7,465g76s6c | 0.090 |
Valorous Rage Potion | | 4,945g28s89c | n/a |
Virmen's Bite | | 34s81c | 0.028 |
Volatile Healing Potion | | 2g85s42c | 0.519 |
Volcanic Potion | | 11g37s32c | 0.093 |
Wildvine Potion | | 4g92c | 0.074 |
Zanzil's Slow Poison | | 42g71s11c | 0.046 |