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North America
[US] Winterhoof
[US] Kilrogg
[US] Proudmoore
[US] Thorium Brotherhood
[US] Farstriders
[US] Silver Hand
[US] Eitrigg
[US] Shu'halo
[US] Alleria
[US] Khadgar
[US] Exodar
[US] Medivh
[US] Spinebreaker
[US] Gorefiend
[US] Eredar
[US] Wildhammer
[US] Zangarmarsh
[US] Hellscream
[US] Blackhand
[US] Galakrond
[US] Dentarg
[US] Whisperwind
[US] Illidan
[US] Stormreaver
[US] Stormrage
[US] Zul'jin
[US] Durotan
[US] Ysera
[US] Bloodhoof
[US] Duskwood
[US] Elune
[US] Gilneas
[US] Cho'gall
[US] Auchindoun
[US] Laughing Skull
[US] Arthas
[US] Warsong
[US] Gorgonnash
[US] Balnazzar
[US] Anvilmar
[US] Alterac Mountains
[US] Undermine
[US] The Forgotten Coast
[US] Bleeding Hollow
[US] Argent Dawn
[US] The Scryers
[US] Sargeras
[US] Azgalor
[US] Mannoroth
[US] Destromath
[US] Azshara
[US] Nazjatar
[US] Blood Furnace
[US] Thunderlord
[US] Anetheron
[US] Ysondre
[US] Altar of Storms
[US] Magtheridon
[US] Dragonmaw
[US] Uldum
[US] Eldre'Thalas
[US] Akama
[US] Mug'thol
[US] Korialstrasz
[US] Antonidas
[US] Silvermoon
[US] Shadowsong
[US] Terenas
[US] Skywall
[US] Hydraxis
[US] Borean Tundra
[US] Mok'Nathal
[US] Drak'thul
[US] Eonar
[US] Ursin
[US] Gul'dan
[US] Zuluhed
[US] Scilla
[US] Andorhal
[US] Velen
[US] Skullcrusher
[US] Black Dragonflight
[US] Llane
[US] Arygos
[US] Earthen Ring
[US] Malygos
[US] Icecrown
[US] Garona
[US] Burning Blade
[US] Onyxia
[US] Lightning's Blade
[US] Aggramar
[US] Fizzcrank
[US] Suramar
[US] Windrunner
[US] Draka
[US] Darrowmere
[US] Dragonblight
[US] Fenris
[US] Bronzebeard
[US] Shandris
[US] Feathermoon
[US] Scarlet Crusade
[US] Darkspear
[US] Blackrock
[US] Khaz Modan
[US] Muradin
[US] Nordrassil
[US] Azjol-Nerub
[US] Shadow Council
[US] Cenarion Circle
[US] Blackwater Raiders
[US] Sisters of Elune
[US] Stormscale
[US] Spirestone
[US] Malorne
[US] Vashj
[US] Rivendare
[US] Drak'Tharon
[US] Firetree
[US] Frostwolf
[US] Runetotem
[US] Uther
[US] Detheroc
[US] Shadowmoon
[US] Haomarush
[US] Lethon
[US] Blackwing Lair
[US] Dethecus
[US] Kalecgos
[US] Deathwing
[US] Executus
[US] Shattered Halls
[US] Shattered Hand
[US] Dalvengyr
[US] Demon Soul
[US] Coilfang
[US] Dark Iron
[US] Tanaris
[US] Greymane
[US] Staghelm
[US] Madoran
[US] Azuremyst
[US] Dawnbringer
[US] Emerald Dream
[US] Maelstrom
[US] Twisting Nether
[US] Lightninghoof
[US] The Venture Co
[US] Ravenholdt
[US] Alexstrasza
[US] Terokkar
[US] Kirin Tor
[US] Sentinels
[US] Steamwheedle Cartel
[US] Ravencrest
[US] Uldaman
[US] Archimonde
[US] Kargath
[US] Burning Legion
[US] Thunderhorn
[US] Norgannon
[US] Jaedenar
[US] The Underbog
[US] Agamaggan
[US] Blade's Edge
[US] Aegwynn
[US] Bonechewer
[US] Gurubashi
[US] Hakkar
[US] Garrosh
[US] Daggerspine
[US] Chromaggus
[US] Nathrezim
[US] Garithos
[US] Arathor
[US] Anub'arak
[US] Drenden
[US] Smolderthorn
[US] Crushridge
[US] Kul Tiras
[US] Bladefist
[US] Rexxar
[US] Misha
[US] Cenarius
[US] Ner'zhul
[US] Perenolde
[US] Korgath
[US] Tortheldrin
[US] Cairne
[US] Frostmane
[US] Lothar
[US] Moonrunner
[US] Malfurion
[US] Gnomeregan
[US] Ghostlands
[US] Grizzly Hills
[US] Trollbane
[US] Kael'thas
[US] Vek'nilash
[US] Nazgrel
[US] Nesingwary
[US] Stonemaul
[US] Dunemaul
[US] Bloodscalp
[US] Maiev
[US] Quel'dorei
[US] Sen'jin
[US] Boulderfist
[US] Doomhammer
[US] Baelgun
[US] Drakkari
[US] Aerie Peak
[US] Ragnaros
[US] Quel'Thalas
[US] Goldrinn
[US] Nemesis
[US] Tol Barad
[US] Azralon
[US] Gallywix
[US] Hyjal
[US] Area 52
[US] Thrall
[US] Dalaran
[US] Mal'Ganis
[US] Turalyon
[US] Kel'Thuzad
[US] Caelestrasz
[US] Nagrand
[US] Saurfang
[US] Barthilas
[US] Frostmourne
[US] Thaurissan
[US] Dreadmaul
[US] Gundrak
[US] Jubei'Thos
[US] Khaz'goroth
[US] Aman'Thul
[US] Dath'Remar
[US] Draenor
[US] Echo Isles
[US] Wyrmrest Accord
[US] Tichondrius
[US] Kil'jaeden
[US] Moon Guard
[US] Lightbringer
[KR] Azshara
[KR] Durotan
[KR] Burning Legion
[KR] Stormrage
[KR] Windrunner
[KR] Alexstrasza
[KR] Wildhammer
[KR] Rexxar
[KR] Deathwing
[KR] Zul'jin
[KR] Dalaran
[KR] Garona
[KR] Gul'dan
[KR] Malfurion
[KR] Hellscream
[KR] Hyjal
[KR] Cenarius
[KR] Norgannon
[TW] Spirestone
[TW] Hellscream
[TW] Zealot Blade
[TW] Chillwind Point
[TW] Whisperwind
[TW] Arthas
[TW] Icecrown
[TW] Shadowmoon
[TW] Quel'dorei
[TW] Dragonmaw
[TW] Stormscale
[TW] Frostmane
[TW] World Tree
[TW] Menethil
[TW] Bleeding Hollow
[TW] Arygos
[TW] Nightsong
[TW] Order of the Cloud Serpent
[TW] Skywall
[TW] Sundown Marsh
[TW] Crystalpine Stinger
[TW] Demon Fall Canyon
[TW] Light's Hope
[TW] Silverwing Hold
[TW] Wrathbringer
[TW] Krol Blade
[TW] Old Blanchy
[EU] Garona
[EU] Ner'zhul
[EU] Sargeras
[EU] Vol'jin
[EU] Chants éternels
[EU] Arak-arahm
[EU] Kael'thas
[EU] Rashgarroth
[EU] Throk'Feroth
[EU] Dethecus
[EU] Theradras
[EU] Onyxia
[EU] Mug'thol
[EU] Terrordar
[EU] Lothar
[EU] Baelgun
[EU] Azshara
[EU] Krag'jin
[EU] Arthas
[EU] Durotan
[EU] Kel'Thuzad
[EU] Vek'lor
[EU] Tirion
[EU] Blutkessel
[EU] Wrathbringer
[EU] Blackmoore
[EU] Tichondrius
[EU] Lordaeron
[EU] Blackrock
[EU] Thrall
[EU] Kargath
[EU] Ambossar
[EU] Nefarian
[EU] Gilneas
[EU] Destromath
[EU] Gorgonnash
[EU] Mannoroth
[EU] Nera'thor
[EU] Ulduar
[EU] Kor'gall
[EU] Bloodfeather
[EU] Executus
[EU] Saurfang
[EU] Darkspear
[EU] Burning Steppes
[EU] Terokkar
[EU] Shattered Hand
[EU] Khadgar
[EU] Bloodhoof
[EU] Kul Tiras
[EU] Alonsus
[EU] Anachronos
[EU] Dentarg
[EU] Tarren Mill
[EU] Moonglade
[EU] Steamwheedle Cartel
[EU] The Sha'tar
[EU] Emeriss
[EU] Agamaggan
[EU] Bloodscalp
[EU] Crushridge
[EU] Hakkar
[EU] Twilight's Hammer
[EU] Drak'thul
[EU] Burning Blade
[EU] Earthen Ring
[EU] The Venture Co
[EU] Ravenholdt
[EU] Darkmoon Faire
[EU] Sporeggar
[EU] Scarshield Legion
[EU] Defias Brotherhood
[EU] Ysera
[EU] Malorne
[EU] Malygos
[EU] Malfurion
[EU] Rexxar
[EU] Alleria
[EU] Anetheron
[EU] Gul'dan
[EU] Kil'jaeden
[EU] Nathrezim
[EU] Rajaxx
[EU] Festung der Stürme
[EU] Zuluhed
[EU] Frostmourne
[EU] Aman'Thul
[EU] Anub'arak
[EU] Dalvengyr
[EU] Nazjatar
[EU] Die Silberne Hand
[EU] Kult der Verdammten
[EU] Das Syndikat
[EU] Die ewige Wacht
[EU] Die Todeskrallen
[EU] Der abyssische Rat
[EU] Das Konsortium
[EU] Die Arguswacht
[EU] Uldaman
[EU] Drek'Thar
[EU] Krasus
[EU] Eitrigg
[EU] Confrérie du Thorium
[EU] Kirin Tor
[EU] Conseil des Ombres
[EU] Les Sentinelles
[EU] Culte de la Rive noire
[EU] Les Clairvoyants
[EU] La Croisade écarlate
[EU] Outland
[EU] Archimonde
[EU] Grim Batol
[EU] Frostmane
[EU] Aggra (Português)
[EU] Kazzak
[EU] Chamber of Aspects
[EU] Wildhammer
[EU] Thunderhorn
[EU] Elune
[EU] Varimathras
[EU] Nemesis
[EU] Aggramar
[EU] Hellscream
[EU] Ravencrest
[EU] Suramar
[EU] Medivh
[EU] Ysondre
[EU] Dun Modr
[EU] C'Thun
[EU] Zul'jin
[EU] Uldum
[EU] Sanguino
[EU] Shen'dralar
[EU] Tyrande
[EU] Colinas Pardas
[EU] Los Errantes
[EU] Exodar
[EU] Minahonda
[EU] Lightbringer
[EU] Mazrigos
[EU] Hyjal
[EU] Nordrassil
[EU] Bronze Dragonflight
[EU] Azjol-Nerub
[EU] Quel'Thalas
[EU] Un'Goro
[EU] Sen'jin
[EU] Area 52
[EU] Garrosh
[EU] Nozdormu
[EU] Perenolde
[EU] Teldrassil
[EU] Shattrath
[EU] Doomhammer
[EU] Turalyon
[EU] Draenor
[EU] Todeswache
[EU] Forscherliga
[EU] Der Rat von Dalaran
[EU] Der Mithrilorden
[EU] Die Nachtwache
[EU] Zirkel des Cenarius
[EU] Khaz'goroth
[EU] Arygos
[EU] Norgannon
[EU] Dun Morogh
[EU] Blade's Edge
[EU] Bronzebeard
[EU] Eonar
[EU] Aerie Peak
[EU] Vek'nilash
[EU] Azuremyst
[EU] Stormrage
[EU] Hellfire
[EU] Arathor
[EU] Runetotem
[EU] Kilrogg
[EU] Nagrand
[EU] Dragonblight
[EU] Deathwing
[EU] Lightning's Blade
[EU] Ghostlands
[EU] Karazhan
[EU] The Maelstrom
[EU] Auchindoun
[EU] Dunemaul
[EU] Sylvanas
[EU] Jaedenar
[EU] Sunstrider
[EU] Daggerspine
[EU] Balnazzar
[EU] Laughing Skull
[EU] Chromaggus
[EU] Trollbane
[EU] Talnivarr
[EU] Ahn'Qiraj
[EU] Shattered Halls
[EU] Boulderfist
[EU] Gordunni
[EU] Soulflayer
[EU] Deathguard
[EU] Galakrond
[EU] Deepholm
[EU] Razuvious
[EU] Die Aldor
[EU] Marécage de Zangar
[EU] Sinstralis
[EU] Dalaran
[EU] Cho'gall
[EU] Eldre'Thalas
[EU] Fordragon
[EU] Illidan
[EU] Arathi
[EU] Temple noir
[EU] Naxxramas
[EU] Azuregos
[EU] Ashenvale
[EU] Eversong
[EU] Goldrinn
[EU] Lich King
[EU] Greymane
[EU] Blackscar
[EU] Deathweaver
[EU] Booty Bay
[EU] Thermaplugg
[EU] Grom
[EU] Borean Tundra
[EU] Stormscale
[EU] Emerald Dream
[EU] Terenas
[EU] Dragonmaw
[EU] Spinebreaker
[EU] Stormreaver
[EU] Vashj
[EU] Haomarush
[EU] Zenedar
[EU] Bladefist
[EU] Genjuros
[EU] Darksorrow
[EU] Frostwhisper
[EU] Neptulon
[EU] Aszune
[EU] Shadowsong
[EU] Twisting Nether
[EU] Aegwynn
[EU] Magtheridon
[EU] Ragnaros
[EU] Khaz Modan
[EU] Blackhand
[EU] Mal'Ganis
[EU] Taerar
[EU] Echsenkessel
[EU] Eredar
[EU] Alexstrasza
[EU] Madmortem
[EU] Proudmoore
[EU] Nethersturm
[EU] Argent Dawn
[EU] Frostwolf
[EU] Burning Legion
[EU] Skullcrusher
[EU] Xavius
[EU] Al'Akir
[EU] Howling Fjord
[EU] Pozzo dell'Eternità
[EU] Silvermoon
[EU] Antonidas
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